FFVII: AC Review

I thought the movie was pretty crappy over all. The story was blah, the villains were pretty bland or for the most part annoying. The movie looked great and the action was top notch, but the story and the character development were severely lacking, very little charm was to be found. Also the fight at the end between Cloud and the bad guy, I just knew that cloud was making an obvious mistake, if I remember correctly he sort of let his guard down. The only real positive I could find was the comic relief of Reno and Rude.
geez there is some major bashing or "opinions" :brooding: directing toward the movie. the visuals and action scenes were like a virgin ff7 fanboy's first prom night, besides the new antagonists with the 3 emos. the repetitive fights between cloud and the 3 emos got pretty old..until sephiroth showed up :ohshit: that was the highlight of the movie. even though the plot was dull..the cg makes up a tiny bit. overall 9/10
Can you believe that I loved the story at first?It was because I hadn't played the game but watching AC and having so many questions made me play the game.The graphics were amazing so were the battles and of course I wanted the movie to last more.The only thing that bothered me was that the other characters appeared less and didn't win against any enemy cause Cloud was there and did so.Come on wouldn't it also be great to see some of Vincent's limit breaks,plus making Tifa weaker than in the game was a - for me.Sephiroth needed more screen time.
As for the villains,I got noting against them,just wanted them to look a bit more like men.
The moments with Reno and Rude were also pleasant and funny.

For the voices,I first watched it in english but hated how the voices didn't match the movements of their mouths and so I put it in japanese,which in my opinion rocks.
Used to like it, thought that it was a great Final Fantasy movie untill noticed some things..

Lack of Story

Dislike FFVII AC's shortage of Storyline, it was basically - some random disease is going on, and Three sliver haired men want to bring Sephiroth back to life. The story could of been much deeper, and more complexed.

Too much change in Character.

Reno and Rude were the calm and collective type of villain, then they turned them into class clowns. It was werid to watch. Didn't like how Cloud suddenly went from a tough character, untill a soft and depressive Bishie and kind of ripped of Squall's persona from FF8 ( espically the whole lone wolf thing, and the symbol of the wolf ) ( really- really dislike FFVII AC Cloud )
Tifa kind of felt changed as well, she lost her attractive yet condfient flirty ways and she was kind of more open about herself and her feelings.
When was Tifa ever open about herself, or anything ??

The others random appearence ?

Kind of disliked how Tseng and Elena had such a short view time, and how Cid, Red 13, Yuffie, Barrett- they just randomly appear during near the final battle. ( Like SE didn't know when to put them in, so they squezzed them in near the end )

But there was good things about the movie, like the wonderfully played music and seeing Zack near the end of the flim and Aeris still trying to help the gang, and help Cloud through his depressive time, was sweet.

But basically kind of felt like. Advent Children was made for young teenagers ( like 13-12 yrs old ) who refuse to play Final Fantasy VII because of the * bad graphics * and they watch this, and think that they know everything there is to Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa and the others.

gave it a 4/ 10.
This movie was a huge letdown. I had hopes for a Final Fantasy movie, especially based around such a cool part of the series. There are so many bad sides, that I don't know where to begin...

1. Let's begin with what struck me at first, which is maybe unrelevant for people who know japanese, but sure as hell was annoying for uneducated me - the voice acting. It was horrible. It was unnatural, forced and felt very, very, very, very (guess what comes next) very out of place. Especially for a serie that mixed huge amount of realism with fantasy (yes, I think much of Final Fantasy atmosphere is based upon realism, even though it's steampunk). Struck me the first moment I heard it, but I hoped for the best and continued to watch the movie.

2. Cloud is a ##$%#%@ wimp. I'm sorry, what happened to cold eyed, cold hearted mercenary who only cared about his cash (okay, that's only at the start, at the end he saves the world, but even there, he STILL is a badass and kicks major amounts of butt), saved the world, beat Sephiroth, and went all through his personal crisis, while managing to make 2 hot chicks fall in love with him (yes it is debatable, but come on)? He got SAD. And yo, don't give me that "Squall personality" crap. Squall only cared about himself (at the start) - that's a least sad philosophy one could take, in fact it's pretty fun. Yes, he was a jerk, but at least he wasn't a sad wimp. At least he wasn't talking how he "can't even defend my friends/family/dog", but instead saved the annoying Rinoa, and went head on for sorceress in a great FMV scene. Bottom line, Cloud in AC is WEAK. I can't remember at which point he actually hit anyone, but it was pretty late in movie and I was bored. Too bad, he was such a likable badass.

