FFIII Favourites & Worsts List


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Favourite Character:
Favourite Male Character:
Favourite Female Character:
Favourite NPC character:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Job:
Favourite Magic:
Favourite Summon:
Favourite Random Monster:
Favourite Boss:
Favourite Area
Favourite Place:
Favourite Method of Transportation:
Favourite Cutscene:
Favourite Music:

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst NPC character:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Job
Worst Summon:
Worst Magic:
Worst Random Monster:
Worst Boss:
Worst Area:
Worst Place:
Worst Method of Transportation:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst Music:
Favourite Character: ARC
Favourite Male Character: Arc
Favourite Female Character: Can i say Arc?...
Favourite NPC character: umm... the viking king?
Favourite Weapon: Lol I love all the bows
Favourite Job: Red mage... :holyshit:
Favourite Magic: Mini :devil:
Favourite Summon: Hated them all
Favourite Random Monster: Berserker? (tough guy looking weakling at the beginning of the game)
Favourite Boss: The one you gotta fight at the island... Right before you can change continents. It killed me sooo many times but then.. I killed him :devil:
Favourite Area: Every desert is fun desert
Favourite Place: Chocobo village thingy
Favourite Method of Transportation: Airship ofc
Favourite Cutscene: Can't remember any
Favourite Music: flawless music. Every single one.

Lol too lazy to fill the worst-part
Since i've just had to delete 2 posts, just a reminder that this is the FF3 Favourites and Worsts List thread. Not FF7, 10, 1 or whatever.
I won't reason, but after my third playthrough of the game, I feel that this was needed...

Favourite Character: Luneth, Arc, Refia, Ingus
Favourite Male Character: Desch and above
Favourite Female Character: Refia
Favourite NPC character: Sara, Desch, Alus
Favourite Weapon: Shuriken
Favourite Job: Geomancer, Dark Knight, Bard
Favourite Magic: Flare, Tornado
Favourite Summon: Bahamut (obv.)
Favourite Random Monster: Globlins!
Favourite Boss: Garuda, Kraken, Salamander, Medusa, Land Turtle
Favourite Area: Crystal Tower, Eureka, the maze before either of that, Sunken Cave, World of Darkness
Favourite Place: (Ditto)
Favourite Method of Transportation: Nautilus, Invincible
Favourite Cutscene: Desch jumping into the the Core, the final one
Favourite Music: Prologue, Battle theme

Worst Character: CoD, Xande
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst NPC character:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Job:
Worst Summon: Odin?
Worst Magic:
Worst Random Monster:
Worst Boss:
Worst Area: the field area before the maze where you can die
Worst Place: (Ditto)
Worst Method of Transportation:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst Music:

Last edited:
Favourite Character: Ingus
Favourite Male Character: Ingus
Favourite Female Character: Refia
Favourite NPC character: Cid
Favourite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favourite Job: Dark Knight/Dragoon
Favourite Magic: Flare
Favourite Summon: Odin
Favourite Random Monster: None
Favourite Boss: Odin
Favourite Area: Eureka
Favourite Place: Eureka
Favourite Method of Transportation: Nautilus
Favourite Cutscene: Liked them all
Favourite Music: Battle Theme

Worst Character: Arc
Worst Male Character: Arc
Worst Female Character: None
Worst NPC character: None
Worst Weapon: Harp
Worst Job: Bard
Worst Summon: Titan
Worst Magic: Blind
Worst Random Monster: None
Worst Boss: Medusa
Worst Area: Desert
Worst Place: The Elder Tree
Worst Method of Transportation: Enterprise
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: None
Final Fantasy III is my favorite FF Game ever and it has my favorite Villain ever!

Favourite Character: Cloud of Darkness (Greatest FF Villain Ever)
Favourite Male Character: Luneth
Favourite Female Character: Cloud of Darkness (Greatest FF Villain ever)
Favourite NPC character: Sarah
Favourite Weapon: Onion sword
Favourite Job: Onion Knight
Favourite Magic: Flare
Favourite Summon: Bahamut
Favourite Random Monster: Red Dragon
Favourite Boss: Cloud of Darkness (Best FF Villain Ever!)
Favourite Area: Styx Tower
Favourite Place: Styx Tower
Favourite Method of Transportation: Advanced Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Cloud of Darkness awakening
Favourite Music: Cloud of Darkness Battle

Worst Character: None
Worst Male Character: None
Worst Female Character: None
Worst NPC character: None
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Job: Scholar
Worst Summon: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Random Monster: Goblin (So Easy)
Worst Boss: None
Worst Area: None
Worst Place: None
Worst Method of Transportation: None
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: None
Favourite Character: Refia
Favourite Male Character: Ingus
Favourite Female Character:Refia
Favourite NPC character: Sarah
Favourite Weapon: Onion Sword
Favourite Job: Onion Knight
Favourite Magic: Flare
Favourite Summon: Bahamut
Favourite Random Monster: Mermaid
Favourite Boss: Cloud of Darkness
Favourite Area: Sea of the Surface world ( it has loads of cool enemies)
Favourite Place: Forbidden lands Eureka
Favourite Method of Transportation: Air Ship
Favourite Cutscene: Opening Cutscene
Favourite Music: Final Fantasy 3 Medly

Worst Character: Arc
Worst Male Character: Arc
Worst Female Character: N/A
Worst NPC character: Xande
Worst Weapon: Harp
Worst Job: Bard
Worst Summon: Titan
Worst Magic: Blind
Worst Random Monster: Goblins
Worst Boss: Xande
Worst Area: Nepto Temple
Worst Place: Nepto Temple
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: None 8Bit FTW