FFF High School (~RP~)

Zeria was really angry...until she turned around, and her eyes locked on someone nearby. She was so distracted by him, that she didn't pay any notice to the bit of blood trickling down her forehead.

"You...heard that, didn't you?"

She felt embarrassed...really really embarrassed. Here she was, running to get to lunch, and she smacks into a wall, then a guy is watching her. Just great...what a way to start school. And she still had gym class after lunch. Then, after school, it would be off to the Gym to do some running on the treadmill (one of her daily habits).

"You must think me to be a real idiot............." she sighed, turning to face the wall again. "Now someone else is gonna think I'm a complete loser. Just great...!"
"Yelling won't solve your problems, it will only make them worse..."

Julian remained there, staring at the red haired woman. He noticed the injury she had on her forehead. "You should take care of that...." Julian then turned his back on her, and gazed upon the clouds covering a darkened sky, it seemed it was about to rain.
She sighed and bowed her head.

"You're right. It just makes the few people, who don't already, think I'm a freak. I apologize..."

Zeria touched the blood on her face and shrugged it off. She'd take care of it later. She watched as he turned and gazed at the sky. She did as well, and walked up to his side, blinking.

"A storm is coming...not too bad I hope, but a storm all the same........I'm Zeria by the way..."

She held out her clean hand (the one not covered in blood), and smiled.
Julian doubted if whether or not to take her hand, still he gave her a firm handshake. "I am...Julian..."

Julian smiled briefly, but soon his face turned silent once more, for he was not happy enough to keep that smile on his face.
OOC: Just to let ya'll know, there's possibly gonna be a dark theme for Faith later on in the RP.

IC: "Lunchtime!" smiled Heather, as she and Faith walked down the hallways. But the bad thing for them both? Cheerleading meeting in the gym. "Great," said Faith half-heartedly. "But we got a meeting, remember? Britney's obviously gonna have it in for me this time." After reassuring her that everything would be fine, Heather walked into the gym with Faith. However, there stood a frustrated Britney. "I see there's no boyfriend with you then," she smirked, pushing past Faith purposely.

"Hey! He's NOT my boyfriend, ok?" glared Faith coldly. "He ... he was just ... being ..." But then the other cheerleaders laughed. "Being nice?" mocked Britney, trying to put on a similar voice to her. "Let's face it, Faith. All guys are bastards. Cheerleading is what's important to you right now! So what's it gonna be - cheerleading or your boyfriend?" The others laughed in her face, as they left the gym. Heather put a hand on her shoulder. "She'll forget it, don't worry," she whispered. But would Britney ever stop bullying Faith?
Amelia watched through the gym doorway, looking at Britney and her entourage laughing in Faith's face.
Amelia got angry. She couldn't stand people laughing at other helpless people.
Her eyes went green to yellow, and she felt a twisted feeling inside her.
Amelia tried to calm down, until it stopped. Her eyes went back to green, but it wasn't over for her until she confronted Britney.
She quickly walked into the gym, and as Britney walked past her, she purposefully bumped into Britney, hoping that she would get a chance to confront her.
Britney noticed Amelia and sarcastically said, "What the hell did you do to me?"
"Bumped into you. Why should I care?" Amelia shrugged.
"Well your gonna have to say sorry then," Britney talked back.
"Too bad, since you're never sorry to those who you hate."
Britney fumed.
Amelia kept going. "Well, say sorry to your ex-friend Faith, because I don't respect what you did to her."
Britney fumed even more.
" OKAY THAT'S IT!!!!! CHEERLEADING'S CANCELED FOR TODAY!!!" and she stormed out of the gym.
Amelia headed to Faith with a smile.
"Do you feel better now?"
Zeria sighed as he stopped smiling. But hey, who knows, maybe Julian could help her find the lunchroom.

"Cool name. I like it....oh, um...do you know where the lunchroom is? I've spent forever trying to find it. I haven't been on time for a single course today. Do you know where the cafeteria is?"

God, she sounded stupid. Here she was, carrying both her backpack and bass guitar (in its case), asking stupid questions. She really must seem like a loser to the guy. Especially after she ran into a wall.
"You are amusing, in good way..." Julian rose his arm and pointed to a small corridor where most students were heading at the moment. "That hall leads to the cafeteria, I am going there and then to the gym....."

Julian then walked slowly towards the cafeteria, it was as it he was waiting for this new girl. Something about her was too familiar, but what?
"Whoa, Britney just got totally floored by Amelia!" whispered Heather excitedly before Amelia came over to them. "Unusually, I do," nodded Faith, just not able to believe what Amelia had done. "Gee ... I never thought that someone else would put Britney in her place on the same day." She sighed happily thinking back to Julian. "So what she's trying to say is that you did a great thing," smiled Heather. "Thanks, Amelia."

"So are you doing anything at lunch?" asked Faith, snapping out of her thoughts. "I guess we won't be sitting with the cheerleading squad considering that Britney's going to be huffing and puffing about it for the next few hours ... but she'll forget tomorrow." Heather giggled at that. "You can bet on it," she smiled.
Zeria smiled and followed after Julian. She couldn't help but laugh that he'd called her somewhat amusing.

