FFF's Official Gender Poll

Male or Female?

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lol. this ratio is hella good for a video game forum. Hell, I've seen forums with no girls and some with no guys
Yeah I've been used to one's with mainly guys which blows big trumpet man...At least there's some sexual diversity here.

Actually, quite a bit in the last few days too...:dry:
Of course this place is a sausage fest. I mean, rly. Not that many girls that are Final Fantasy fans. *Adds one more for the guys*
Well this just proves it there are more Male Geeks then there are Female lol......... and WOW i didnt know there were that many FeMales on this Fourm... O im Male ^^
Female, last time I looked. A lot of people think I'm male, though. <.< I think the way I word things might make me seem masculine. o-O
Male...I should know...If you can't guess why I know...then you ain't to bright!