[FF8] Would you like to see a remake/spinoff to this game?

Absolutely. I'd like to see a prequel for the fact that it wouldn't be mostly love interest based because, in my opinion the Squall Rinoa thing was too hard pressed to be natural which made me not like it. To me they were picking up where Cloud and Tifa or even Aeris left off. It was lazy on the creators part, but still one of the most brilliant final fantasy games out there.

Second: a sequel would be amazing too, because the war is over- I write fan stories like these- but the war is over, they've found each other. What could happen next? I'm very ready for it. But! I hope they change the new system 13 makes my eyes hurt with the tiny print and its very hard to understand. I loved the game design of 12.

A movie absolutely! But... only if its in CG, because they can perfect the magic and system flawlessly. I don't like live action final fantasy no actor could come close. Oh! And Will Friedle must must must do Squall. No exceptions. If you've never seen Batman Beyond go to Netflix and just close your eyes and picture Squall. He's a hero in acting, voice work, and writing.
A remake to the ps3 or 4....the answer is hell yes as this is my second favourite final fantasy game ever but an addition would be a no since they wrapped it all up and it is done. to bring it back would mean ruining the game and a prequel just would not fit.

Maybe a 1:1 Port just better graphics, but I think I wouldn't even play it...
This game is just too good and full of memories so I hope it stays untouched :sneaky:
Now that the game's been out for over 15 years, I wouldn't mind a fresh new make of this game. I really wasn't turned off by the graphics or game play at all, it was mostly the story and scientific feel of the game that let me down.

However, I can hope to think that if it is remade on an up-to-date console or even mobile app, it may sparkmy interest to play it very soon again. I'm all for a remake as long as it doesn't take Square-Enix away from it's current projects in the series.
yes! but only if they focus more on the original plot. i'd love to see the themes of time travel explored more thoroughly. but with what they've done to vii and x i am doubtful that they could do it properly. :/ which sucks, because i love this game (and 7 & 10) and would love to see more done with it but square just can't handle it right now.
i'm starting to think final fantasy 8 remake would be easier than 7. looking at how the characters are drawn in game it isn't quite such a distinct art style as 7. they have more realistic body proportions in 8, a modern interpretation of these characters would be easy there would be little to no artistic compromises. I think this would lend itself well to a complete remake with modern tech.
I will love a remake/spinoff/sequel to it, specially sequel, where the Great Hyne just come back to Earth.
In light of the recent announcement of the FFVII remake...

Yes, I would love a remake of VIII. I hope that the VII remake does well in sales because it means they might invest the time and money to remake VIII as well. However, I would want them to stick to the same script and the same game mechanics/dynamics. No updating/overhaul/introduction of any new systems, like the battle system, Triple Triad, etc. Also, voice acting is touchy. It's like making movie adaptations of books. Everyone has their own image of how the characters sound and you're bound to have fans who dislike the VA they've chosen, regardless of how many others may love them.

As for a sequel...I don't know. I don't think I would want one. I did enjoy VII's Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus but by far, they were nowhere near the original for me. I'm afraid if they tried to do a sequel to VIII that it would end up like X-2 or XIII-2, XIII-3 and that would make me incredibly upset.
I'd love to, maybe find out more about ultimecia's backstory, or perhaps a new challenge
cool idea
Would be stellar if a FF8 series came out on Netflix directed by Lynch and REwritten by Nojima, where the weirdness and 4th wall breaking are amped up a notch. Basically tethered to the main storyline and stays true to it, but gets fleshed out into a more surrealist slice of life/high school drama type of way with alot of "orphanage flashbacks". Could be just called "SeeD", dreamy Twin Peaks type of vibe. Would be a real trip.
Brave Exvius dropped another character CGI clip, and once again people are drooling over how that character might look in an imagined remake.

In this instance, the character was Rinoa.

So Rinoa looking like this in a Final Fantasy VIII remake would be awesome, but I'm... Less convinced about her riding her dog into battle like Sir Didymus in Labyrinth.


Firing Angelo from a crossbow was already cruel and terrible, but now the poor dog has to support Rinoa's weight as well?

Then again, it does suit Rinoa's personality. She did, after all, push Squall off a ledge and kick Irvine down the stairs.
Would definitely love to see a remake of this game, with an updated action based fighting system and all. I think the characters would really benefit from a a full rework - particularly the female characters being defined more than by their love interests (or lack thereof - sorry Quistis). Although I really enjoyed playing the game, the story seemed a bit unnecessarily convoluted and characters fairly underdeveloped. The locals and different nations would be amazing to see and explore in updated graphics, although there would need to be a few fixes like Deling's rickety bouncing buses :lew: (or not, that would be intriguing).
I think FFVIII could definitely only benefit from a Remake. Graphically speaking they already proved it could be stunning by the Rinoa Brave Exvius commercial, and from the original story line perspective it could really use some TLC. I think in this instance I wouldn't mind a tiny (TINY) bit of tweaking in the story to make up for its weaker spots in the plot altogether. I enjoyed FFVIII but I definitely think it had potential to be better, and while I'm not sure how I feel about a potential remake of any more of these games, I think that FF8 is a good choice for becoming an even better game than it already is. I'd love to see a Remake scene during the parade for the assassination mission :O
I think FFVIII could definitely only benefit from a Remake. Graphically speaking they already proved it could be stunning by the Rinoa Brave Exvius commercial, and from the original story line perspective it could really use some TLC. I think in this instance I wouldn't mind a tiny (TINY) bit of tweaking in the story to make up for its weaker spots in the plot altogether. I enjoyed FFVIII but I definitely think it had potential to be better, and while I'm not sure how I feel about a potential remake of any more of these games, I think that FF8 is a good choice for becoming an even better game than it already is. I'd love to see a Remake scene during the parade for the assassination mission :O

Personally behind this.

