FFGuy's tales of FFF rp bio

Alright, I changed the parts that needed changing, that ought to do it. ;)


Name: Rornal Uadd Ledy

Title: Time Traveler

Alignment: Neutral

Race: Dreaming Healer of Time: A race that watches for a disturbance of time. When a disturbance is felt they send themselves back in time to 'heal' the injury to time. Since they are peaceful at times they are also Naïve which makes them very easy to trick when encountered by the injurer of that specific time. Due to their role they have many magical and physical abilities to allow swift repair to time.

Gender: Male

Age: In their own 'time zone' they never age, Rornal looks physically to be about 23 in human years

Hair colour: Light blonde
Hair style: Looks to be brushed and straightened down, it falls down to shoulder length.
Eye Colour: Golden
Eye Shape: The pupil is a quarter larger than a human's and is roughly the same shape.
Body shape: Fairly thin and frail looking, this is merely due to their physical chameleon race ability
Build: When the physical chameleon race ability is not active he stands 6"1 and has a very strong above-athletic build
Skin Colour: Slightly pale but otherwise unsuspicious
Distinguishing features: One thing that can be spotted when physical chameleon is not active is his radiant white aura that encircles his body, this is unavoidable as it generates his planet's own form of oxygen, the aura is unbreakable and irremovable. He also has a third eye in the center of his forehead, during his transformation stages this changes to a bloody red 1.5ft long horn.

Attire: When not in 'battle stage 1' or above he will wear a simple pure white gown, this has no special patterns and reaches from the shoulders to the knees. It is short sleeved and very resilient to wear and tear.

Time garments: He does have a few items that are very unique which allow him to remain in a specific time indefinitely, these items are:

Time gloves: Large, bulky gloves they are golden in colour with bronze coats in between the finger areas. They have a light 'panel' on the base of the hand which when activated releases a Mobilizing Glowing Motion Beacon which can either teleport the target(s) to another area or another time. This can be performed for multiple targets but any who are not of his race would be marginally weaker until returned to their own time.

Vortex helmet: A light green helmet with a jet black visor, it carries various combat abilities.<o:p></o:p>

Assault <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Battle</st1:city></st1:place> Diagnostic: This is his race's battle program which all travelers must wear to handle any dangers they may face when in another time.<o:p></o:p>
Protecting Decryption-Guardian: This acts as a shield while decryption or other activities takes place; it can also shield allies during battle or alternative situations. The strength of the shield varies on how strong Rornal is at that time. Size is no object to him but numerous attacks on the shield can render him unconscious unless he deactivates the shield before his brain takes too much damage.

How many hits would it take for this to happen?
Regenerating Vitality Cyclone: This ability involves making all targets which have been 'locked-on' with the helmet generate a regenerative force around his allies, this remains in effect till the ally is knocked to the floor, the regenerative aura is represented by a light wind. The effect lasts until the target is knocked to the floor.<o:p></o:p>
Cellular Analytical Scanner A.I: This scans a single target for their role in history, as well as their species, age, element etc, basically telling him of what you are to do in time as well as your skills in battle, the stronger the being scanned the more vague the skills scanned will be, often resulting in static interference.

For RVC: Requires how much does it heals.

For CAS: This can give you an advantage, please state clearly an equal cost for such ability.

Personality: An often energetic character when on a mission, he is often difficult to control and generally goes his own way and always tries to get what he wants. When anyone or anything stands in his way he will be very violent, especially when enraged. When he befriends people he is quick to help them, even if they are causing the injury to time, whether intentionally or not.

First Impression: If you were to meet this character he would often know you beforehand and address you depending on your place in history, as such it would differ towards him greeting you with respect to him trying to kill you. If however you were to be superior to him in some way, be it battle or otherwise he would often brush you aside unless you are included in this stage of history.

Strength: In his basic state he is unable to do much more than a 12 year old human child, if in any of his transformed states this can range from smashing a brick wall in a single punch to creating craters in the ground with merely his mind. If striking in his basic form with a punch and his target was unarmoured he would deal 20-30 damage of their 500. If in his transformed states he can increase this to 80, 100, 150 or 300.
Assuming he hits the target...
Speed: In basic form his speed is near to that of the speed of sound when running at top speed, this is alterable since he can manipulate time. When he transforms this can either increase to nearly reaching half the speed of sound or decrease to about 30MPH depending on the armour weight the transformation accommodates.
Endurance: In his basic form he could be knocked unconscious by a short number of direct hits (to the torso for instance). In his transformation stages however he can take nearly any attack both physical and magical orientated. In his strongest armored stage he can even withstand near-death spells (not completely block, just minimize the damage) When running in any form, either basic or transformed he can remain almost indefinite unless the climate or environment manages to employ its own fatigue (heat from the sun, steep hills etc).
Reflexes: In basic form his ability to sense an attack and react accordingly depends greatly on whether his helmet has detected the attacker or not. If it has he can react with almost lightning quick speed and near-perfect precision. This can work in the sense of blocking, countering, exploiting weaknesses, dodging, avoiding ambushes etc. If his helmet has not detected the attacker this will vary on sound, movement, speed and position and the reaction will be similarly to that of a human with an adrenaline boost.
OK, but please offer an example to compare his reflexes. Like, can he dodge arrows? Or bullets?
Also remember he can't always dodge the attacks, for evasion costs energy, thus making the character more susceptible to exhaustion.

