FF7 - why is it so good?

Why is final fantasy VII so popular and said to be the best game when final fantasy VIII and X, etc have much more better graphics and the story is more awesome than VII?

Final fantasy VII has tiny characters and the later ones like VIII have better characters, better faces and better stories

Just because it never had the best graphics, doesn't make the game worse than later ones. I take it the latest FF titles is always better because it has better graphics?

One of the main reasons that FFVIII and X have better graphics is because they are after FFVII so they would have worked on the graphics to improve the series. Final Fantasy X was also on the PS2. Judging by what you said, I take it you never thought FFIX was that good either because of the character designs?

What about FFVI? That is often considered one of the best and isn't even 3D. Would you question why others like this game because the graphics are not good?

As far as story goes FFX just seemed to simple were as FFVII can even get me thinking to this day.
Well, I just think the story line is better than all the others. And when I play RPG games, I look for good story lines.
I think the reason why FFVII was so good is because of the story plot. I mean you have to admit the idea of a planet having its own life and soul is pretty fascinating.
I think the reason why FFVII was so good is because of the story plot. I mean you have to admit the idea of a planet having its own life and soul is pretty fascinating.

totally agree. When FF - AC opened up and Marlene explained how the planet had a lifestream, it was just fantastic. It really explained something that non-FF7'ers wouldn't have understood otherwise :)
To the original thread starter, you seem to be only referring to graphics which is about as invalid of an excuse as any. FFI, FFV, and FFVI all have worse graphics and are all great games to many. Graphics aren't everything.

FFVII had a great story, plot, and one that almost everyone could connect with a character at some point in the game. An enemy that's either loved or hated.
I think for a lot of people it was the first game they ever played. That has a lot to do with it, IMO. But for me, it was just because I love that kind of futury scifi theme. Plus the characters and story were the most developed I've ever seen in any game.
The fact that the storyline was so well thought through, as were the characters. It made you want to keep playing to find out more about their pasts, and to see how the story unfolds.
Judging a game on graphics is just ridiculous, look at tetris. So addictive...putting coloured blocks together! Hardly breathtaking graphics there.
I just hate when people said the game are overrated and it "took" the other popular RPG's fame(Which I think its a lie), go see Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Perhaps Aeris's death and funeral, nice characters like Vincent and Sephiroth, and very good yet ironic story.
the storyline is actually quite amazing compared to the other FF series. FF8 was just a simple love story which was awesome in its class of FF love story. FF7 is simply amazing because the characters are extremely unique and their pasts tell alot bout each character.
Graphics don't make a game ZOMG!Good. Some of the prettiest looking games have completely sucked.

You need a good story and good characters. I only found X to be an alright game. It didn't really do much for me. And it really didn't have a Final Fantasy feel to it.

VIII was also an alright game and I prefer it to X. It just felt a bit rushed and the characters weren't that intersting except for a few.