I would love to see a "remake" (I see what you did in FF7, SE, don't pull that bullshit again) a PROPER REMAKE, not a Re-tell of all the FF games that I like. 7, 8, 9, 12, etc. VIII would be a nice one because of the above mentioned Brave Exvius, she looked great! The things they can do these days really make me appreciate the games I played back in the day even more.
I have a very weird opinnion on Remakes. While I value the effort put into them, I can never quite see them as a product that replaces the original. This isn't just in the case of the FF7 Remakes additions late game, but for Remakes in the industry in general. I can't help but just see them as an indulgence. I'd rather have an enhanced port over a remake 99/100 cases - All I ask is that the game be converted to fit modern TV's with widescreen and the resolution is pumped up (Something the FFVIII 'Remastered' version failed to do.

But of course , one of the joys of the FF7 Remake is the wonderful little moments and additions we get to experience in the new iteration. In comparision to film, this would be the extra scenes a directors cut version of the film - A stand out moment for me in the FF7 Remake was getting to control Areith as she goes back to 7th Heaven to Rescue Marlene, a moment only hinted at in the original but here we get to experience it. I'd love to see better representation of FF8's World History, from the beginning with Hyne, the sorecerrors war and even a little extras of Ultimecia - A villian who lacks serious presence within the game. Also, another big prblem with FF8 is it's lack of development/scenes with the other party members. It would be great to have extras scenarios where we learn more about them, like Selphie when she returns to Trabia, or Irvines time in Galbadia. In other games you'd often return to a main characters hometown and settle into a scenario which explores the character, FF8 really needs this for it's extras cast.

Tangent aside (And onto another), while I can see benefits for a Remake, I can't help feel it is an indulgence. If anything I just want to see more isolated new FF games, make FF16, then move on! No Spin-offs, novellas, movies, animes or sequels, move straight on to FF17. The pacing of FF releases has moved at a snails pace ever since FF13 and I'd love to see more mainline FF games in each console generation.
I have a very weird opinnion on Remakes. While I value the effort put into them, I can never quite see them as a product that replaces the original. This isn't just in the case of the FF7 Remakes additions late game, but for Remakes in the industry in general. I can't help but just see them as an indulgence. I'd rather have an enhanced port over a remake 99/100 cases - All I ask is that the game be converted to fit modern TV's with widescreen and the resolution is pumped up (Something the FFVIII 'Remastered' version failed to do.

But of course , one of the joys of the FF7 Remake is the wonderful little moments and additions we get to experience in the new iteration. In comparision to film, this would be the extra scenes a directors cut version of the film - A stand out moment for me in the FF7 Remake was getting to control Areith as she goes back to 7th Heaven to Rescue Marlene, a moment only hinted at in the original but here we get to experience it. I'd love to see better representation of FF8's World History, from the beginning with Hyne, the sorecerrors war and even a little extras of Ultimecia - A villian who lacks serious presence within the game. Also, another big prblem with FF8 is it's lack of development/scenes with the other party members. It would be great to have extras scenarios where we learn more about them, like Selphie when she returns to Trabia, or Irvines time in Galbadia. In other games you'd often return to a main characters hometown and settle into a scenario which explores the character, FF8 really needs this for it's extras cast.

Tangent aside (And onto another), while I can see benefits for a Remake, I can't help feel it is an indulgence. If anything I just want to see more isolated new FF games, make FF16, then move on! No Spin-offs, novellas, movies, animes or sequels, move straight on to FF17. The pacing of FF releases has moved at a snails pace ever since FF13 and I'd love to see more mainline FF games in each console generation.
I think out of all the games that requires a proper remake, it would be FF8.

FF8 is the most thrown-together 3D FF game in the mainline series. And because of it, it suffers from making it up as we go kind of situation. FF8 is also the most 90s game ever, for all the wrong reasons. Teenagers borderline young adults who are in a government and civilian supported Mercenary school (treat liked actually normal every day school).
I would love a remake of Final Fantasy VIII. It is my favorite Final Fantasy game.

I think they could update the story and really go into detail. As for the teenage mercenaries, if you pay close attention to the game it actually deconstructs this trope. The teenage super soldiers are still emotional wrecks. I always admired that the game doesn't make them above their feelings and really demonstrates how irresponsible the adults were to depend on the teenagers.

It's one of the few, maybe only, Final Fantasy games that has characters that actually act realistically and sadly I think that turns people off.

The lore could really be extended in a remake and they could really show a good character arc. It's also obvious from retranslations of the script that they changed things around and made it more confusing than it already was so I'd love to see a new translation (not going to happen) or a remake.
I always thought a sequel that focused on Seifer and his crew would be pretty cool. I think even having an episodic kind of thing like After Years where each part focuses on a separate group would be pretty cool.
I think the teenage mercenary trope isn't bad, but its definitely leaning on the saturday morning cartoon vibes. No matter how serious FF8 gives it. Especially because the characters still fall under typical anime-tropes themselves.