Fighting Style:
Time warrior spinning orbiter: This style involves a lot of aerial and spinning movement, by manipulating the gravity around him Rornal can 'orbit' the target while performing this high-speed spinning motion which continues until he hits the floor, starts losing energy or ceases the attack. Though he can manipulate gravity it does little more than slow his descent (half as slow for him to fall).
Laser edge mana striker: By using his laser renzokuken he can amplify his magic spells which makes his spell power increase by 15%, at the same time his magic fatigue increases by 20%.
Human warrior power: By deactivating the laser renzokuken and suppressing his gravity manipulation he can assume a more 'human' sense of capabilities bringing all his battle parameters to an average level instead of some being high while others are low.

When assuming a new fighting style his body will flash light red while the helmet reconfigures his combat style.

When in a different transformation he will adopt new styles of combat (shown under respective transformation)

Renzokuken: A medium weight gun blade, this has a projectile firing capability and is shaped similarly to Squall's Revolver gun blade. The difference between the two however is that the Renzokuken has a larger edge blade which is twice as sharp as the Revolver gun blade.

Laser Renzokuken: A laser edge version of the Renzokuken, this is a more magically orientated blade which acts as a magic amplifier which increases spell power by 15% while increasing magic fatigue by 20%. The entire blade of the renzokuken is enveloped in a red hot ruby-red blade. Despite its appearance it is not a strong weapon and is in fact very blunt and mainly scores damage through temperature.

Renzokuken holder: The holder is a set of straps that go across the whole body; two cross over the shoulders and another two overlap these across the torso. The main holder is in the center of these on the back and is made of Terrogen while the straps are made of Elenium. Both are masked materials that resemble leather and iron.

Come on, you can be more original. Direct references to games is somewhat, not interesting. Try something better.
Armour: None worn primarily

False Lion heart: A false copy of Squall's Lion heart attack, this one only strikes 6 times and is incredibly weak in power by comparison, it is however faster and involves a strike system. It hits at the torso, legs and ending at the head twice in a double 720 spinning strike.[/quote]
Must I say more? -__-
Whirlwind Strike: A spinning strike attack performed in the air, this involves riding air currents while spinning at high speed with his weapon outstretched. This attack continues until he hits the ground/target and can be navigated in ANY direction.<o:p></o:p>

Assault Alchemy: By using his magic he shifts the shape of any nearby object/animal/insect etc into a unique weapon or another type of usable object. He can then move it at any speed in any direction.<o:p></o:p>

True Weapon Flash: The Renzokuken lights un in Emerald light and can then fire small lasers at an enemy, after 4 shots the fifth one is charged into a large wave attack which when it explodes creates an explosion which can lower eyesight temporarily for anyone who is hit/looks directly at the explosion.

Good except the Rensokuken part...-__-
Tarot Magic:
9 of Blades: A light blue card appears in front of Rornal before 9 golden hilted steel short swords appear, they are all double edged and target individual enemies. Upon impalement they create a small fiery explosion.<o:p></o:p>

7 of Bows: A bright red card appears with 7 silver bows with angel feathers for decoration, they all then point upwards and fire their arrow. When they ascend they separate into 3 arrows and descend towards their target.<o:p></o:p>

The Master of Wands: An emerald green card appears with a long bearded man in blue robes which are adorned with silver stars descends from the card and points his wand towards the sky, a jet of rainbow light ascends from it and strikes the sky. When the magic hits the sky it then changes to multiple beams of purple light which charge towards the ground.<o:p></o:p>

The Sapphire: A large blue sapphire appears with a large metal circular base with a torch on each of the four corners. The gem shines before shattering which grants temporary 25% resistance to spells.


Magic fatigue: the fatigue varies on the accuracy of the spells (for attack) If only 4 or 5 of the swords struck (for 9 of blades) only half the regular fatigue would be sustained.

I suppose this is the general cost...



