FFVII: Alternate Universe


liquid luck
Aug 14, 2009
The room they were in was so quiet she could hear her own cells split, divide and mutate. If there was a place in this world where she could be completely comfortable, it would be here. The hard examining table cooled her thighs, the smell of disinfectant flared her nostrils and the man fussing about with an array of medical instruments in front her was giving her that look again.

“Did that hurt?” This is the exact question he had asked her five minutes ago.

“No,” Anne answered curtly. This was the same reply she had given him five minutes ago.

“Hm,” The sandy haired man ruffled his hair with the hand that wasn’t currently holding a bloodied syringe. “That’s interesting.” He was looking at her over the rims of his glasses now with his mouth slightly agape in that weird way of his. Anne constantly questioned his liability with the research department if only to react in some way to his odd mannerisms. Deep down, she trusted Noah with her life. “I think I’m on to something.” he said at last, but before she could ask what it was, he had spun around in the other direction.

A laptop sat on a desk adjacent the examining table where she sat, and that is where Noah Cucina sat as he updated the case file of #4323, the strawberry blonde who sat next to him, her legs dangling over the edge of the table. “That was a curing serum I borrowed from the lab down the hall. They’re working on a prototype for chaining. It’s suppose to help link together mako infusions without any... questionable side effects.” The scientist thought for a moment and then typed something into the computer. “Long story short, a super enhancement.”

“What’s this have to do with me?” Anne wanted to know, standing up for the first time in what seemed like forever. She stretched her good leg out, careful to mind the other. It looked fine, she noted. Not long before she had allowed herself to be subjected to what she considered scientific mutilation.

“That curing serum I just gave you, I’ve programmed it to link to hasting mako.” Noah answered proudly, now leaning back in his swivel chair with his hands behind his back, cradling the back of his head. “If I can get it to attach without any problems I can begin work on,” He paused for a minute, the sudden loss for words causing the room to fall silent once again. Uncomfortably so.

“Fixing me,” Anne looked down at the floor, where she could see her reflection near perfectly. Red hair falling over half her face, the tie of her uniform undone in an attempt to distance herself from being a Turk. She hated being in a position where people felt they needed to fix her. Noah’s entire career was practically dedicated to fixing her.

“It’s not like that, Anne,” Noah straightened himself out in what he thought to be a more professional posture. “It would be useful, I think, if you could produce some sort -”

“I’ve got work to do. I’ll see you later.” Anne made her way towards the door, which she could have found blindly, she had been here so many times, but for the first time she stumbled on her way out, her knee locking up as she opened the door. This was the first time she left Noah’s lab with bad feelings.

The next day she would be leaving headquarters with the Turks to deal with a renegade operation based in the slums and if anything went wrong with Noah’s little experiment, things could end badly.
OOC: btw, i added a bike for my character. ill post a link to the pic here. The frontal wheel is hidden mostly and can hardly be seen.

Clatter clatter clatter.....
Spent shell casings fell onto the metal floor as the smell of blood and burnt flesh filled the air. Amongst the wreckage of cars, bodies and collapsing buildings stood a lone girl in a black dress, wielding two black pistols, appearing extremely ominous surrounded the destruction. Through the crackling of fire and the sound of crumbling concrete, a soft vibration could echoed through the rooms. The girl slipped her hand into the waist pouches all around her waist, hanging cowboy style, before pulling out a slick, black flip phone.

Dies here. Mission complete. Target has been neutralized and documents recovered. Heading back now.

As fast as the call had come in, Dies cut the person off before striding out of the ruined building. From the corner of her eye, a still alive man crawled ever so painfully towards the large warehouse doors, away from the burning wreckage and into the fresh air. Closing her eyes, Dies walked up to the man. So engrossed with crawling out and pain, he did not realise her presence when Dies stood next to his prone form. She raised Tombstone and levelled it at his head before letting off a shell, cutting his ties to life. Had he waited just a few seconds longer before moving, she might have left before realising he was alive.

Pity you didnt wait...

Nieva was parked just outside the gates of the warehouse, still on and as she left it seven minutes ago. Stuffing the A4 envelope into her waist pack on her back, Dies swung herself onto her motorcycle and sped off back onto the road towards the ShinRa building. As always, finish mission and await for the next.

