FFIV: Love it or Hate it?

Some spoilers here, I suppose I should warn, although I think we're past the statute of limitations for spoilers on a 20 year old game. Also, moderators, if you think this would be better in the "I just beat FFIV! Here is my review" thread (which it probably would be, in retrospect), feel free to move it.

I came to this forum seeking insight into the massive hype behind this game. Allow me to preface this by saying that I've been around Final Fantasy for a long time...I still have the FF1 strategy guide that Nintendo Power sent me as part of my subscription. That being said, I never owned/completed a Final Fantasy game until FF6 (overprotective mother...don't ask...), although I played decent chunks of the other two U.S. releases through friends, etc.

Anyway, I have recently begun an effort to play through my unfinished Final Fantasies. I completed 6 through 10 at the time of their release, and I've finished 1 through 4 in the past couple of months. 4 left me COMPLETELY underwhelmed, to the point where I found myself repeatedly wishing that the game would just hurry up and end. "Am I crazy?" I found myself wondering. "Why can I not enjoy this game that so many claim is their favorite?" I still don't have the answer to this question. Let me address a few of the supposed strengths of this game:

The story and characters in this game are a major step up from 1-3, that much is indisputable. Still, the presentation was so very....brief? I understand that this was the SNES era, and space limitations ruled the day, but it felt like I was getting the Cliff's Notes version of a good story. "Cecil is a dark knight who has to choose between his loyalty and his morals? That sounds like a cool premise!" And it is, but it never really felt like it was fleshed out. From the beginning, Cecil felt like a "good guy," despite his class text. There was never any doubt that he would choose the "good" path. Add in the fact that he became a paladin just a few hours into the game, and that whole story arc is pretty much resolved.

Everything else is pretty standard RPG/Fantasy cliche, except for the sweet moon part. Every other character in the game can be fully described in 2 sentences. Sure, they had personality and charm, and that's great, but hearing people say that this story is the "best" of the series leaves me scratching my head. It isn't better than your average book or movie that was released in '91, and it certainly isn't better than any average RPG released in the past 10-15 years.

As far as negatives go....the battle system, oh my, the battle system. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this the only FF where you have absolutely zero control over the customization of your party and their skills/abilities? One of the hallmarks of a good RPG to me is the ability to build up my characters in the way I see fit, and this game was sorely lacking in this department. I don't mind grinding levels in most RPGs (it comes with the territory, of course), but in this game is felt like such a chore. In FF5 (for comparison), I feel like I'm working toward unlocking some cool abilities, or mastering a class, etc. In this game, it feel like I'm just playing to get higher stats. Snoozefest.

I did appreciate the challenge (PSX version), but really, what does that really matter in an RPG? It's a genre that's designed around the notion that you can overcome any challenge through leveling if worse comes to worse. Most of the time, "challenge" = "repeat until you get lucky" in an RPG, anyway (as in, "I hope he doesn't cast Big Bang twice before I can heal!"). Of course, in a game that offers real choices in party/character building, you can overcome challenge with strategy. That's not really the case in this game.

Anyway, to conclude, it wasn't a terrible game, and I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't just blasted through 3 other similar JRPGs. Still, apart from nostalgia or a Citizen Kane-esque "it was innovative, look what it did for the genre!" claim, I can't imagine why anyone would include this among their favorite Final Fantasies.
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Eh, I tried to get into this game but for some reason I couln't get that far into it. I'm not saying that it's a bad game, but it just didn't work for me. I got to the beginning and then I just had to turn it off. Maybe I was just tired that day. I can't really say I have a solid opinion of the game, but I don't see it as being one of the games in the series that I get around to finishing. Maybe if I decide to get it on the DS but I don't see that happening since I don't really play it anymore.
personally i love it the story was decent the gameplay was expected but had abit of extra in it in the DS version that kinda helped me in the long run and plus it introude my favorite FF girl: Rydia :D
This game truly has an amazing story. I haven't finished it yet (I only just reached the part where they talk about the Dark crystals), but so far it's really epic. Tellah is amazing (YOU SPOONY BARD), and Golbez is an epic villain. I like the combat in this game too. The soundtrack is one of the best, though my favorite soundtrack is FF8. Too bad I can only play this game at my grandparents house. I wanna play it right now, but I don't have an SNES to play it at my house.

Eh, I tried to get into this game but for some reason I couln't get that far into it. I'm not saying that it's a bad game, but it just didn't work for me. I got to the beginning and then I just had to turn it off. Maybe I was just tired that day. I can't really say I have a solid opinion of the game, but I don't see it as being one of the games in the series that I get around to finishing. Maybe if I decide to get it on the DS but I don't see that happening since I don't really play it anymore.