Upon normal circumstances the fatigue would be barely enough to make him need to increase his heart rate to sustain normal breathing, however the spells themselves are slow to be cast and only a slight distraction or physical movement to Rornal would interrupt the spell (pushing him over, slashing him etc.) During spell casting, it takes a second to interrupt a spell on his own as he enters a type of trance, rendering his consciousness separate from the outside world while he gathers the energy for the attack. This goes for every spell in every form unless otherwise stated.<o:p></o:p>

Other Skills:<o:p></o:p>
All transformations require a few minutes of usage before the next stage can be activated (not including basic form to battle phase 1)<o:p></o:p>
<st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Battle</st1:city></st1:place> phase 1:<o:p></o:p> Appearance:<o:p></o:p>
Hair Colour: Silvery grey<o:p></o:p>
Hair Style: Combed back, falls to the neck<o:p></o:p>
Eye Colour: Amber<o:p></o:p>
Eye Shape: Unchanged<o:p></o:p>
Body Shape: Tall and strong, this transformation has a lightweight build and makes use of a mixture of speed and strength.<o:p></o:p>
Build: A strong athletic build which is able to take a variety of hits without faltering.<o:p></o:p>
Skin Colour: Caucasian<o:p></o:p>
Distinguishing Features:<o:p></o:p>
A large horn appears where his third eye once was. (Described in main profile’s distinguishing features)<o:p></o:p>
This form is basically Rornal’s basic form without the physical chameleon ability in effect.<o:p></o:p>
Attire: None, this is a battle form; as such it is in constant battle armour.<o:p></o:p>
Strength: This form’s strength is slightly above his true basic form; in this form he can lift almost half a ton by using his full strength. He can smash through thin to semi-thick walls and can bend most metals.<o:p></o:p>
Speed: Able to run almost twice as fast as the average human, his combat speed and attack speed are often able to intercept the attack of a foe far in advance to human perceptions.<o:p></o:p>
Endurance: Able to withstand most swift strikes, blunt and heavy hits from weapons such as war hammers and battleaxes will cause him to falter.<o:p></o:p>
Reflexes: Considering his high speed he is able to move at high speed, react to attacks hastily while avoiding heavier weapons which can greatly harm him. The lighter the weapon, the more difficult it is for him to dodge, such as with dual short swords or sai.<o:p></o:p>
Fighting Style:<o:p></o:p>
Beat rush: His sword disappears in a flash of light and he then adopts a hand-to-hand combat style, he is also able to create afterimages to confuse his foe while he gets in close to pummel his foe with punches and kicks.<o:p></o:p>
Blade fury: Grabs sword in both hands before pulling a twin blade from it, Rornal then adopts a dual sword fighting style of spins and aerial rushes. The swords are also able to generate ‘light cuts’ with every slash, whether it hits anything or not. These cuts last for half a second before disappearing and will burn the skin of any foe that comes into contact with them.

You can't combine both strength and speed in one transformation. It is unfair for others. You are amazingly fast, or amazingly strong, not both.<o:p></o:p>

<st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Battle</st1:place></st1:city> thruster: A 4.5ft long sword, it has a 1 inch blade which makes it more of a stabbing sword as opposed to slashing. It is crystal white in colour and is light and elegant, Along the blade are several glowing stones, from the hilt to the tip of the blade no more than 3cm apart are a red gem, then a blue, then a green and then yellow. This order repeats until the blade narrows into the tip. The gem leaves a 0.2cm gap from the edge of the sword. The sword is highly resilient to dents and blasts and can hold its own against blunt weapons such as hammers. The slash power of the sword is not as strong as its thrusts but can still manage to cause shock force when hitting another light weapon such as a short sword or dagger. The light slashes it can create are able to block a bullet (when accurately placed) and the blade itself is able to generate a light shield around the user when in a blocking position. This blocks frontal attacks and is mostly used to block small projectiles such as rocks and bullets (low caliber) the gems on the sword double up as a magic source, they can absorb magical energy from objects and living beings and can then be absorbed by the wielder for more magic energy. The hilt is made from dragon bone and has a light blue sphere in the center which generates and activates the shield. Covering the dragon’s bone is hardened dragon flesh which is scarlet in colour and is very easy to grip. The metal of the blade is a foreign material to earth which is nameless due to its rarity but its strength is 20 times stronger than steel and half as light, the sword is also slightly flexible so it can bend around corners while still being able to attack or defend.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
Time Guardian Energy Armour: A full body suit of armour, its appearance differs by the settings and time that Rornal is currently in.<o:p></o:p>
Medieval setting: A suit of black armour will be worn, it will be fairly strong and maneuverable and resistant to blunt and most sharp blows. It has multiple plates to aid movement and has a traditional knight’s helmet. A black cape is worn and when standing upright it will fall to the ankles.<o:p></o:p>
Futuristic setting: A suit of concentrated green energy will be worn; it covers the entire body and has a projectile reflectant shield that can shield against most light fire. It also generates a light buckler-style shield on the left arm and wraps the sword in electric energy. The armour also generates a transparent barrier around the face with two ruby-red eyeholes for Rornal to see through.<o:p></o:p>
(Further forms to be created as made in rp)<o:p></o:p>
Palm beam: Generates an amber colored beam from the palm of his left hand. This beam is as wide and high as his hand and moves at half the speed of sound, the beam burns through objects with heat beyond 100 degrees Celsius and lasts for 5 seconds.<o:p></o:p>
Light beam rush: By holding the Battle Thruster out with the blade pointing towards the target or opponent A light beam will appear, which when the blade shakes slightly will then be fired at the intended target like a projectile. When the projectile has hit a target it expands to twice its original size and then fades away. The effect of it is equal to a sword slash from his battle thruster. Meaning if you run into it accidentally you will feel sword slashes in that part of the body and have physical injuries from this.<o:p></o:p>
Gravitation combat blade: Generates a golden aura around himself that allows him to have limited flight ability. During this state he will have 10 seconds to have swifter movements and higher maneuverability, his sword also has a larger knock back force in this state and is also able to knock back most great swords in ‘swoop’ attacks.<o:p></o:p>
Tarot Magic:<o:p></o:p>
9 of torches: A jet black card appears over Rornal’s head and then a large supply of smoke engulfs his body, as it clears 9 torches appear around him and then collapse creating thick rows of silver flame around Rornal.<o:p></o:p>
4 of spears: An amber colored card appears with black flames in the background, in 1 second 4 crystal spears appear before Rornal, they levitate to his left and right side with two on either side. These in turn can be thrown or wielded in close combat and will remain there until they become attached to something. (Impaling a foe, getting lodged in a wall, etc.)