Anne Ciel was the only one in the darkened conference room when Tseng entered, and despite being a Turk, the leader of the Turks at that, he was caught off guard by his fellow comrad, who sat perfectly still on top of one of the black tables with one long slim leg crossed over the other. "Jesus, Anne. Rather eager, aren't you?" Tseng eyed her for a moment, wondering why she hadn't bothered to turn on a light, and then proceeded towards the front of the room where he placed a box upon one of the tables.

Anne wanted to tell him the truth behind her pseudo diligence. She wanted everyone to know that she hated every second of her job, and every night prayed everything had all been just a bad dream. Sometimes she pretended she was still 15 and her parents were still alive. "I just want to get this over and done with, sir." She replied, adding the last part a little coldly. Fortunately Tseng was willing to ignore her distance and coldness in favour of her abilities in the battle field.

"You actually think you can wait it out, don't you?" Tseng began skimming through the contents of the box and from where she sat, Anne could see that there were photographs as well as stacks of paper work; no doubt related to the mission at hand. In about an hour they were to leave for the slums where a rebel group was at work attempting to destroy one of the research labs where scientists worked with Genova cells. Genova cells used to create freaks like me, Anne thought.

"Get your hands dirty and pack up for Costa del Sol by next month." Tseng continued looking through the folders for a moment longer before he gave her his full attention, something that made Anne a little nervous. "You don't just leave the Turks, Anne. You're here for good and besides, I don't see you fighting for your freedom and liberties. Or have I mistaken you?"

"I never do a half assed job, sir." Anne snapped, feeling defensive now that Tseng was intruding so bluntly.

"Good, and that's exactly what I like to hear. Keep that up and maybe you'll take my job."

"If I'm going to do something, I'm going to give it my all. I'll do what I must to repay ShinRa and then I'm leaving. There's got to be something more out there for me than murder and lies behind matching uniforms -"

"Are you here to berate us, or are you here to work, Anne? Last time I checked, you agreed to this mission."

Anne fell silent at Tseng's harsh words, feeling the divide between them now more than ever. Guilt went to bed with her every night since she became a Turk. She wanted nothing more than to avenge her family properly, to put her past behind her and start anew. Feeling this way, and hating the very people who both saved her life and left her an orphan, was conflicting to say the least. Often she wished to have died that day during the training session that left her the only survivor of her unit, and she hated ShinRa for it.

OOC: I was really hoping more people would join in at this point.
OOC: Doesnt seem like it. I hoped so too, but meh. Do i join you? ill join you now. if not, tell me and ill edit.

Both tires skidded parallel to the curb before the bike slid perfectly into a space outside the ShinRa building. Her breath came out of her nostrils as she sat there, musing about what she was doing. It seems like life had no purpose but ShinRa. She would love to change that, but then, her life is in their hands. Throwing her left lef over Nieva, Dies stepped onto the pathway and strode into the building. Her documents needed to get to Tseng, or someone that can get it to him. The receptionists were out of the question. In her eyes, they were a bit ditzy and not suitable to handle such documents. Instead, she asked them whether Tseng was in.

And like, last night, he was sooo totally over me and...


Then, at the end of the night, he took me back to his place...


and we... and we...

Dies swung the Support System off her shoulder and let it land loudly on the floor vertically with a loud THUMP. Both receptionist jumped at the loud sound and as one turned to Dies. At the sight of the Turk, the duo inched slightly back in their seat.

Ah... Dies.... What a... surprise. How can i help you? A nervous smile appeared on Maria's face.

Maria. I would like to know if Tseng is in.

Tseng? Ah yes. He is. He is in the usual conference room for briefings and such.

Thank you.

With a curt nod, Dies turned off sharply and strode towards the elevator. When she was out of earshot, the receptionists let out their held breath and glanced at each other nervously.

The elevator hummed slightly as it ascended towards the conference room. There was always someone in the elevator, but a small circle had appeared around Dies as usual. Her appearance had more often than not caused other to subconsciously step back. Not that it wasnt understandable, with her being a Turk, her appearance and her two guns hanging underneath her arms. Ding! The doors opened and wordlessly, she glided out of the small enclosure. Knock, knock.

