FFVII is not good

The video maker is clearly a well informed and intellegent young fellow (or rather old, he seems like a 2d FF vet), but I'm not entirely sure I can take it seriously. His arguments are essentially opinion based, but he argues his points as if they are facts, which is one of my pet peeves. There is no point in listing games you think has a better storyline than FFVII, because that is a highly subjective area.

As a number of posters in here have already said, the guy is offensive, and has clearly created the video to cause a lot of bother, and I'm afraid this won't be the only forum he has managed to cause meaningless flame wars in. Going against the social grain is cool, and going against the social grain overtly and publicly is even cooler.

I personally love FFVII, and disagree with his comments about Cloud, Sephiroth, the plot and the graphics. It's his opinion, and it is exactly as valid is my own.
o_O Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Personally I'm obsessed with FFVII. He is right on one thing though, FFVII is over rated. There are other games almost as good with hardly any recognition like Shadow Hearts.
It was one of my first rpgs, and my first FF, so it holds a special place in my heart. It is a little overrated though. It's still one of the best RPGs I've ever played.

I like to compare it to the Legend of Zelda: ocarina of time. it is a very good game, and one of my all time favorites, but by no means is it as good as people make it out to be.
I just want to say his choice in gifs and pics were hilarious.

But with that out of the way his video is based on opinion, and not fact. Though a lot of people will agree with him in saying the FFVII is overrated.

I don't see why he thinks the story is dull, sure it may not be the best story ever for a game but it's a pretty damn good one. And the characters being two dimensional? Where is he getting that from?

Sephiroth=Mama's Boy. That always makes me laugh. I love that.

And he says that after VII they got rid of epic storylines....I would hardly say FFI-III had 'epic' storylines. If anything the storylines have gotten better from the first few generations of FF.

Oh and obvious /b/tard is obvious.

inb4 Rules 1 & 2
Opinions are like azzholes, everybody has one. While I may not agree with his, its by no means wrong and incorrect. While I may love this game and consider it the best out of all of them that I have played I'm not going to get all bent out of shape and throw a "fan boy RAWR RAWR" fight over it. Calling it overrated is a bit steep, I feel the game has earned the attention that it has garnered. I would however like to see some attention being focused on VIII and IX as well. Those 2 were IMO great games, and I loved playing them as well. The only spinoff I'm glad they made was Crisis Core to learn more about Zack. But DoC? Come on, that spinoff was terrible beyond words.
I just hope after the remake(IF it happens) they leave VII alone and stop making stuff dealing about it and focus on future games or put forth some effort into VIII and IX.
the video is alright but it was somewhat inaccurate especially concerning Cloud's character, I had played the actual game and Cloud isn what mos tpeople call an emo. Emo is a genre of music but still Cloud did fall into depression but he got over it to defeat Sephiroth in the final parts of the game. Cloud didn't pointlessly angst for no other reaosn than just to angst and even Vincent angsted a little bit, it is not a game where he spends being a depressed nutjob who wanted to commit suicide.
I think FFVII is very overrated, but I still love it too bits, but everyone is allowed an opinion. IF I didn't like a game I'd just not play it, I wouldn't start an argument or make a video or anything, but each to their own.
Don't act like you're the victim. I've seen you attack someone for saying VII was good. We've resorted to name calling? Wow, low blow. All I ask is you refrain from complaining about VII. Is it really that hard? Then we wouldn't have anything to argue about.

EDIT: Sorry, posted this after your post.

Hm, I haven't ran into any in this thread, but I have on this forum. I've ran into people who would rather admit that the sun was made of cheese than hear a bad word about FF7. I've been called some pretty low names in real life when I say something as simple as "I don't really care for it". And I, and I only speak for myself here, don't randomly attack people or "whine" about anything. I express my opinion when people express theirs. I think that it's my right.

And no Cloud isn't nearly as much of an emo as Squall. Although, they do both have tendencies that could merit that comment I suppose. Personally, I don't think that that really makes the game bad, but someone might. I mean, that's not really a complaint that I had with the game. But trust me, I had a lot!:P
/facepalms at things like these.

First of all, it's his opinion obviously, which should be respected, but then comes the part where I think he's a moron.

