FFF Matchmaker

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The bit with the trannie. Throwing a glass into some chick's face has nothing to do with this. Except that even after she'd been hit in the face with the glass she'd still be less ugly that what you posted before.
Kandy and I. doubt it 100% though :wacky:
Yes Stang, it has.

Emma Pollock and Jim, take your conversation elsewhere and stay on topic.

I don't like my threads being derailed and being destroyed.
and true that. no more couples now :gasp:
funny how everyone's doing obvious pish pairings and youre doing the "the women on fff id like to pump" pairings :hmmm:
He does it all the time, now he just has a thread devoted to it.

To oblige the OP,
:gasp: How so?
Haha xD
in the spam section. then we wont be bothered by bothersome people complaining about posts that are off topic in a no post count area :monster:
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