FFF New Skin

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Seamus looks more organised and not so clustered so it definitely gets my vote.

Vb styles is horrible and the other dark one looks pants. Calis post kinda took the words outta my mouth. Dark vision is bland flat ugly messy and boring.
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I loved Dark Mercurial a lot. Its been my skin for ages..too bad its gone.. :(
VB Stylez are indeed pretty wack imo...
Also expensive I see damnzzzz

I voted for Seamus...It just looks the best.

It looks like we're going with Seamus. Anyone else wanna vote, please do so soon so we can wrap this up. :)
you got trolled.... i voted for Seamus twice.... in this thread and the survivor thread :tehe:
Yay! The skins look amazing! I don't know about you all but I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE having so many options for colors :inlove: Thanks guys!!!
SeamusRed :ryan: Now I think just the post length needs to be fixed so they don't take up so much space.