Excuse me for the intrusion, but i have the documents from the raid, Sir.

Her actions were crisp and sharp like a robot as the A4 folder came out and extended towards the Turk leader. Dies noted her fellow Turk, Anne, but professionally, Dies remained rooted and face forward.

As if on cue both Turks in the conference room looked up instantly and eyed the door as the sound of knocking tapped into their side of the barrier. They were trained killers and they were absolutely ruthless, but fortunately it was only the emotionless face of Dies that stared back at them. An almost programmed response to relax then washed over the two. Anne looked at the dark haired girl she shared employment with and gave her a curt nod.

Tseng accepted the A4 folder graciously from Dies, and tucked it away in one of the inner breast pockets of his black suit. "Thank you, Dies. Good work," He gave her an approving smile and then reached mindlessly into the box, retrieving a photograph and offering it to her. A few moments passed before he said anything, as he eyed the people in the photography carefully, "Kill them."

From where she sat, Anne was able to obtain a brief image of the people in the photograph. There were at least 7 of them, most of them obscured by darkness, and no doubt up to no good (on Shinra's terms anyways). She noted that several of them carried visible weapons (one even had a gun for an arm, she noticed with interest). A blonde man whose face was partically hidden, wielding a large sword stood on the stone steps of a small building that advertised the name "7th Heaven" in thick, dirty neon lettering. A smaller woman with long dark hair was standing next to him, as the man with the gun arm carried what looked to be a water tank into the building.

"That needs to be brought to headquarters," Tseng added as Anne was handed a photograph of her own. Now able to see in more detail, she was quick to note the size of the undoubtedly stolen tank Tseng mentioned, which she configured to be slightly larger than herself in height (though, the man carrying the thing was massive compared to the blonde and brunette). Not too large to carry out with help from her comrades, she figured. It was large enough to be protecting something of value; a human would definetly fit inside. She cringed inwardly as the thought entered her mind. "-In the same condition as it was when it left."

"Tough to please," Anne murmered, her grey eyes still wandering the ominous picture she held in her hands. A scuff from Tseng cause the corners of her lips to curl up into a grin as the Turk leader handed yet another piece of information to the two Turks. This time, however, it was a paper with a list of names. Some unfamiliar but some, much to her surprise, were familiar. "Cloud Strife," the name fell from her lips without much thought and she was surprised that she had reacted so impulsively. The name was followed by yet another familiar name; Tifa Lockheart.

"You know Cloud?" Tseng looked at her curiously and Anne found herself unable to answer, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Yes, she knew Cloud Strife. She pretty much declared herself his sister when they were young. Why hadn't she recognized them from the picture? Shuffling through the two documents, she found herself looking at the photography once again, only this time she was able to see them more clearly now. Her old friends had grown up quite a bit since she'd last seen them.

Before she was able to come up with a reasonable excuse, another knock at the door shifted the attention once more towards the front of the room. This time a tall, lanky red haired man stood in the doorway, his back leaned against the frame. "So, I hear there's a mission or something?" The man yawned sleepily and took a few steps into the room before seeming to finally take notice of the box, the pictures, Tseng, Anne and Dies. Quickily straightening himself proper, Reno gave a salute to their Turk leader. "Where's the hitlist?"
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Dies stood by after Tseng took the folder from her hands and remained stoic when he handed her the picture accompanied by "Kill them" Affirmative sir. With a slight downward glance at the picture, a slight frown creased on her face. For some odd reason, Dies felt a little giddy when staring into the faces in the image. They looked strong and not easy targets. She spent a few minutes, pondering on the feeling. It was unlike anything she ever felt, or at least remember...and it made her uncomfortable. Her thoughts were inturrupted by the handing of yet another piece of information, this time, a list of names, no doubt the hit list. As mechanical as always, Dies absorbed all the info she was given before slipping it into her breast pocket. Whether her comrade or herself had any connection with the target, if there was an order, it will be carried out professionally. Sir, permission to be excused. I need to prepare before we leave. Tseng could anwser, Reno waltzed in, as always, dressed lazily and a complete yankee. For some reason, Dies had a small dislike for the man. Maybe it was the great personality gap between the two? Whatever it was Dies shoved uncerimoniously the list of names into his face. Here.