Since FFGuy forgot to make a sign up thread
, and since it might be a bit hard to discuss in the SeeD Thread, I decided to make this discussion thread. I want to state clearly, that FFGuy is the owner and creator of the RP FFF Monster Hunt.
Now getting to discussion:
Hydracula, are you referring to me (Cairn) by any chance in this reply?
Now on a different topic, I find it a bit hard for players to regroup if a minimal description of the environment where your character is, is not offered. I am suggesting to describe, at least, something from the area in which you are, that way a player can decided to jump in or out the scene.
I would like to see FFGuy's point of view about this suggestion.

Now getting to discussion:
Hydra was awakened by the sound of footsteps, which meant that there was another hunter near. However, it was probably just his imagination, for he was badly hurt and really hungry. Or more likely, it was just a dream from which he had just awakened.
Wow, I'm getting all sorts of strange feelings... Is there someone there? Or is it a dream? or... I'm getting... visions?
Hydra shook the feeling away, and tried to get up, unsuccessfully. Suddenly, there were footsteps again... what might be it? Up to what I know, no monster in this hunt really 'walks', so then this must be someone, some hunter...
"Hey! Anybody there? Mind giving me a lil' help over here? Hello? Anyone...!"
Hydra struggled to move using his arms and legs, but still couldn't drag his body: he would have to wait for someone to help him. Of course he wasn't sure it was another hunter, but he could lose nothing for trying to get help.
Hydracula, are you referring to me (Cairn) by any chance in this reply?
Now on a different topic, I find it a bit hard for players to regroup if a minimal description of the environment where your character is, is not offered. I am suggesting to describe, at least, something from the area in which you are, that way a player can decided to jump in or out the scene.
I would like to see FFGuy's point of view about this suggestion.