I am not sure, in the form where we originally put our favourite avatar I put an old Laura Marling one. I want this instead now, I think it is for the info card
I have never seen my name used so many times in such a small post before.
I will be the heroes chew toy and then appear at the end as the final badarse boss and will be undefeatable! /smug isn't that right Jeffy my friend?
Forum Name: Cali
vB Level: 23 okay
Mention count: 340
VMs count: 2011
Usernote count: 171
Friend Count: 32
Referal Count: 2
Number of achievements: 28
Join date: October 30, 2008
Rep Power: 21617229
Most frequented section (if multiple, pick your favorite): "No Post Count Archive with 1,988 posts." ---but that's not right it should be spam or Spira. (Optional) Favorite avatar you have used:
I liked this one cuz it reminds me of a white mage!
and not sure if you need this but it came with it:
but I'm trying to have someone make me my own customized one so this one isn't definite yet!
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