FFF, the RP, take two

At the moment I am just wandering aimlessly and need something to do, or else my next post will be like 3 sentences about me walking even more :hmmm:

Interaction would be nice though...
What's your current location so I can give a better quality post?
Right now outside of a theater, I just started walking headed no where in particular.
OK. I'll give you something that could make you run in the direction of the skyscraper/suburbs if you like.
I would love that very much. I have been meaning to post, but can't get inspired
By all means. They don't have long range weapons, so escape shouldn't be an issue if you decide to run.
Well no time for me to post today, expect one tomorrow
Wanted t0 1et my gr0Up members Kn0w...


1snt w0r
K1ng and 1 d0nt Kn0w h0w t0 f1x 1t :rage: s0me 0f the Keys are d01ng #s 1nstead 0f 1etters and 1 have t0 c+p the 0nes that arent w0rK1ng...h0pef11y w111 be a qw1cK f1x bUt may n0t be ab1e t0 p0st t0day, s0rry :sad3:

EDIT: Fixed :phew: And it was an embarrassingly easy fix :ffs: Anyway, should be able to get a post up soon ^_^
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Shaaaadoooooow! Please post! Kuugen and the other two are waiting!

Also Yumiko if she missed Gamingway's post.
I hope not, I just have nothing to do in this RP...Interaction makes me more motivated, and I have none here :(
Hm, its shadow. I remembered your PM and i think it was shadows turn. We were heading towards Squee, but neither you nor shadow is taking us there.

Im going to post ahead for Gamingway's side.
Maybe I should post as well just because I haven't in a while :hmmm:
I guess we can skip over Shadow and Gavin could take us to you. Yknow, G mod a skooch just so we can move on.