FFF Idol 2007


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    Votes: 11 61.1%
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    Votes: 13 72.2%

  • Total voters
I can eh...make invisible chats in the chatroom and em, I'm really good at acting and typing in a serious manner. Does that count? :)

I can also do some pretty sweet sigs if I feel like it.
I know, but the birthday nominations are nominations made towards members by members. If we had a talent show, we would choose judges, and not everyone would have to participate. You'd have to submit a song, or artwork, or something and have it judged first! ^__^
Yes! I'm up for it...especially that FF Idol thing. People can sign up as contestants, and there will be 3 Judges. Simon, Paula, and Randy versions. Judges will be up for you guys to decide. Singers will record their voices and post them up in a thread, and others who didn't sign up as contestants can vote on whom they like.

Hmm, well you guys know how the show goes. I don't need to explain. xD
Actually, I hate Idol xD

Seriously though, yeah, sure, why not?
But please, please, make it a month from now! *kneels and begs*
I need to have the services of my cousin's scanner to even think about competing.

Where'll we hold it?
Or should I just drop in on the chat room? xD
if we do FFF Idol, I call Randy or Simon.

if it's just talents, I'll be guitaring for u guys.
But actually now that I think about it, we would need proof that the members really are singing...that could turn out to be an issue.

How about (since some people may choose to record sound instead of video) they have to say "hi this is so and so singing so and so"

yeah?? ^__^
Hmm...we could have members submit one freestyle artwork, and then...we could have different competition categories...like...pencil drawing, watercolor...blahblah...

We could even have a specific subject competition. E.g. who draws the best version of Cloud? lol.
I was actually thinking about that too. I mean, people can even show themselves while singing and say, "Hi, I'm blah blah..." and then sing their hearts out. But yeah, this needs some more planning or it can be messy, lol. Like, how long will the show go on?

Hmm, we decided on 4 or 5 songs, right? (Different genres, and the fifth one being freestyle) So that'll be like 4 or 5 weeks then. xD The two contestants left will have a showdown and sing the same exact song, chosen by the judges.

As for the art show, those are great ideas! Will we have certain judges for them too?

And where exactly are we doing this again?
Surely not the chat room, it would crash the place like crazy xD

As for the singing....how are we gonna go about elimination and whatnot?
Do we set up the poll?
And we'll change it every week....'cause us lowly members can't change teh poll, right?
We'd have to make 5 different threads.......not too much hassle though, it's like SOTW, right?
Hmmmmmmm...but do the contestants have to sing the whole song through, or should there be a time frame, like 30 seconds per song?

Listening to (however many contestants) sing x amount of 3-5 minute songs can take a lonnng time. o.o
The competition could consist of singing song portions, to introduce your voice...
The winner of the voice part could then move onto the finals, which of course, would consist of singing an entire song.

THERE's my idea. lol.

I agree with Warbourne that there should be organized competition thread. We could hold sumbissions for a few weeks, then edit the first post and hold voting in the same thread.
I voted for Eyes on me, Melodies of life, and Sancuary
That's because it is. :P

I mean, come on, it'd be one heck of a job pulling that thing off, in my opinion.
I voted for sanctuary. Thats a good song. If to zanarkind was up, that would be my choice.