Weapons and Armours: OK
Tarot Cards and Magic: I don't see the cost....or maybe I am missing it somewhere...please state it clearly.<o:p></o:p>

History: Since the beginning of time itself Rornal and his race have watched over all existence that time has held, each knowing what their duty is and never forgetting. During their long existence they have committed both good and evil deeds to preserve time’s balance. Although a mystery to all beings they are considerably more advanced than almost every race making them more than capable of carrying out missions solo. A fairly gentle race in their own realm their gadgetry makes them deadly in a fight, especially when on a mission. Of course, certain situations with prohibit his race from intervening in a battle, for instance in a case where someone is meant to kill another they cannot intervene without causing damage to time. As such they need to be highly disciplined to not allow emotions such as hate and love to blind their decision making and assessment skills. This is how they have lived their duty since the dawn of time and have not changed since.<o:p></o:p>
During Rornal’s missions in particular he has begun to stray from the path his people have followed and has begun to develop somewhat ‘human’ feelings, becoming more uncontrollable and effective than any others in his race. As he journeyed through different times he made many friends through numerous scenarios, such as in war, diseased lands, internal strife and other such places. As well as creating bonds with many people he also developed human emotion, as they tended to be at their highest during such times. Although people forgot him when he left he rarely forgot them, despite the small part they played on his life he knew he could never be true friends with them. Such thoughts questioned his duty, made him think if fighting to preserve time was truly the step forward and whether changing time would be a better solution. Of course, he never told others of these thoughts and kept them to himself.<o:p></o:p>
As the thoughts began to enter his mind more and more he soon realized that he had to alter himself to stop himself going crazy and doing something stupid. He decided that if he could slightly alter his actions in time he may be able to suppress these thoughts without having too deep an impact on history. As such he began to focus his mind to lengthen the range that his ‘time-sense’ would allow so he could find areas of time to repair without causing noticeable change, as he released the Mobilizing Glowing Motion Beacon and after being engulfed by the light he then picked up the sense of a disturbance in time and proceeded towards it.<o:p></o:p>
Transformations are WIP

Nice, keep it up. One of your greatest biographies. Just adjust a few things here and there and it will be ready. Still, further revision from part of the RP Moderators is necessary for a definitive approval.
How many hits would it take for this to happen?
This would vary on the number of attacks and the attack strength.

For RVC: Requires how much does it heals.
This is a regeneration skill, this continues until the target is knocked down.

For CAS: This can give you an advantage, please state clearly an equal cost for such ability.

Well, all these gadgets require no energy, however I can revise to make the skill somewhat less able to grant information.

Assuming he hits the target...

Of course.

OK, but please offer an example to compare his reflexes. Like, can he dodge arrows? Or bullets?
Also remember he can't always dodge the attacks, for evasion costs energy, thus making the character more susceptible to exhaustion.

I'll get working on that ASAP.

Come on, you can be more original. Direct references to games is somewhat, not interesting. Try something better.

I did change the appearance to make it somewhat unique, but I can change a few bits here and there to make it moreso.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>
Must I say more? -__-

Yeah, that could do with renaming and such.

You can't combine both strength and speed in one transformation. It is unfair for others. You are amazingly fast, or amazingly strong, not both.

Well, if I downgrade the fractionises I suppose that would fix that?

Tarot Cards and Magic: I don't see the cost....or maybe I am missing it somewhere...please state it clearly.

I put that in the original magic fatigue section, though I suppose I could add them in each transformation as they come.

Nice, keep it up. One of your greatest biographies. Just adjust a few things here and there and it will be ready. Still, further revision from part of the RP Moderators is necessary for a definitive approval.

