FFVII The Complete Story


Feb 19, 2007
Bristol, UK
I am one of those very underpriveliged people who have never actually played FFVII. The only part of the compilation I have experienced is Advent Children. The background story, with Mako, Jenova, Genesis/Angeal/Spehiroth/Zack etc etc interests me greatly. Also, I would like to know more about minor storylines, eg Vincent/Lucrecia/Hojo.

Does anyone know of a website or resource that has the entire story of FFVII? I would really like to discover the whole plot, but I find playing the game quite tedious. Ben searching for ages for such a website but haven't found anything so far :(
Try reading some of the FF7 Based Fan Fictions on here mate. I can't actually think of a website that has the entire storyline on it.
Ooh thank you for the links :)

The reason I refuse to play it, because after playing FFXII I cannot stand the loading screens between battles of the old system. I just can't go through it. Tragic isn't it? :S
It's a pleasure to see someone who actually cares about the backgroud story of VII and really really wants to play it. If you can ever find the game, I highly recommend it. I realize it's difficult and if you do find a copy - it'll probably be high, but like it's been said: It's totally worth it. One of my favorite games for years now. Good luck learning more about it.
I think to fully 'get' the game in terms of understanding, you need to play it through, at least once. It won't take you that long of a time if you put in a good 30 hours or so possibly, but you'll see for yourself what the characters went through, where they came from, and how the stroy unfolds.

Visuality is the best way to remember things as well. Then once you play through the game, Advent Children, DoC and the rest of the FFVII Compilation will start to sink in and make more sense.
I recommend FF Compendium!
Here's the link to the "outline/summary" of the entire FF compilation.


This came in particularly handy to me, since I never had the chance to play DOC, and I needed help putting all the pieces together. ^.^

It contains story/plot information for the following games:
Final Fantasy VII
Advent Children
Dirge of Cerberus
Crisis Core
Before Crisis
And two accounts of Tifa and Denzel in the story "On a way to a smile"

That whole summary is in chronological order too. ^.^
Is there an actual hard copy novelization out there somewhere? I searched eBay and all I said we dirty pictures of Tifa. PFFfff. They're huge, but the anime-porn is one thing I'm just not into!

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I think you'll have a tough time finding that one. FF7 was based on a story (if you watch the intro credits in the beginning, you'll see it say this) by Nomura and some other guy. Most likely you'll find a short story or an outline that was later converted into a game.

For me, this explained a lot, since there's a ton of info and history about the storyline that you never see in the game. A lot is lost when a story goes to any other format.

In any case, you shouldn't look for anything under FF7 as you know it. If anything, the chars would be completely different from what you know. Maybe look for an original script online? That's the only thing I know of you could look for. But most 'novelizations' are by fans and, though some are quite good, it isn't the same as coming from the creators themselves, IMO.

Of course, there's always the Ultimania Omega Guide. It is a lengthy guide detailing all the fine nuances of the game, written by the creators, of course. Not a book, but it does tell everything about everything. I recommend going there if there's something you don't get in the game.
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I think you'll have a tough time finding that one. FF7 was based on a story (if you watch the intro credits in the beginning, you'll see it say this) by Nomura and some other guy. Most likely you'll find a short story or an outline that was later converted into a game.

For me, this explained a lot, since there's a ton of info and history about the storyline that you never see in the game. A lot is lost when a story goes to any other format.

In any case, you shouldn't look for anything under FF7 as you know it. If anything, the chars would be completely different from what you know. Maybe look for an original script online? That's the only thing I know of you could look for. But most 'novelizations' are by fans and, though some are quite good, it isn't the same as coming from the creators themselves, IMO.

Of course, there's always the Ultimania Omega Guide. It is a lengthy guide detailing all the fine nuances of the game, written by the creators, of course. Not a book, but it does tell everything about everything. I recommend going there if there's something you don't get in the game.
I clicked on this thread to see your reply thinking it was going to be the entire story in absolute detail. Today however I was wrong :neomon:
XD So sorry to dissappoint, Moonchild. But when I posted that, it was my birthday, and I had to leave to open presents and eat some cake.

I shall work on a complete summary if you wish, (actually, I will, just for kicks) but know it'll take some time since I'm writing a short story, a book, and an essay for school all at once. Check back with me in a week or two. Kay?