"So you go to the gym too? What for? I go for the purpose of running on the treadmills...though I usually attract a crowd by the time I'm 10 minutes straight into running the highest speed on it....oh well. So do you do treadmill or weightlifting?"
"Oh I'll be okay sitting with you, since I have none other," Amelia said as she looked around the gym, checking for any Britney updates.
"Well see you at lunch," and Amelia ran out of the gym, looking out for another class.
Oh, I'm getting along here. Maybe this school ain't bad at all, Amelia thought.
She went to her locker and checked her schedule for her next class.
"Oh, shit," grumbled Amelia. "It's time for Algebra."
She locked up her locker lock and left for Algebra.
Zeria smiled and followed after Julian. She couldn't help but laugh that he'd called her somewhat amusing.

"So you go to the gym too? What for? I go for the purpose of running on the treadmills...though I usually attract a crowd by the time I'm 10 minutes straight into running the highest speed on it....oh well. So do you do treadmill or weightlifting?"

"I am more on weight lifting, I want to become stronger and maybe join the football team...."

That reminded him of the bottle he had in his pocket, and was waiting to use it, curious of its effects. He went with Zeria to the cafeteria, the place was overrun with students, and the area was quite noisy filled with many separate conversations.
Zeria frowned and looked like she really disliked this room.

"Too many people..."

She was really anti-social right now...she looked at Julian, wondering what he thought of the crazy cafeteria.

"So much gossip...it's annoying......I'm just going to get my lunch and hopefully find somewhere that's not entirely packed with preps and other extremely rude people. I'm sick of being called a freak everywhere I go. I can't help that I have split personalities...but those bastards don't give a damn....!"
"Their conversations are none of my business. I am not leaving just because this place is too crowded."

Julian walk through the cafeteria, passing by tables and many students having different conversations about fashion, sports, and daily things. For Julian these conversations were somewhat pointless, but who could blame him? He was raised as a soldier, and he was aiming to become one, or at least become someone powerful and important.
Watching Amelia leave, Faith and Heather walked through the hallways with people waving at them or either saying hi. After all, they were cheerleaders and among the "cool" people. Then they came to their lockers, but Faith didn't seem to move when Heather was done putting her stuff away in her own locker. "Is something wrong?" she asked her best friend. "If something's wrong, Faith, then you could just tell me." When Faith was pretending to do something, she carried on talking. "If it's Britney, don't let her bother you."

"No ... it's nothing," said Faith, trying to push herself out of the conversation as quickly as she could. "I just have a lot of things on my mind lately." She looked at Heather, who glanced suspiciously at her. "Heather, I'll meet you in the cafeteria in a minute, 'kay? I just need to ... do something. And don't worry, it's nothing to do with Britney. I'm fed up of trying to convince her that there's more to cheerleading." Heather seemed to be convinced enough. But when she had her back turned, Faith just sighed sadly and walked off.
Zeria sighed and watched him walk off, then shrugged.

"Oh well, at least there's someone here whose not a complete idiot..."

She grabbed her lunch, then found an empty table in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Finally...some quiet..."

Zeria sighed with relief, and began to eat her fries...
Amelia ran out of the Algebra classroom as soon as the lunch bell rang. She went to her locker, grabbed her lunch money, and walked down the hallway, toward the entrance to the cafeteria.
As soon as she entered through the doors, she walked to the jet line and bought fries, a mini-carton milk, and a sandwich.
She got out of the line, and looked around for Faith. She saw Faith around the middle table, eating with a girl across her.
Amelia shoved through the crowd in the cafeteria, trying to keep track and careful not to spill her tray.
She finally met up with Faith and her friend, who were sitting down, eating and talking.
"Um," Amelia started."Hi, Faith. May I join you?"
Amelia slided down her tray beside Faith.
Zeria finished her lunch and grabbed her things, heading outside to sit. Once she got out there, she sat on a bench, pulling out her bass guitar.

"There's still enough time left that I should be able to practice without my amp"

She began to strike the strings with her pick. Since it wasn't plugged into an amp, it wouldn't make much sound, but she would still be able hear herself playing...
"I must leave, I am sorry....can't explain..."

Julian felt some sort of sudden discomfort, couldn't explain why but a deepening grudge grew within him. He walked as fast as he could, away from the cafeteria and headed towards the open fields outside the school. Staring at the sky, he wondered why he felt that inexplicably mix of emotions.
OOC: wow, we need to get this back and moving again...=/

IC: Zeria sat and played for a bit, before a few drops of rain splattered on her forehead. She frowned.

"Hrm...so I was right...it is raining..."

She stood up and put her bass guitar away, heading back inside. The other people in school would probably still be eating, but she was finished, so she headed to the gymnasium. She had P.E. next anyways, so she figured a small run on a treadmill wouldn't hurt to warm her up before class...