3. Character development / interaction sucks. It's weak, and almost nonexistant, and it made up much of Final Fantasy 7. If half of the time from fights where everyone is parrying everyones blows was made into some cool story/fun show of character traits/dialogues that didn't actually blow (yes, dialogues in AC did NOTHING to me. Which made the poor voice acting sound even worse), this movie may be much more interesting to watch.

4. Boring battles. I really liked the animations, overall look and feel of the world, but when you watch special affects bash you on the head, and after 5 minutes staring in awe, you realize that NOONE ACTUALLY HITS ANYONE, your patience begans to wear off. Exception from this is, when Tifa and the mean guy fight, but it isn't really that good, as it shows up that he actually is a cyborg with unlimited life force (who would have known that he would actually stand up again? Predictable? Absolutely!), and Tifa was meant to lose from the beginning. The grunts of characters were really getting on my nerve at that point. Btw I don't recall Cloud magically using the force and floating up, after defeating the robo soldier thing, the second boss on the bridge. Instead, he ungratefully fell down, crashed a churchs ruff and fell uncouncious. I'm sure in AC he would find last bits of his strengh and pulled up somehow while avoiding 231 bullets and parrying blows from kadaj. Add to this the sheer quantity of those battles and you've got someone on a losing streak.

5. Story. It's. So. Bad. I'm speechless, on how bland and amazingly inefficient the story of this movie was. If only there were some scenes showing people dying from geostigma and getting carried on the trucks filled with bodies, like in middle age. Or if it was more than just another "they captured my son/friend/puppy, I gotta bring them back" + Clouds personal crisis. Some drama, COME ON!!! Cloud being weak is not drama, it's stupid. Tifa should have a nervous breakdown, start breaking the house and crying and ran outta house when Cloud was all like "I'm weak and I can't do @#%$". But no, we've got her trying to talk sense into sorry-ass Cloud, with a mild voice of poor voice actor (which btw suited well her lack of strong emotions on that matter). Most normal people would go crazy, and she acted like she was a nurse taking care of a 76 year old fart who is sorry, because he can't run as fast as in his youth. Then we've got psycho villains who weren't introduced to us before and just...are...there... doing evil stuff like... killing children and eating their brains? Nooooo. Trying to destroy the world? Well almost. But their lack of personality (I was indifferent to the brothers "crying" act. Felt unnatural and out of place to me) was almost disturbing. Every FF7 major character showing at the final battle was too cheesey as well.

Now, that I'm through with all the bad parts of the movie, let's go to the good parts:

Good looks?
That's right, the only thing I found good about it was the visual presentation. The world was made with huge amount of details, so did the chars and... well that's about it. Good looks! I hope that's enough to cheer you up.

Eh, sorry. I guess if you liked this movie my "short" pissed review will probably hurt your feelings. If you wish to tell me how subjective and wrong it is, feel free to write me an email, to exercise my speed and coordination pressing delete button.

Tifa should have a nervous breakdown, start breaking the house and crying and ran outta house when Cloud was all like "I'm weak and I can't do @#%$". But no, we've got her trying to talk sense into sorry-ass Cloud, with a mild voice of poor voice actor (which btw suited well her lack of strong emotions on that matter). Most normal people would go crazy, and she acted like she was a nurse taking care of a 76 year old fart who is sorry, because he can't run as fast as in his youth.

Eh, sorry. I guess if you liked this movie my "short" pissed review will probably hurt your feelings. If you wish to tell me how subjective and wrong it is, feel free to write me an email, to exercise my speed and coordination pressing delete button.


