FF7 Short Stories


Blue Mage
Dec 12, 2006
These are short stories that i found about Tifa, Denzel, and Aeris. I thught these gave more details about how all of these characters think and are dealing with their lives. Very interesting stuff. Just wondering if you guys/girls have read it. http://one.xthost.info/ffwebnovel/ the short stories were only in Japan in the FFVII:AC special box or something like that.... well, that link is the translated versions of the short stories. Later!
Yes these are all very very good stories :)

and how are you typing if you've never learned to read? :huh:
well...i read it twice on aeris's story, seems like she and cloud did have something
it answers some questions and opens up some other ones too. tho it did a great insight in denzel. i wished it had been more clearer on what Cloud's feeling for Tifa were. no exact statement made. Got to feel sorry for the girl.
It's as clear as day what Cloud's feelings are for Tifa. There are none. All she is, is just a very dear friend who cares for Cloud and wants nothing but the best for him. Cloud has no romantic feelings for her and looks at her as his best friend/mother/sister type figure. It even states in Case of Tifa that Tifa carries maternal/motherly feelings for Cloud. He's just like a big kid. That should have been as clear as it comes.
well...at least we know now that Aeris has feelings for Cloud though :)
its really good. i like the stories alot, but i didnt read Denzel's...what was his story about..?