Thanks. ;)
Yeah, maybe when Rornal is finished you can help me give him a test drive. ;)

I would get more done but I don't have much time left, I sorted out reflexes and the CAS though, they should be satisfactory now. ;)

Apologies for the delay, life has been hectic :monster:

Mr. Evil said:
He does have a few items that are very unique which allow him to remain in a specific time indefinitely,

Hmm, I'm a little skeptical about this. Time travel, much less Time Freeze, is an ability to which can be considered both god-modding and power-playing in the extreme. Having the ability to halt or travel in time would place an extremely unfair advantage on your side of the fence. A single successful execution of the Time Travel, and you escape the battle unscathed.

Assault <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Battle</st1:place></st1:city> Diagnostic: This is his race's battle program which all travellers must wear to handle any dangers they may face when in another time.

Can you outline the essence of the Diagnostic? What it operates on, how it diagnoses the battles, etc.

Regenerating Vitality Cyclone: This ability involves making all targets which have been 'locked-on' with the helmet generate a regenerative force around his allies, this remains in effect till the ally is knocked to the floor, the regenerative aura is represented by a light wind. The effect lasts until the target is knocked to the floor.

This seems more appropriate in the Abilities section. Also, you have to outline specific energy costs associated with the skill, as well as any wearing effect it will have on Rornal.

Cellular Analytical Scanner A.I: This scans a single target for their role in history, basically telling him of what you are to do in time, the stronger the being scanned the more vague the skills scanned will be, often resulting in static interference.

This, too, is more appropriate in the Abilities section.

Strength: In his basic state he is unable to do much more than a 12 year old human child, if in any of his transformed states this can range from smashing a brick wall in a single punch to creating craters in the ground with merely his mind. If striking in his basic form with a punch and his target was unarmoured he would deal 20-30 damage of their 500. If in his transformed states he can increase this to 80, 100, 150 or 300.

Sorry, but anything more than 150 is too high. Admittedly, if he were transformed, it would be more logical, but you outline only one transformation. Though you mention that there will be more added as RPs progress, it would be wise to update the Attribute sections along with the transformations, as opposed to placing pre-existing values to currently inexistent transformations.

Infinity Trigger holder: The holder is a set of straps that go across the whole body; two cross over the shoulders and another two overlap these across the torso. The main holder is in the center of these on the back and is made of Terrogen while the straps are made of Elenium. Both are masked materials that resemble leather and iron.

What does it hold?

Infinity spin strike: The infinity spin strike is a rapid-strike melee attack which involves slashing the torso, legs and ending at the head twice in a double 720 spinning strike.

Whirlwind Strike: A spinning strike attack performed in the air, this involves riding air currents while spinning at high speed with his weapon outstretched. This attack continues until he hits the ground/target and can be navigated in ANY direction.

Assault Alchemy: By using his magic he shifts the shape of any nearby object/animal/insect etc into a unique weapon or another type of usable object. He can then move it at any speed in any direction.

True Weapon Flash: The Infinity Trigger lights up in Emerald light and can then fire small lasers at an enemy, after 4 shots the fifth one is charged into a large wave attack which when it explodes creates an explosion which can lower eyesight temporarily for anyone who is hit/looks directly at the explosion.

Energy costs and/or fatigue/exhaustion limits are required, here.

You're lucky you outline fatigue for magic after the magic section :P Even so, we'll need it for the Abilities.

Beat rush: His sword disappears in a flash of light and he then adopts a hand-to-hand combat style, he is also able to create afterimages to confuse his foe while he gets in close to pummel his foe with punches and kicks.

Afterimages will need an energy cost. They're an excellent tool in-battle, but you can't get off scott-free ;)

For Blade Fury, I think I'm going to let the Light Cuts go, since it's an ability specific to the transformation.

Palm beam: Generates an amber colored beam from the palm of his left hand. This beam is as wide and high as his hand and moves at half the speed of sound, the beam burns through objects with heat beyond 100 degrees Celsius and lasts for 5 seconds.

Light beam rush: By holding the Battle Thruster out with the blade pointing towards the target or opponent A light beam will appear, which when the blade shakes slightly will then be fired at the intended target like a projectile. When the projectile has hit a target it expands to twice its original size and then fades away. The effect of it is equal to a sword slash from his battle thruster. Meaning if you run into it accidentally you will feel sword slashes in that part of the body and have physical injuries from this.

Gravitation combat blade: Generates a golden aura around himself that allows him to have limited flight ability. During this state he will have 10 seconds to have swifter movements and higher maneuverability, his sword also has a larger knock back force in this state and is also able to knock back most great swords in ‘swoop’ attacks.

Tarot Magic:<o:p></o:p>
9 of torches: A jet black card appears over Rornal’s head and then a large supply of smoke engulfs his body, as it clears 9 torches appear around him and then collapse creating thick rows of silver flame around Rornal.

