FFVI New character for DISSIDIA


A wandering illusionist...
Apr 12, 2011
Which FFVI character would you like to see in the next Dissidia game and why?

Plz also explain what the character's EX mode would be? Let's be creative XD
Edgar for sure, the guy is and was a great character and definitely deserves some screen time and his own lime-lite, I think its highly unlikely though because well its FFVI and SE never gives that game love, but yeah it would either have to be Edgar or Setzer, but Setzer was in Kingdom Hearts so that could either make the reason he is/isn't the next VI character.

I'd over all prefer Edgar though.
Sabin might be nice as well.

I'm supposing his Ex Burst will likely be the same as his Blitz techniques... Though honestly, I doubt they will do that anytime soon -- unless they release him as a character that you could buy.
I'm a bit mixed between Edgar and Setzer. Both of them have unique abilities that could strive in the Dissidia series. However I love the idea of having Edgar, and Sabin coming in with the Ex- Burst, and helping each other in the Ex- Burst as some sort of brotherly team. Celes being apart of the Chaos team and working with Kefka and then moving sides to Cosmos, like how she parted ways with the empire in the original, would be good too. :mokken:
Vincent Valentine for sure! it would be freakin' AWESOME to have him as a playable character.
And he turns into Chaos in Exmode ofc.
Vincent gotta be the most powerful character in the FF series : )
Vincent Valentine for sure! it would be freakin' AWESOME to have him as a playable character.
And he turns into Chaos in Exmode ofc.
Vincent gotta be the most powerful character in the FF series : )

Cloud1001. This is for Final Fantasy 6 , not Final Fantasy 7. -__- Since SE didn't add any new FF6 characters in Dissida and has forgotten it's whole existence. :ahmed:
I personally wanted Celes way back when I was playing Dissidia cause I disliked what they did with Terra and would have preferred a stronger female character. And that fits Celes perfectly. She's a good fighter and would have been a great addition to Dissidia.

Now I would still go for her or possibly Shadow. Cause I want a ninja in the game. Or possibly Locke.
I agree with Waitress Girl, Edgar is my favourite Final Fantasy 6 character (along with Terra). He's pretty humorous, but can be serious. And his tools would make a great playing style, or they could just give him a sword, or spears, and make all his tools his ex-mode, and chain saw his ex burst. I think a great ex-mode ability would be to use chainsaw, and have a 50% percent chance of inflicting break, or, the ex mode would end. However, i'd also love to see him duel-weilding lightsaber-ultima weapons, as that's what I always gave him :P Anyway. in a nutshell, Edgar would be the best.
Mog is already in the game. Both in story wide (Terra hugged him! :D) and through the manuals. It would be interesting to see a little fur ball carrying a spear in fight mode though. I have a feeling it would be like Shantto (?) and Onion Knight mixed together xD

Personally, I would love to see Edgar, or maybe Celes. I would like to see Celes in hopes of them not screwing her character up and giving her just magic. I want an actual good female character to battle around with swords AND magic, something Terra was supposed to be. Plus, Celes' character is just awesome and seeing her interact with the more "moody" people (*coughSquall&Cloudcough*) would be really funny. And I'm curious to see how she'd act around Buntz since the guy is practically a more cheery Locke. lol *Also, I would hope they would give her a chilly, ice cold voice. xD*

I would love to see Edgar in the game because he would offer a lot of new variety. His tools, his sword skills and his spear skills. It would be nice to see how SE handled his diversity in weapons and skills (magic too), and if they would give him an alt that looked like Sabin. It would especially be nice to see Edgar's interactions with Cloud and Zidane. I think he would like the two very much, besides the ladies of course (he would totally fall for Yuna's personality xD). Someone has to be the (better) gentlemen of the team! It would be great to see what he'd have as storyline too. Would he be given a new story to fit, or would they play it off as his perspective of what happened to him during FF6?

Another good choice would be Setzer. We have had thieves/ninjas and we have had mages and warriors and fighters, but nothing like Setzer. Well, Laguna comes pretty close to combat skills I suppose. You would probably get his ship as a level or maybe the Imperial station where you sneak in... :hmm:

Celes seems more likely because SE could half-ass it and make it basically like Terra's story, only more of "what am I doing?", "is it wrong?" etc etc and probably give her a role of trying to free Terra, which I guess is probably going to be some friggin' theme to the games even though Terra could take care of herself....