where did you get FF7 for PSP from? did you download it or get it from the original 3 disks?
Hmmm... I wasn't aware you could do this. It's tempting, but I'm afraid it would mess my psp up and I don't have enough money for another one if that happens. Plus, it doesn't sound like it's legal...
It shouldn't mess your PSP up, the guides on the internet are pretty easy to follow :)
Hmmm... I wasn't aware you could do this. It's tempting, but I'm afraid it would mess my psp up and I don't have enough money for another one if that happens. Plus, it doesn't sound like it's legal...

it wouldn't mess your PSP up and its legal if you own the game.

even if you dont own the game, who cares! just play it and have fun with it! (but i do fully support people buying the actual game)
Well, it would be nice to have it on my psp.. Where are the steps for doing this then? I might give it a try.
I am like, so buying a psp now. OMG AWESOMMMME! Sorry, got a little gay there.
I currently have a slim psp.....


I just secured a fat psp from a friend for $20. UMD reader doesn't work. Guess what it'll be used for :)