ff7 : flawed gameplay


VII is fun but it presents no challenge at all (aside from Ruby and Emerald, but they're optional). Even IX provides more of a challenge. I really don't see why anyone would want a break damage limit thing unless they were just extremely lazy and looking for a way to kill Emerald and Ruby in one shot.
9999 damage shouldn't be considered a flaw, and Yuffie was far from having one of the weakest limit breaks. As much as people like to disagree, Yuffie, was actually a stronger character then Cloud at the end of the game, due to her Conformer doing 9999 with no handicaps and her Doom of the Living hitting 15 times for 9999, pushing her above Cloud.

Cloud's handicap was that he needs Ultima Weapon to achieve this, and Ultima has one huge handicap...HP dictates damage...so if he's got low hp, he'll do garbage damage, while Yuffie will still achieve 9999 hp damage even at the super low hp.

However, Barret and Cid where the single two best characters in the game though, both doing 18 hits for 9999 with their limit break makes them better than anyone else.

The only thing with adding all the limit breaks was that, characters where only as good as their Limit Breaks. This mean that guys like Caith Sith, and Vincent who could only achieve 9999 once was quite useless to characters like Cid, Barret, Yuffie, Cloud, then Tifa and Red XIII who could achieve multiple successes of 9999x damage within a turn.
unless you count the spin reels that cait sith has.
the most powerfull attack that has every exsisted.
once mastered, can end any battle in one hit, any battle.
although, if you use it wrong you can kill your own party >_>.....
but if used right, and you figure out how to get the victory effect on a regular basis, you win the fight ^_^
unless you count the spin reels that cait sith has.
the most powerfull attack that has every exsisted.
once mastered, can end any battle in one hit, any battle.
although, if you use it wrong you can kill your own party >_>.....
but if used right, and you figure out how to get the victory effect on a regular basis, you win the fight ^_^

That's too random to even be considered good, the other characters have consistent powerful attacks which they can unleash. If you know how to fix your materias in the right spots, Barret can kill Emerald in under 1 min and 30 sec.
doing over that much would be way to easy look at final fantasy 10

99999 you could kill the fist boss form in 1 hit

then in his second form it takes 2 thats wayyyy to easy.

think how ease emerald and ruby would be if you could do that much damage

also the only reason you could do that much in 10 was becasue some of the creations have lik over 3 million hp

nemesis has 12 million!

look at what happened with 12 yaizmat has over 50 million hp... you can only do 9999 (a exception with quickingins ) and he can take hours to beat . think about it
OK, this last post is just dumb >> If they made the damage limit 99.999 in FF7 surely Emerald and Ruby weapon would have had more HP so as not to be easy, which is the same reason why in FFX Nemesis has 12 milion ... think about it...
that was just so just so FF
always has the 9999 limits
it wouldn't be so much fun if you have hp/dmg that is higher than 99999
they make it more challenging
Not really… especially since some of the limit attacks hit multiple times and in some cases inflicting more that 9999 point worth of damage. Anyway, I think a one hit (Kill or Overkill) attack would get pretty boring after awhile, especially with the battle system such as the one in this game.