FFF Dissidia [012 Duodecim] Tournament

Belazor et Britannia

101st Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire
Staff member
Technical Admin
Jun 16, 2006
Ilyxia Britannia
FFXIV Server
Hey all,

With the upcoming site (re-)launch and the introduction of the CMS, I had an idea to start a Dissidia [012 Duodecim] tournament. I wasn't able to get a definitive answer that there would be enough interest in such a tournament, so I'm posting this to check whether enough people would be interested.

Ideally, we'd want 8 or more people with a definitive Yes, but the more we have the more we'd be able to split by region (to avoid latency issues).

What you'll need:
  1. A PSP
  2. A copy of Dissidia Final Fantasy: [012 Duodecim] [sup]1)[/sup]
  3. A PS3 connected to the internet via Ethernet (super important that it's via Ethernet) [sup]2)[/sup]
  4. The "AdHocParty" app (free from the PlayStation Store)
  5. The cable & ability to connect your PSP to your computer [sup]3)[/sup]
[sup]1)[/sup] While I recognise that perhaps not everybody picked up the sequel due to the fact that it was an iteration rather than a revolution, I feel Duodecim is more balanced than the original game. For instance, you can't just roflstomp someone by EX Mode blocking -> quick HP attack -> EX Burst -> trolol.
In Duodecim, you are forced to choose between EX Revenge (combo breaker/block) or EX Mode.

[sup]2)[/sup] The AdHocParty app will use your PS3's wifi connection, so it won't work if your PS3 is connected via Wifi.

[sup]3)[/sup] You would follow this tutorial to send me your replays. This is because it's infinitely faster to send me a 100 KB .zip file than it is to send a 100 MB .avi file, for both parties.
Both participants would be required to send me their replays.

Additionally, a sub-idea that's been toyed with is having the replays casted, eSports style. Depending on the amount of work involved, I might edit the replays so that both perspectives are featured.

We'd be using the "Official (No Equipment)" ruleset (I think that's what it's called anywho) in order to make it the most fair for anyone who hasn't bothered farming the horrible card flipping mode in order to get the shiniest shinies.

In summation:
1) Would you be interested in such a tournament, and do you meet the requirements?

2) If you'd be interested in watching, would you prefer the replays vanilla (in-game audio only) or casted (eSports style)?

Thanks for your time :)