OMG I'm sorry but that paragraph you just posted right up there is downright hilarious stuff! xD Thank you for making me laugh for the first time today. I truly needed it. Kudos to you and your review. Now I suppose we'll wait and see how Advent Children Complete plays out since more stuff is added to it. I wouldn't hold my breath it's going to be much better though. I don't have high hopes.
I wish they didn't bring Sephiroth back though, it kinda ruined all the hard work in the game for me when he was beaten to a pulp in a matter of a couple of hours when I spent 70 odd hours pursuing him in the game

u could also say that for alot of game sequels because the main villain usely comes back. ie, gannon from zelda.

In kingdom hearts 1 it took me forever to beat ansem and then in KH2 to learn wat i learned it was lik that ansem from KH1 was nothing.

anyways bak on topic, the movie was good not great. I do agree with alot of ppl that ther wer too many fighting scenes. but i dont agree with them saying how reno and rude wer too weak, they wer fight freaking sephiroth clones ppl if they cant beat cloud then ther is no way in hell that they could even break sephys arm.

music amazing graphics amazing..

cant wait for ACC :D 7/10
I personally thought that the AC movie sucked.
I mean I hated how Cloud turned emo and was all like "DURRRRRRR. MOTHER I MEAN AERITH PLZPLZPLZ FORGIVE ME FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE TO YOU!!!!111111oneoneone!!!!!11!1"

And the movie basically just showed Cloud every minute.
I personally thought that the AC movie sucked.
I mean I hated how Cloud turned emo and was all like "DURRRRRRR. MOTHER I MEAN AERITH PLZPLZPLZ FORGIVE ME FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE TO YOU!!!!111111oneoneone!!!!!11!1"

And the movie basically just showed Cloud every minute.

Please put more effort in your review please ^^ If you want to discuss OTHER people reviews, feel free, but when posting your own review, we expect a tad more effort, cheers ;))
I have watch both movie the AC and the ACC. there were scene that was added, some line that was edited and additional lines on the movie, and I've noticed that some of the line and scene are reflected into what happen before the FFVII start. I can give some of them, but some of you may not understand it very well since, I already wacthed the FFVII ACC
Advent Children

I think it's fine actually. Before they've could have made things more realistic. And they could've made it longer.

But truely, I loved it!
I loved the movie. I think with the edition of ACC, it made it more understandable. The edition of dialogue and scenes helped me witness the character development of the Turks themselves. I won't spoil it but I found the Rude & Reno convo as one of the more important scenes in getting into the heads of what Reno & Rude were thinking since Sephiroth & Jenova's defeat.
the movie is just awesome! i watch it evers day and i still love it! the fights are wonderful. i also love the fact that they brought Zack back in some parts. But i think its kinda weird 4 all those who dont know who he was.

but i think every one here knows the whole story so it doesn't matter much.
did i say that i love this movie?
The movie was a work of genious! Its not appreciated enough, The animation was amazing! Especially on the updated FFVIIACC, the storyline worked with they were aiming for.

It makes sense, which is more than I can say for half the othe anime's I've watched. And as for people slating ACC. It doesn't seem that different because:

1. Its the same movie, just with deleted scenes.
2. It was made in Blu-Ray (If you even know what that means?! For those that don't, Its a higher quality DVD Image.)

All in all I thought it was absoloutley fantastic!
So i finally decided to watch the movie today. I haden't bothered in the past because people said it wasn't that great.

I liked the movie and the storyline, but i do think everything was rushed. There should have been at least another 45 minutes to that movie. Once the Bahamut fight started, thats all it was, constant fighting for the rest of the movie.

I loved seeing my favorite band of heroes in new animation, that was the special treat of this movie. I love how no one called anyone, they all just showed up to save the day. Ah, Barrett always makes me laugh, just the random things that come out of his mouth.

The fight scenes were pretty epic i have to admit, but there was not enough story in it. So nice try but it doesn't take the cake. 5/10
i have seen the clips from the movie on youtube, and the animation is incredible, i think the ending is the best movie ending i have ever seen, plus the soundtrack is amazing, it is nice to see your favorite ff7 characters look so realistic
I thought the movie was excellent. I couldn't have asked for much more and that's talking about the complete version. Personally i think more materia could have been used and the ending could have been been spiced up a little after the final fight but it was still a wonderful movie. Loved all other aspects of it.