Summoner Yuna
The pirate and the princess
FF7 is arguably one of the most popular RPG's ever made and since FF is one of my favorite video series I decided to give it a try after I beat FFX. And guess what, I loved it. So I want to share my thoughts with you about the different aspects of the game.
Story- Seldomly have I seen a game with such a good story. The mythos of this game is one of the most compelling I've ever seen. In my opinion, Shinra is the real villain of the game. Their obsession with power was what drove the planet to such a crisis. First, by sucking mako energy from it and second by creating Sephiroth. Another thing that was beautifully done was Cloud's identity crisis. I think it's a great metaphor about how one's worth doesn't lie in power but on willingness to help others and loyalty. The only thing I think could've helped make the story even better than it already is was improving the dialogue, since it tends to be a little simplistic a some points, but when it's at it best the dialogue is just as compelling as any other aspect of the game. I also wish they explained more things such as why Jenova attacks planets and what exactly is she. More background on her would be nice.
Characters- I'm impressed that this is the second time I've encountered a cast of characters which I love. It was great that every character had a motivation to fight for the planet. My only gripe is with Barret and Cid. Even though I like both characters a lot, they tend to be overdone at times. I mean Barret is quite the stereotype and Cid curses every two words. I thought that if they had toned it down, this two characters would've been more realistic.
Gameplay- The gameplay is actually a lot of fun, especially bosses. Sidequests an minigames are also brilliant. I especially enjoyed the whole chocobo sidequest.
Music- The music in this game was awesome. It was varied and rich. And it portrayed the emotion of the game adequately.
Graphics- The graphics are of course outdated, however I can see that for their time they were brilliant.
All in all, I think FF7 is brilliant game that is a great addition to the FF series.
So, feel free to post your opinions.
Story- Seldomly have I seen a game with such a good story. The mythos of this game is one of the most compelling I've ever seen. In my opinion, Shinra is the real villain of the game. Their obsession with power was what drove the planet to such a crisis. First, by sucking mako energy from it and second by creating Sephiroth. Another thing that was beautifully done was Cloud's identity crisis. I think it's a great metaphor about how one's worth doesn't lie in power but on willingness to help others and loyalty. The only thing I think could've helped make the story even better than it already is was improving the dialogue, since it tends to be a little simplistic a some points, but when it's at it best the dialogue is just as compelling as any other aspect of the game. I also wish they explained more things such as why Jenova attacks planets and what exactly is she. More background on her would be nice.
Characters- I'm impressed that this is the second time I've encountered a cast of characters which I love. It was great that every character had a motivation to fight for the planet. My only gripe is with Barret and Cid. Even though I like both characters a lot, they tend to be overdone at times. I mean Barret is quite the stereotype and Cid curses every two words. I thought that if they had toned it down, this two characters would've been more realistic.
Gameplay- The gameplay is actually a lot of fun, especially bosses. Sidequests an minigames are also brilliant. I especially enjoyed the whole chocobo sidequest.
Music- The music in this game was awesome. It was varied and rich. And it portrayed the emotion of the game adequately.
Graphics- The graphics are of course outdated, however I can see that for their time they were brilliant.
All in all, I think FF7 is brilliant game that is a great addition to the FF series.
So, feel free to post your opinions.