Help FF7 PC game

Probably Amazon or Ebay. You probably won't like the price though. And I hear it's hard to play on modern PCs.
Probably Amazon or Ebay. You probably won't like the price though. And I hear it's hard to play on modern PCs.

That is very correct. I tried to download the game and there was so much crap that wouldn't let me play it I said to hell with it. For one if you have Vista you might as well forgot even thinking of getting it, it crashes every time you try to open it. And I even tried the patches it told me to download didn't even work. TBH I think your best bet is to leave it on the PS, or maybe another way.;))
A way of getting round the above posts is to download PSXFIN and use that emulator to play the PS disk in your PC.

If you're looking to mod it, then it's pretty difficult and I'll save you a lot of time by saying to not try it!