4 of spears: An amber colored card appears with black flames in the background, in 1 second 4 crystal spears appear before Rornal, they levitate to his left and right side with two on either side. These in turn can be thrown or wielded in close combat and will remain there until they become attached to something. (Impaling a foe, getting lodged in a wall, etc.)

Will need energy costs here, as well.

Overall, I am VERY impressed, FFGuy, especially considering your history. However, you WILL need to outline Time Travel in the Abilities or Magic section, and it will need a VERY large casting time and a fair energy cost, as well.

So, for now, [NOT APPROVED]. Awesome job, though, and very original. Just fix it up and I'll take another look at it :monster:
Name: Alistair Phelan
Alignment: Good
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Eye Colour: Light brown
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Hair Style: Short and ‘flat’ with a small fringe going across the right side of the forehead just above the eyes
Complexion: White Caucasian, slim features masking a muscular build, smooth and short facial hair and sideburns.
Height: 6”2
Weight: 160 lbs
Distinguishing features: A birthmark showing a tornado engulfed in flame on the palms of both hands, this is both evidence of his place as well as the source of his magical power


Shirt: A light mithril shirt, it is short sleeved and fairly strong, it can keep out cold and block most arrows and some ill targeted sword slashes

Trousers: A light brown pair of slightly tight trousers has a pocket on either side and a small pouch across his back on the waist.

Jacket: A large thick jacket that reaches to the top of his boots, dark blue in colour and has a denim interior material. On the inside are 4 pockets, two on either side which are deep enough to fit several small items inside.

Boots: Tough leather boots with small metal plates over the front of them, the soles are extra thick to resist more impact from large drops.

Gauntlets: Lightweight magically powered gauntlets, they are steel colour mostly with a red ‘underbelly’ the fingers are slim and flexible with sharp outer edges. The gauntlets themselves act as an amplifier to boost the magical power and effect of spells made from the birthmark. It reaches from his fingertips to an inch from the elbow, as well as boosting magic, it also has magical power running through them, enhancing lifting capabilities as well as the power of his punches. The gauntlets enhance strength and speed by 25% this effect is normally inactive and can be activated by pushing the red 'skin' against his arm, this can be pulled down the same way, to remove the boost, while activated it will slowly sap the strength as he will be going beyond his body's natural limits.

Personality: A fairly cocky character on the surface, he shows himself to be fun loving, adventurous and no stranger to danger. However, in reality he is wise, independent and works towards gaining the power that is his by right and by blood. He is far from a pampered prince and is always willing to defend the lives of his friends and companions. If one were to call him names, if calm he wouldn't care less, probably ignoring them or verbally challenging them, if he was angry when this happens he might ignore it, or turn around and probably strike him/her.

First Impression: At first glance he would appear to be like any other sellsword, in it for the adventure, the treasure and the money, he has the look of an overly equipped adventurer, though one who hears rumours of him will know of him as a mercenary, and try to get him to do their dirty work.

Strength: For his figure he is actually very strong, his physique is hidden underneath his attire, his strength lies mainly in his lower half, when lifting he can hold up things beyond his natural strength, due to his gauntlets. With a single punch to an unarmoured person he would deal 120 out of 500, without his gauntlets he would deal 80 out of 500.

Speed: A natural runner, his speed is beyond that of normal people, at full sprint in a straight line he can reach up to 40/50mph when wearing the gauntlets, without he can manage up to 10mph.

Endurance: His natural endurance has built greatly over his years of hunting for the lost relics of his kingdom, this has made him able to hold vast amounts of stamina, even if half starved. When running at full speed he can last up to half an hour, with or without the gauntlets. If struck by an unarmed foe while unarmoured he will recieve 60/70 out of 500hp damage

Reflexes: Due to the heavy weaponry he holds his reflexes can be slow unless he ‘sheds’ some weight (removing weapons/armour), unless the attack is a loud, slow or a direct/in-your-face kind of attack he won’t notice it as easily and at best will attempt to defend it or dodge.

Fighting Style: He is able to adapt his fighting style as the situation decides, alternating between close combat, medium range combat and long range combat. In close range he will alternate between punches and kicks, in medium range he will use his greatsword and in long range, his guns and grenades. With magic taking shape in any of the three. His fighting style may include combining the three weapons, and can become a dominant fighter, constantly keeping on his enemy.

Inferno: Alistair’s gauntlets, enhanced with magic to boost the physical capabilities of the wearer. Works like a living thing, allowing them to be very flexible despite being made from metal, the underside is red and has a tough fleshy material on the outside, making it both flexible and tough.

