FFII levelling system

I think the FF2 level system was fairly unique; but equally annoying. There was no way to determine when it would be safe to physically progress in the game. I just love especially in the northern castle if you talk to the wrong guard; you are attacked by guards that are virtually designed to destroy your party.
Meh, I did that and got annihilated, can't say I've bothered with it sinse then and i've only just started, I get really annoyed when I die and refuse to play til like the next day (or in the case of FFXII 3 months) I can see this levelling system giving me way too many problems tho
Experimentation of sequel games are common during that period. Mario, Zelda, and Castlevainia all had their odd additives and Final Fantasy II was no exception. However, the leveling system was a bit slow and a bit hard to control too! I always had to keep my character's statuses in constant check and if I let my guard down? I will be paying for it. Its pretty healthy they did that because it excersized their imaginations for later titles to come. But in reality, unfortunately, FF2 is my least favorite game. A far cry from what I'm used to. Even to the sudden changes introduced in FF12. But at least I beat it along with the other games.
Er..I had mixed feelings. The system actually made you use variety (which is AWESOME), instead of just hitting attack over and over again. However, it was way to slow and was kinda weird. I mean, why the hell am I gaining max Hp. from hitting myself in combat? Thought it was kinda corny that I had over 2000 hp and still in the very early stages of the game.

I think they should have kept actual levels and used the game's system for skills and abilities.

Oh, had this as my party (havne't finished game yet)
Firion - Support Fighter and Black Mage (Mainly BM)
Maria (I think that was her name...) - White Mage, Support Fighter (Arrows with status effects are fun)
Guy - Damage dealer and support mage (gave him the status effect causing spells, while Firion had the offensive like Fire)
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I didn't really care to much about the leveling system. ALthough I think I had to lvl up for awhile to beat a boss or two but other then that I think my characters gradually (but not slowly as I power lvl) grew to be strong chars just because of this Lvl system.
I didn't mind it. I didn't like it as much as the usual level up system but it didn't bother me either. Once you get used to it, it can be to your benefit. Sometimes I sat outside of towns and used magic over and over again in battles so that my magic stat would get stronger for the people that I used as my mages and when I ran low on MP I would just use an Inn. I also liked how your people weren't always the same level like they are in other FF games.
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I've heard both love and hate stories about this type of system FFII has, but I think it's money. You can determine what you want boosted up, at what point in the game, and if t means making the rest of the game a breeze by doing it early, then so be it.

Sure it may take a ton of time early on while enemies are still weak and such, but for those who want to play the story and discover the plot quick, this is your game.