Which is better, 7 or 8?

  • 7

    Votes: 37 74.0%
  • 8

    Votes: 13 26.0%

  • Total voters
Obviously FFVIII gets my vote because it’s the first one I played and yes, I’ll admit that makes me partial toward it, but I still like them both. Why? Because it’s Final Fantasy! ;)

FFVII - Is definitely a good classic, but IMO, it was far to overrated. Sorry, it’s a great game, but I didn’t find it to be all that awesome as everyone was telling me it was.

Graphics: The graphic where alright, but I think SE could have done a better job even at that time.

Battle System: The Materia system I liked, but IMO it’s nothing special and it started to quickly bore me. On a side note, I loved Yuffie,
but my first time through I wanted to strangle the little digital sh*t when she stole all of my Materia

Characters: The characters where ok as well, but again, nothing real special over others in the series.

Story Line: Now here’s where I have no real complaints. VII did have an excellent story. However, the only reason I favor VIII’s storyline over VII is that VIII dealt with
time travel and one large Quazality Loop,
which just appealed to me a WHOLE lot more, but that may not be your cup of tea.

FFVIII - Is definitely an underrated classic as well in IMO.

Graphics: The graphics where beautiful for their day, not the best, but still beautiful. The world map and characters weren’t all that great, but the cities where beautiful. My personal favorites where, Deling City and Esthar.

Battle System: Again, I have no complaints, but I can see where other fans hated it over previous FF’s. I however, loved it and aside from the job system in IX think it’s one of the best of the PS1 FF’s.

Characters: I agree that the characters had their flaws, but their some of the best supporting cast of characters I’d seen in the series at that time.

Story Line: Personally, its one of my all time favorites. However, it’s arguably one the most loved or hated in the series. I’d say if you’re into Science Fiction, then there’s a good chance that you’ll appreciate the full scope of the story. Now, the characters in the game did have their flaws and have received a lot of bad rap, but for the most part, there where a lot of good reasons for their quirks or attitudes among most of them. In fact, it’s my opinion that the whole
time travel, Quazality Loop, Ellone and future Sorceress stories
either completely confused or just turned off fans, hence my opinion for the more truthful reason as to why the game received it's bad rap.
For me it has to be Final Fantasy VII. It was the first game I had got. I remember my friend playing it on his PC and thought it looked good, although admittedly I didn't pay that much attention to it but I still wanted it. That year I got my first PC and FFVII being the first game for my PC. I at first I was confused with the graphics but continued playing it and from there on I just got addicted. The story, the characters, battle system were great but I wouldn't say perfect.

I have not played any other game as much as I have with FFVII (Not including sports games.) Even to this day I will still play my original copy of FFVII on the PC. Last time I played it was last year when I completed it at the end of the year. Saying that, next time I will probably have to buy the PS1 version like I did with FFVIII cost my graphics card messes the game up aswell as the game probably looking very small on this widescreen.

Final Fantasy VIII I haven't played as much and it would probably be my third favourite game in the Final Fantasy series. It was a great step up from FFVII with the in game graphics, a lot more FMV (Which even to this day a lot of the scenes still look fantastic), and a much complicated but yet interesting and improved battle system. Instead of having mana you drew magic from opponents which was very different from others. Right now I am currently playing FFVIII but even though I am enjoying it a lot, I just don't seem to get into it as much as FFVII.

Both great games but FFVII comes out on top for me.
A bit ponsy

My personal fav is FFVII i like it's story, characters and the materia system. I mean no offense to any 1 who likes FFVIII but i thought it was a bit ponsy with sum school/college students whatever flying around in a school trying to mad queen but i did like the gf system.
Final Fantasy VIII.

I rather enjoyed the customability of the characters and being able to attach magic to have better statistics. The sidequests were interesting, and the weapons were greatly detailed.

Final Fantasy VII I enjoyed somewhat. The battle systems were slightly...boring. The materia system only weakened the character, and so on.
For me, I like FFVII most. Because of the story, character and more. I and my friends love FFVII, too. Even I've played FFVIII first I still like FFVII more than FFVIII.
ff7 because it is funny and catchy in my opinion and one letdown on ff8 is how you can be superpowered by the end of disk 1 i mean seriously 1000 exp to level up each time

by the time i was on edea disk 1 i had 8000 hp and 200 attack
Tough one! This is a question that's always asked as well, and I'm gonna have to go for FFVIII. Only just. FFVII was an incredible game, but I preffered FFVIII marginally :)
In an ideal world they would be combined to make a 7 disk miracle 0.o
VII, no contest. Why?

No junction system. No drawing. No main character you just want to slap for being a moody little bitch. I think that covers it.
Its final fantasy VII for me. i didnt like the storyline in VIII.
seven had fantastic characters, amazing storyline and well everying a good final final fantasy needs.
then again VII is my fave FF out of them all.
VIII is a good game which is enjoyable to play through. however, I pick VII. It's my first F.F. game so it perhaps still has a spft spot in me. It does nothing imaginative or special, it just does what it does pretty darn well. VIII's story really lets it down at times, because of the rather dull characters and whatnot I just found there be quite a few slow patches in the game.
VII is definitely the greatest FF of all time.
It's technically simpler than VIII and the story is way better than X.
So yes, I vote VII.