Fiery Twister: A 6ft long blade with a ½ inch blade and the width is 13.2 inches. The handle is designed to be 2handed but Alistair can weild it skillfully with 1 hand if necessary. The sword is fitted with various jewels, with a covering of steel the jeweled blade is shown from beneath, making it even more deadly when he puts fire/wind magic in it, whether to make it more powerful, to store it for later use or to unleash powerful magic attacks. This is held in a huge sword holder over his back. The sword itself weighs 170 lbs
Fiery Twister

Agni and Aero: Twin handguns built for rapid fire power, both guns hold 60 rounds each. Specially made rounds are used to be able to handle the heat of fire magic as well as avoid swerving from the wind magic. They are incredibly lightweight thanks to the gauntlets, making them easy to move with while still being deadly. These are held in gun holsters on either side of his waist. Agni and Aero (x2) the handle is made from light iron, while the barrel is made of steel. There is a small orb on top of the barrels, this stores up the magic used for attacks. Each gun individually weighs 50 lbs

Magiblast Grenades: A collection of oval shaped grenades, unlike the usual variety that need a pin pull to create an explosion, these require a covered switch to be pressed, once pressed they can then be detonated by use of fire magic. As an improvement to the traditional form of grenades, these create a blast radius 3 times larger, the destructive power is 4 times as strong, and are able to be detonated at any time, rather than wait for them to explode automatically. These are held in the pockets inside his jacket.

Armour: None


Sword magic abilities

Burning Blade: Channels a fiery aura around his sword, enhancing it's power and giving it a fiery element. Also making it more effective against flammable objects, or cold/cool objects. This effect lasts until doused, or is dispelled. Low cost spell, unnoticeable level of fatigue unless used in large quantities.

Aero Sword: Channels an aerial aura around his sword, enhancing it's speed and giving it an aerial element. Also making it more effective against soft or aerial objects, or lightweight objects. This effect lasts until entering a non-windy area, or is dispelled. Low cost spell, unnoticeable level of fatigue unless used in large quantities.

Fiery Twister: Wreathes his sword in fire and then uses wind to keep the fires ferocious and unleashes it into the air. This does not require him to be stationary, though movement is harder to control during increased movement unless he is looking at it. This lasts as long as he chooses, however he cannot use the sword during this state (obviously) and can remain ongoing unless wounded enough to lose concentration. The fatigue starts off small but the longer it is in effect the greater the fatigue becomes.

Inferno Wave: A blast wave of fiery energy, while the fire burns all in it's path the wind makes it spread with increased speed. The flames can then have their height, width and ferocity controlled by the wind. Slightly noticeable level of fatigue, at best it will put a slight strain of breath, almost to the same level of a small jog.

Fire Geyser: Plunges his sword into the ground, after channeling his powers through the sword he then starts tugging at the sword's handle to control the direction of the fiery geysers that rip through the solid ground (creates 6 in total)
Causes enough fatigue to cause him to cough and wheeze, with conditions similar to going at full sprint for long enough to cause you pain.

Gun magic abilities

Fire Shot: Charges fire magic into his guns, creating a far stronger explosive effect with his rounds, also makes them more effective against fire-weak objects. Low cost spell, unnoticeable level of fatigue unless used in large quantities.

Air Shot: Charges air magic into his guns, creating a far sharper effect with his rounds, making them able to rip through most thin or weak material. Low cost spell, unnoticeable level of fatigue unless used in large quantities.

Efreet and Sylph: Places fire and air magic in each of the guns, making one fire air bullets while the other fires fire bullets. When both fire together, they can combine both capabilities for tremendous damage and effects. The fatigue starts off small but the longer it is in effect the greater the fatigue becomes.

Blazing Force Dragon: Places both guns together and fires them as one, instead of firing fire and wind magic, instead it summons forth a young dragon. It is jet black in colour and measures 10ft tall and 3ft wide, it is serpentile in appearance and fires a huge beam of pure light at high speed at it's foe. This takes 10 seconds to charge and the young dragon does not have the endurance to take many powerful hits from magic or weapons as it's scales are not strong enough. Slightly noticeable level of fatigue, at best it will put a slight strain of breath, almost to the same level of a small jog.

Airburn blast: Fills both guns with magical energy and just as it reaches breaking point he fires them both, instead of the usual magical charge they fire both elements from both guns as one huge wave. When it hits something it creates a huge blast as the energies explode from their own power, setting anything alight in a 15ft vicinity. Causes enough fatigue to cause him to cough and wheeze, with conditions similar to going at full sprint for long enough to cause you pain.


Geyser:Places hands firmly on the ground, after 2 seconds a huge geyser will appear at the feet of whatever he is targeting, the spell becomes stationary once the ground shakes and appears shortly after. The heat of this can rip through most fabrics as well as burn and melt human skin, depending on how long contact is made with the heat of the geyser. Can cause the arms to go temporarily numb, making them feel weaker for a minute or two, depending on how much attention to recover them there is.

Fire summoning: Creates a small column of flame, which with the wind magic cooling the outer flame changes it into a mgaical weapon. This can be a sword, whip, axe etc as long as there is enough fire for it. This spell can be doused or frozen to be negated. The drain on him is very minimal, instead acting as a leech on him as the magic weapon remains active.