Eh, no worries. I've felt that about certain games/books too. I feel this way about FF12.
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I love this game. It's the first one I have ever played. If it wasn't for it, I'm not sure if I'd be into Final Fantasy like I am.


Tellah to Edward: You spoony bard!

That line never ceases to make me laugh.

Is it bad that if I'm playing and look away for some reason and miss the line, I get upset (not crying, but pouty)? :gasp:

And in the DS version the bosses are way overpowered!

I don't think it's so much that the bosses are overpowered. I think they were a little underpowered in the SNES, PS, and GBA versions (plus, being a 20 some year old game...I remember when I was younger, some bosses seemed pretty hard. But now, there are none that really pose a challenge to me, not even the Demon Wall). Now, there are some bosses I will agree are very tough, but still wouldn't necessarily say overpowered. The Dark Elf is pretty tough now, compared to every other version. Scarmiglione can be tough too.

I do know that the DS version is closer to how the game should have been. I had heard that a good bit (finalfantasy.wikia.com has it at 3/4) of the original script had been cut out of the SNES version. Some of it did come back though.
I loved it, especially the main character Cecil - he was just such an interesting character in many ways, especially how he changed as the story went on. I would rank it as my second or third favorite of the series.
I liked the game and the characters. It seems like all you have to do if you get stuck is level up, and I like this because for me this concept was pretty much the core of the game.

But for a question, is the DS remake worth getting even though I've beaten the standard? Will there be very much difference?

Tellah to Edward: You spoony bard!

That line never ceases to make me laugh.

I always read that its in FF II (which IV was way back in the day) so I always think its in the real II. I think I saw it in that game too... >.< I'm confused now. I'm going to shut up...
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
I like it, just like every other FF game I've played so far. Characters are some of the best, the story is not bad, and I am guessing this was one of the milestone games in the series that was the basis of some of the features current FF games have. However despite all that I still prefer FFVI more.
I absolutely love FFIV, and I can safely say it's my favorite out of all of the other Final Fantasy games. The storyline was very easy to understand and at the same time has some plot twists that I would have never expect to see. I would say that out of the other games, IV is the most unique, and I had a blast playing it.

But for a question, is the DS remake worth getting even though I've beaten the standard? Will there be very much difference?

I have never played the NDES version of the game, but I do have the DS version and I think you'd like it, if not love it. If you're more of a classic version type of person, you may not expect anything too new from the gameplay, but the re-make is quite impressive.
I thought this game was awesome. :3 It had really involving characters (Rosa, Cecil and Kain being my personal favs) and the plot was really enthralling. The entire game felt really mystic and.. Like a Fantasy game should! x3
Totally loved it, its on my top favorites games. Why you may ask?
For the great history that the game offers and for the uniqueness of each character that i played!!! Who didnt love Palom and Porom, those little brats that helped Cecil :-), who didnt love edge and his super ninja skills :P and Tellah for being a stubborn, yet wise man.

So this concludes my opinion about FFIV, and also i played this game to the end 4 times and still didnt got tired of it :D
Absolutely love this game. Possibly my favorite in the series. Cecil and Kain remain two of my favorite FF characters, although I used to think that all the pictures of Paladin Cecil were of a girl...
This game is one of my favorite FF's in the series. I haven't played the SNES or GBA versions. I only have the DS version of it. But either way, I still love it. There wasn't a character in this game that I didn't like and the story is amazing. It's pretty difficult, though. It's probably the hardest FF i've ever played. Even the random-encounter battles were difficult. :gasp:

Anyway, it's a great game and is something that can be replayed over and over again.
i like the game its a pain in the but though

Thats kind of how I feel about it lol.. Why do the monsters get so many turns in this game? I feel like they are all attacking five times for everytime i get one turn.. And if its a back attack forget it.. Very frustrating!
Love it. VIII, VI and IV happen to be my favorite games. I have played the SNES version only, so 'walking' through the whole game was a pain, but you get used to it. The game wasn't that hard for me, not at least till the final dungeon. I had to grind 10 levels there... Anyway... A great game. It's a shame that FFV wasn't that good.
Of course I love it Why?... well I remember before FFIV I played FFVII then one day I got FFIV to my GBA all my friends and my brother said allways "Grow up dont play those game wich has rubbish graphics" but FFIV was so epic that I could not stop playing it and know I am happy that I did not listen to my brother and my friends even thought they still call me kid cuz I play games which has "Shitty graphics". That is my FFIV story,