FF9 still confused


Chocobo Breeder
Sep 15, 2007
underground O:
I just beat FF9 and I am still a bit confused as to how Zidane had Dagger's memory and why Dagger looked like the real Princess Garnet who had died. Also why Beatrix was about to leave at the end, how Vivi had children, and who Zidane really is. Garland said that the Gnomes (the people Zidane look like) were soulless vessels for the people of Terra. So does this mean that Zidane was actually someone from Terra who was injected into a body of a Gnome? Did Garland actually create Zidane? And if so, how is it that if he was powerful enough to create life, he lost to Zidane and the gang if he is practically a God. Also when Zidane kept asking Garland why he had Dagger's memories as well and who he was, Garland said something about how a life, whether naturally or artificially created, had a parent. Could this possibly mean that Zidane's soul is somehow an accumulation of souls or something? It would explain how he had Dagger's memory. Garland did say something about how past memories evolve and cross paths with present ones which would imply that Zidane would remember everyone's memory, but he does not recognize Quina's memory of swimming underwater (where you fight Hades). It is still pretty confusing to me. And also how Cid and Beatrix knew about the Lifa Tree in Disc Four when they are on a completely different continent.
Wow, you're making me confused too..
From what i know...
1. Zidane had Dagger's memories because according to Garland.. All life came from the crystals.. In other words, the crystals created everything. So.. In a way, the memory is actually passed down from generations to generations. As to why no one remembers it.. I forgot the reason already sorry...
2.Garnet and Dagger's similarities? Perhaps pure coincidence? Don't know
3.Beatrix? I don't know why too.
4.Vivi, how he had children.. My dear, MIRACLES DO HAPPEN!! Joking.. I am not sure about this one either..
5.YES, Garland did create Zidane. I don't know if Zidane was "injected" a spirit of a Terran (Is that the way it's said??) however. Garland isn't a God.. He himself was also created by the Terrans before they went to bed (Eh... Hibernate??)
6. I suppose Garland was talking about the Crystal again...? I am really not sure about this one.
7.Cid and Beatrix knew they were at the Iifa tree because
it was written in the script... Wait no!!! Joking again. Mikoto somehow felt their presence there and told them their location. Don't ask me how she knew.
My guess is that Zidane already told her somehow at the Black Mage Village when he left all the Genomes at. He said he was going to whack Kuja right? Well, that's only a guess.

Some of them may not be correct. Since i merely put down what i thought was the answer to your question. Nonetheless, i hope it helped (For the answers that were correct).
Garland said that life-forms at the time did not understand the evolution of memory or something and that they would not come across the past memories. But what was really bugging was that I didn't the significance of Zidane remembering Dagger's memory and not remembering Quina's memory of swimming underwater. Are Zidane and Dagger somehow connected? Was Zidane somehow connected to the incident 10 years ago when the summoner's village was destroyed? Or did Square just portray Dagger's incident as some random memory that Zidane remembered as well to show that he is not like the "life-forms at the time who did not understand the evolutions of memory." Sometimes I feel that important bits of the Final Fantasy stories are lost in translation ; /.

And yes Garland said that Gnomes were vessels for the souls of Terra and since Zidane himself is a Gnome... does that mean he himself is a Terran (Lol XD) or a soul Garland created. You sure Garland actually created his soul or just put his soul into a body of a Gnome's?
Answer to the 1st paragraph.. What i still (ardently) believe is the Crystal... Not sure how to explain this one.. What i know for certain is it has something to do with the Crystal..
The 2nd paragraph... Zidane might be a Terran... MIGHT, as emphasized.. I don't know if he really has a soul of a Terran, however..
As I recall Zidane and Kuja and Mikoto all developed their own souls because they were such powerful Gnomes.

Kuja was an oddity Garland did not expect him to happen but made use of him and after him created Zidane on purpose with the intent of using him and then Mikoto just in case Zidane failed.

They don't have the souls of Terrans they developed their own souls. The way this is possible is more or less the same as how the Black mages became self aware since th process of creating black mages is smiler to creating Gnomes as Kuja copied the idea.

So I am guessing that gnomes are made with the dregs of souls or something smiler and those three had such a high concentration of it that they formed their own souls.