Oh, right. The card. That's easily done. Avatar is saved, and I'll send it to Kira once she gets around to the next batch of cards. (y)
Forum Name: Technocrat

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Mention count: 52

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Join Date: October 5, 2009

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Forum Name: Pandora
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Did this instead of homework. Thanks . :jtc:
Jeff....What is my characters role? Am i really the first bad guy? :jess:
Ive waited long enough :rage:
I am making you as "un-lame" as I possibly can, Toni, which is a challenge. -__- Yes, though, you are one of first bosses (if not the first).

@Others, thank you for signing up!
You utter shit!
I better not die :hmmm: I better be a reoccuring character through the whole game!!!
Toni is the Dalton of this RPG now? :hmmm:

Toni is now the Heroes chew toy. Toni should be able to break the fourth wall just for LULZ.
I think it balances out.

(Dalton from Chrono Trigger OFC.)
I have never seen my name used so many times in such a small post before. :O
I will be the heroes chew toy and then appear at the end as the final badarse boss and will be undefeatable! /smug isn't that right Jeffy my friend?
Oh Jeff, I do recall I never sent you an avi to use on my gamer card. Please feel free to use my Gustith one. :megusta:

Forum Name: Cali
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23 :-)okay:)
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"No Post Count Archive with 1,988 posts." ---but that's not right :okay: it should be spam or Spira.
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I liked this one cuz it reminds me of a white mage!
and not sure if you need this but it came with it:

but I'm trying to have someone make me my own customized one so this one isn't definite yet! :ryan:

did I do this right? :wacky: