FFCC: My life as a king release date


Iller than Radiation
Jan 15, 2007
Ellen Stone
FFXIV Server
The exclusive WiiWare title, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My life as a king has been given a release date in Northern America. It'll be available on May 12th for the price of 1500 Wii Points.

The game is apparently about some kiddo who become a king and rebuild his country, via the 'mysterious power' called "architecture" that was bestowed upon him by the crystal of his world.

Source: Nintendic
Good God no! Well, this is one title I shall 100% avoid like the Plagueand handshakes.

Loathed the first one with a burning passion.
yarly, I bet the Sims could own this kid. The fact that architecture is being referred to as 'mysterious power' convinces me already that it's going to be utter bollocks.
I had crystal chronicles on the gamecube, it was pretty good until you turned it on.

Seriously though, i feel so guilty for asking my friends to play that game with me, it was like torture.
I had crystal chronicles on the gamecube, it was pretty good until you turned it on.
That was great >_<:P

I thought the Crystal Chronicles was supposed to be a good sub-series (unless its just 'Rings of Fate') anyway, I don't think I'll be getting it...and by the sounds of it, this is one reason that the Wii and Final Fantasy have yet to become a good pairing, but meh, maybe in the future.
this didn't look very good... and i do have both other Crystal chronicles... if you want one of those, get the DS one... it's much more forgiving... plus me being a young 15 year old with an extremely low income doesn't have 1500 wii points to spare... the only thing that i've bought in wiiware is internet channel in exchange for the use of a USB keyboard on my computer (I'm on my Wii right now... i feel so accomplished) but anyway DO NOT WANT...
Hey, leave FFCC alone XD It was a good game! But I don't think I'll be getting this one. Besides the 1500 (and I don't even have a wii yet), you need to pay for more stuff like races, new buildings etc. I find that bullshit. These should have been in the game from the start.
FFCC was fine on a portable system where the mere fact that you can carry it around on the go negates from the fact it's a below par game. But on WiiWare with heavy DLC? Not going to work for me.
