FFII for PSP. Buy or not to buy

Ain't fans ment to support square???
Yeah, that's what we are doing, aren't we?
We're playing their game, posting all about their greatness over here, having heated discussions and all that jazz.
That's supporting, in a way. :cool:
And I for one would be honored to have FFII for my PSP.

What do you think then of FFII for the PSP, Cloud 2007?
I have never played it. But i really want to try it and will buy it for my psp as soon as it comes out. I think that its a great idea that they are re-releasing all the old games ^_^
Great idea, yeah, but don't you think they're overdoing it a little?
They've re-released FFII already for the GBA just a few years back, and they're doing it again.
Well for me i don't like the game boy idea i mean come on a battery to save your data, that will run out in a few years then the games no good.
Well, I just replied to the FFI one and my opinion stil holds true. Pick up Final Fantasy Origins if you have any one of the 3 Playstation systems and you get a good 2-for-1 deal.
How was the battle system bad? I loved how you could become uber strong at the begining of the game, and then get the Flame Bow from the imperial at the begining. Just thinking about it makes me want to play it.
They make FF games for the PSP now? (I've been living under a rock for the past 3 years, sue me!) Hmm, I may need to get one now. :lol:

But anyway, go ahead and buy it. It's Final Fantasy. It's portable. It's only 40 dollars.