Dark Summoning: Enflame a huge pentogram around himself, this will burn the markings into the ground and hold them there. This remains until he steps out of the pentogram area, and is necessary for him to transform. No energy cost, though it requires a small level of the caster's blood in order to activate properly. (this can be anything from a few drops to pints)

Earth Shaker: Places both hands on the ground, a long 'tube' of wind is then thrust through the ground, shaking the foundations which can cause landslides, cave-ins etc. The drain is dependant on the level of devastation he is wishing to cause, meaning it can last until cut off at any time.

Gaia Manipulator: Depending on the environment, Alistair can control the very ground and sky, making several phenomenon occur such as generating blizzards, avalanches and thunder storms at will. Costs enough stamina to tire Alistair sufficiently to slow down his combat performance, numerous uses will quickly sap his strength until he lies unconcious.

Other Skills:

The Darkova: By standing within the Dark Summoning symbol, after 5 minutes of standing within it Alistair transforms into the Darkova, an ancient magic passed down by his family through the royal blood. The Darkova form is a three headed wolf with fur the colour of dried blood, when transformed all wounds are healed and it's strength, speed, endurance and magical power/tolerance are greatly enhanced. It measures 30ft high, 27.5ft wide and 78ft long. and weighing almost 35 tonnes. The enhanced muscle combined with the gauntlets (worn on the two front paws, and of greater size to accomodate the mighty claws) make it able to move with agility despite the bulk, and like all wolves is very ferocious and a powerful hunter. It has a particularly strong sense for blood and an even stronger bloodlust, the only thing abl to stop it running rampant is the one transformed's will to be good, and keeping it tamed.

Darkova Magic:

Acid jet: Creates a beam of acid from it's three mouths, if this acid hits anything, be it human or otherwise it will melt right through them, turning even small diamonds to liquid. The jet slowly moves along the ground, but uses all three mouths to conmensate the speed with range coverage. Cost will depend on how powerful the acid is, and the length of time it is used.

Firewall: Spews a huge wall of flame from it's three mouths, when it touches the ground, regardless of surface it ignites a huge wall of flame with temperature that can turn most strong metals into ash upon contact. A fairly low drain spell, at best it may cause temporarily slow reaction time.

Ice Pillar: Magically generates a pillar of ice, this can remain indefinately until smashed or melted and can freeze bare skin solid on contact in 2 seconds. The ice pillar itself measures 40ft in height and width can vary on how much of the 40 ft of height is used. Causes enough fatigue to temporarily render him unable to move with much speed, this near immobility lasts for 30 seconds, or until the pillar is destroyed, whichever occurs first.

Toxic Cloud: Creates a massive cloud of poisonous gas that can choke any living thing that enters it. It is placed between just below his heads and up to 10ft above him, preventing anything aerial from reaching him, due to the weight of the air, arrows and bullets are useless during this time. The air itself is ineffective aginst the Darkova. Minimal energy drain, however it saps energy while the cloud is in effective as cost to stop the air effecting the Darkova's movements.

Hunt: Riding on air currents he pounces before his opponent, cutting off escape. This can be used numerous times, and if he lands on the opponent he is able to crush them to death under his own body weight. Noenergy strain, depending on environment can create shock on the feet, among other effects.

Storm: Generates small fire and ice balls from the sky, slowly aiming for the ground. They are indirect but cover a large area. If they hit nothing by the time they hit the floor, they create small fire/ice explosions and fade away. Fairly moderate level of energy strain, once it starts the spell will not stop. The strain can slow down the power of the Darkova, making attacks slower etc.

History: As a child, Alistair was often isolated from other children, his birthmarks on his hands kept people calling him freak, eventually leading him to b so angry he killed one of the bullies. Not long after he was exiled from the village, before long he befriended a pack of wolves who raised him to fight ferociously to protect his family, having no family of his own he defended the wolf family through every threat to them. Life went on well like this, as he grew into a young adult. At that time the wolf pack was dying out, an when a hunter slew what was left of them he left the cave that had been his home for all his recollectable life. Returning to the village that exiled him was no easy task, a strange sense of fear as well as alienation made things difficult, he wore naught but animal hides and knew little to no human speech. As he looked around an old hermit approached him, immediately suggesting to help him. As confused as he was he had no other place to go, accepting his invitation with a grunt they left for his house in the nearby woods.

For a few years the old man trained him in speech, intellect, solialising and combat, after the old man had deemed him ready to leave, he then began to glow in golden light. He explained about his secret heritage, the secret behind his birthmark... As well as two great truths, one thatto restore his kingdom he had to gather all the old treasures of the kingdom, as well as his sister, a woman of great purity who was necessary to restore the kingdom. With this said he faded away, proving himself to be a spirit... After the light faded, he saw a pile of clothing, as well as weapons that seemed alien in this land... equipping everything he left the house, he then began to live his life out as a mercenary, seeking only to restore his kingdom to what it once was.
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