ff8 boss easy way to kill

bahumat doom machine

Chocobo Breeder
May 25, 2008
i have found that the dude that holds rhinoa captive is easy to beat i bet him in two hits all you need to do is get squall to do kamikaze (leatnes from ifrit)that should do about 14000 damage then charge up the toneberry king and a good hit from him will kill the dude

p.s:attacks shouldnt affect rhinoa.:neomon:
That dude is a woman, if you're talking about Adel, plus you have posted in FFX section, Im sure someone will move it for you :wacky:

First time I came up aainst Adel I had a nightmare of a time -__- Took me ages, takes me a little longer than 2 hits though, but Ive never used kamaikaze, I just hack at her and keep healingRinoa til she's dead. Not all that challenging really, more a pain in the arse <_<
Was a pretty easy, I think I just used some aura on Squall and bashed her with Renzokuken, while I healed her with the Recover command that I can on Zell ^_^. She was dead in minutes :monster:
To be honest i think that if Rinoa had been given more health for the battle it would have been a hell of alot easier, or if they just got rid of Rinoa from Adels chest it would have been one of the easiest Boss battles in the entire game
I cast regen and shell on Rinoa and just used regular attacks and single target magic spells on Adel.

Her Ultima and Earthquake attacks were a pain, but everyone had regen and shell cast on them too, so it wasn't too bad.

Obviously avoid using GFs, but I didn't use GFs much in the game anyways; I just focused on junctioning magic to increase stats -_-

Although a few times I attacked Rinoa :wacky:
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Haha I have made that mistake more than once :wacky: As soon as I stop paying attention I'l do an attack that hurts them both or totally forget and summon a GF.

I just really dislike this battle :dry: I get impatient and want to finish her of asap, which is when I start to make stupid mistakes :gasp:
FF8 is incredibly easy anyway. The Junction system is just so easy. Cast Regen on Rinoa then all you have to do is meltdown Aura and Lionheart for a very quick victory. Or just use normal attacks the whole time.
The first time i played FF8 i always only just got to that boss, and i had no idea why it was so much harder than the boss's before, and ofcorse i didnt have any idea on the junction system, played it 2 years later, found that magizine for the awsome weapons, got all the magic to junction.

Then it just made the game far to easy from her onwards, i think i one hit her with Zells combo thing (Forgot what there called)
I found Adel extremely easy to be honest (but then again I was always level 100 when i got to her) So I didn't really see any problem
Nah I had my re run of the game afew months back and I never use those GF abilities anyway lol

Maybe if I get around to replaying it one day soon I might give it a whirl but I doubt it will be for a while
I found all of the bosses in FFVIII fairly easy since I kept my characters low leveled and just boosted their stats through Magic. I didn't feel like spending an extra 5 minutes on a boss I could easily take down in 2 minutes all because his HP was higher because my characters were more leveled up.
Haha Adel....

On my first run through i had a poor understanding about junctioning, and GF abilitys, so i got to Adel and was massivly under powered.

And eventually quit.

12 months later im playin through again. and Am owning it.

Not quite up to Adel yet though.
I got to adei more then enough to say that i owned the game, It's like i made it cause i kno where everything at and what gf to use to beat here and stuff so i just playing it for a while.Now im tryin to find it cause i miss playing it.
Step 1. Haste, Shell and attack Adel!
Step 2. ???????
Step 3. PROFIT!

Seriously, everyone knows better than to use GFs, despite being useful. You could try Carbuncle or Cerberus, but the line's drawn there. You can never go wrong with stat boosting.
FF8 is incredibly easy anyway. The Junction system is just so easy. Cast Regen on Rinoa then all you have to do is meltdown Aura and Lionheart for a very quick victory. Or just use normal attacks the whole time.

Yep, I did more or less the same thing. It wasn't a really tough battle on the whole :)

Reading about these tempts me to take it out to play again :P
Mm. The only GFs I ever used...were...(more than just using Shiva and Quetz on Ifrit)
Odin. Well. He kind of does it by himself.
Cerberus. Triple!
I dunno. I just stuck to abusing the Card Game, Card Command Ability, and Card-Mod.
It takes little work if you know where to play cards.

In most boss fights, I just junctioned something like Tornadoes/Meteor/Ultima (depends on how far I was) to Squall's Str, added the opposing weakness to Ele-J, used Str+20/40/60 (dep on how far i was) and then cast berserk on Squall. It was very rare for him to not kill the opponent within a few attacks. Obv, minus the Berserk, is how I beat Adel.

But before that, I mainly junctioned a high str stat to Zell and used Aura on him. He almost always outdamages Squall with Duel (if you've got fast fingers...or abuse a loop combo). I used as many Spr+20/40/60 on characters to outlast the magic damage, applied Shell if needed, and junctioned a good magic to spr. Recover ability (from Leviathan?) did most of the curing. Revive from whoever (Brothers?) did the raising.