
Nov 12, 2006
I have the pc version and it always has black squares evrywhere...well not everywhere, but you know what i mean, and i might be able to fix it. Does anyone know how to fix it w/o running 98(or get the latest patch, because i tried that...and it didn't do anything.) I'd appreciate it if anyone could and/or would help.
It's known that PC versions of the FF's are not working perfectly, I only know how to deal with the FF7 problem but ill post back here if i find out anything about this problem.
Try alcoholing it first.
in the ffviii configuration set your graphics to software render instead of hardware... worked for me.
Software rendering sucks. The problem is due to good 'ol nVidia phasing out support for 8-bit paletted textures on 5000+ series cards , so what you are getting is black squares for smoke, fog and effects, as well as black instead of transparency on the edges of any 8-bit scenery. Can't be fixed without a bunch of people getting together and modding the game textures and repackaging.

Easiest fix would be to pop an older video card in while you play :/ It's what I did.

Also, in your nVidia settings, create a profile for FF8.exe and set antialiasing to 4x. Any higher than that causes black horizontal lines.

*also* there's a patch out that fixes some other problems, but not the one you mentioned. Google it.

I'm also having the same problem. And like Kelani said, it has somthing to do with the 8-bit Palette that isnt supplied with Nvidia anymore. I've googled, emailed SquareEnix and NVidia (who told me to email EA games). None of them could tell me what was wrong, especially EA. They were no help at all. I read somewhere that you can download 77.77 drivers... but I'm not entirely sure what thath will do. Can anyone at least shed light on that?
Thats the patch I already had on mine. There is not one that I could find that was more updated then that one :(. If anyone hears of this could they PM me or post it up please? Thanks for posting it anyway Neotemplar! It works for my old graphics card but not my newer one (NVidia 6200).