How he states 'facts' annoys me. I mean sure, it won't stop me from getting sleep, but I mean... do they really need to talk about it like that? I usually avoid this kind of crap. I think it's out right retarded that people would bother to make a whole hate video on something. It's like that saying, if you hate someone, the more you talk about them, the more famous you make them. It's just... stupid.

Second, if you don't like the game, just leave. it. alone. ffs. Some people seem to be so pig headed about tearing a game to bits 'cause it's so horrible, and ugly, lacks plots, graphics are shite, voice acting is horrible, the character design should've been better, oh this person has a piercing - lame, they shouldn't have killed this this and that said person, but this this and this one, it would've made for a better story line, gaize!

Well geez. If you hate the game so much, do us all a favour and buy a game you actually like. You silly human being.

What's the point of tearing a game apart if you hate it? o_O I mean, aren't you just fuming yourself up 'cause you hate it so much. It's the same thing with that stupid remake. If you don't want it, don't buy it, and waste your money on the shitty games you claim to be good. -__- Let the people who actually want the game be fooled and waste their money on a game that's milked out. WHO cares, it makes them happy, so shut up! :sad2:
FFVII has a lot of good things about it and a lot of bad things.
It's not perfect and it's not horrible no matter how much people want to believe either position.

i saw that video a long time ago and I hated FFVII back then. looking back, i see now I truly just hated the fandom. The game itself was my first RPG and I am forever grateful to it for opening my mind to the greatest JRPGs of all time like Xenogears.
I haven't even bothered watching the video just to save myself from getting frustrated over how immature people can get. If someone doesn't like the game, it's their opinion but sometimes when people take several methods, it's like they're trying to change people's opinions about it. In the end, it's a game. Who cares whether it's the best game ever, who cares about whether the storyline is good or terrible, in the end it's a game, and it's amazing how far some people will go. They have fighting wars, they flame. It's just ridiculous. What do they want a medal? Do they want the whole world to agree and nod and say "Yes. It is the best game ever, yes."

Seriously, they need to put more productive effort into other things. Try table tennis, it's a MARVELOUS game! :D
I disslike games based on play....I dissliked DoC because as a shooter game its mechanics where very poorly made....Dissidia because the dialog is a joke, XII because it was so convoluted story wise I had to wiki it to find out why i beat the game and all the charecters looked the same! Inbreds:p XIII for a ton of reasons....atleaste have a valid excuse why you hate the game befor bashing it if you dont like it dont play it no?
Well, honestly, I do think VII is the greatest game ever, but because of his mumbly-voice, I can't hear what he's saying.

But I can tell ya know, what he says in the video probably isn't true. Unless it's about cosplayers, fanfictions, or X-rated fanart, then I see many many points.
What the hell can you say about this about that video.....hmmmmm...mmmmm...mmm..ah
its a waste of time to make something like that because it doesnt really make a difference I think FFVII is a great game seriously dated but grate game just the same not the best but great....I ve noticed a disturbing trend in the world where people only seem to want to tell what they hate or dislike about games and only just want to quietly mention the good stuff does anyone here remember why we play these game: to enjoy ourselves.

I realy wonder about what kind of people make these kinda vids and what they really think of themselves coz as the guy above me said its just a game.....Does he think hes being funny or putting forward a good argument.....its just his opinion and like arses we all have them its just some peole also use theres as there brain!

So no need to get angry or upset over this because is it really going to make you stop playing games in the end?
Honestly, I had only one problem with this video: He acted like a fanboy himself. He went through the FFVI characters, said they were great names for "anyone who knew videogames," then started summing up the FFVII characters with things like "fucking emo" & called FFVII fans tools.

That's just asinine. Disliking a game is fine. Making a humorous video is fine. But he comes across as being really preachy, then diverges into a bunch of bullshit. I'm sure we can find a dozen of videos just like this. If you're going to make such a lofty statement like, "You people will swallow any shit the developers give you," take the time to be original & actually make some damn arguments.

Slamming a game & its fans with words like "emo" & "faggot" is being way more fanboyish than that 3 comment essay I posted that made me look like a bitchy fan. People may respond more positively to the former, but the latter is actually making an effort to have an informed opinion.