FF Music FFVII:AC Soundtrack


Jan 12, 2007
Naples, FL.
All of the songs in the AC Sountrack are in FFVII the video game, atleast that is what I have come to notice. If they aren't my apalogize.

Anyone buy the soundtrack or download it from the net?

Great music, don't you think?

This belongs in Square Enix music so I will put it there for you ^_^
i downloaded a lot of music from the AC soundtrack ^_^ i have a lot of favorites from it - Aeriths theme, OWA, Water,

its a really beautiful soundtrack and well worth listening to ^_^
I'm currently listening to "Black Water" on the Jukebox. ^_^ That music's sexy. Kadaj is sexy too. ;) Whenever I hear that music, I am reminded of him.

But yeah, anyway...great soundtrack.
I really like the song "Cloud Smiles". It makes me feel a little sad though. I also like the piano version of Aeris's theme.
I've been downloading the FFVII: AC Soundtrack with Limewire and my friend's DSL (I have dial up...ew) Most of the remakes of all the songs are more than I could've hoped for (like Sephiroth's) and my favorites of the new songs include: Sign, The Promised Land, and Cloud Smiles.

Places you can buy the soundtrack are at SquareSound.com (http://www.squaresound.com/albums/finalfantasy/ff7advent.php)

or CD Japan (http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=SQEX-10051)

But the price isn't kind, nor is it worth it. XP At SquareSound it's $35, and although CDJapan is cheaper at $24, the shipping would kill you. The best thing you can do is download it, since Itunes doesn't have it either (It would probably cost only $16 or so there).
I downloaded the entire soundtrack of FFVII AC, It is awesome! I love the Aeris theme!! It is so catchy and it is beautiful music.

I really like the song "Cloud Smiles". It makes me feel a little sad though. I also like the piano version of Aeris's theme.
Wow we are a lot alike. I like the same songs as you do.
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Eeesh, I love this soundtrack. To name but a few of my favourites:

Beyond the Wasteland
Battle in the Forgotten City
Black Water
And of course... One Winged Angel.
Sexcellent soundtrack, glad to own it. Id have to say One Winged Angel, Beyond the Waste Land and the Those Who Fight Further tracks are the best.
A great site for downloading free anime/video game music is http://gh.ffshrine.org/

just go there and to the right you'll see a thing that says mp3(all), if you click that it should come up with a big alphabiticle list of all the anime/video game music it has. It has the Advent Children soundtrack on there too.

And although I do like Black Water, and One Winged Angel a lot, I'm going to have to say my favorite song on it is Calling