FFVIII : Love It Or Hate It?

Love it or Hate it?

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Final fantasy viii is my favourite game of all the final fantasys. It was the game that made me a fan of the series. I don't understand why people would not like it. I like the start the fact that you start in a school type enviroment. The dollet mission where your running from what appears to be a spider like robot. Esthar been such an awesome city. The general music tracks for the areas. The fact that for some reason it appears everyone has been together at some part in there lives. The whole love story with rinoa and squall. Other then that edens cutscene I thought was really good.
I don't why every one hates this game so much, I think it is awesome but the same can said of things I like that everyone else hates. Even so, I enjoy game even if the story got convoluted in the second disc, the jucntioning system was irritating and the GF animations take too long, I enjoyed the game nonetheless.
Personally, I absolutely loved this game. Besides VII and its spin offs, VIII was my favorite of all the FF games. Squall was so awesome and to me, relateable the way he didn't want all this pressure on him to be the best.

Seifer was really cool too, in fact there were times when I wasn't sure who I liked more, the hero or the villian. The gunblade just reinvented weaponry too. That is by far the coolist thing in the world. The GF's had a good system workin, though the FFX one is better.

The story line is very addictive with all its twists and spins. It has great mini games such as Triple Triad. The Flying Garden thing was AWESOME... the cutscenes were just epic for their time.

All in all, that was the best FF game for its time y'know? Great Characters, great storyline, great gameplay. I only have 2 thumbs so I'm borrowing my friend's and putting 3 thumbs up for it.
Personally i loved it, the character had a good story and it was easy to see who was who by the personality they (cold hearted Squall to cheesy ladiesman Irvine) Awesone music score, nicely interactive limit breaks, the weapons hunts were fun to do some of the time and don't forget the best parts of the game SeeD exam (awesome music) and Esthar (what an epic city). But it does have its drawback such the some of laguna's sences, the annoying sence when you arr trying to find rinoa in space (catching her and then you see her fly right pass you :( ), and sometimes the junctioning system can seem annoying at first.
I don't know it was fun at first, but about halfway through the game I think I started to get bored. I had borrowed it from my friend, and he wanted it back, so I returned it. I could have borrowed it again, but I don't know, I just wasn't in the mood for it ever again lol.
I didn't like it much when I first started the game, but as I played I kinda warmed up to it. I thought some of the items were hard to acquire at first, but finally found some tricks to getting them. I wouldn't say I love it, but don't hate it either.
I heard a rumor that all people who hate FF8 LOVE FF9, and all people who hate FF9 LOVE FF8. Between everyone I know, I think this theory is true xD

I did not like FF8. I think it is the worse! I would rather die and play FF5 in Hell for all eternity xD (not raggin' on FF5)
Disc one was the only good part of the game. After that it just keeps going down hill. All FF8 did was bitch and moan about Squall and Rinoa. There wasn't any character depth for Zell, Selphie, Irvine or anyone! It was all about Rinoa trying to fuck Squall, and how poor Rinoa is the odd and unwanted one who didn't grow up poor and in an orphanage with everyone else. She's just like a modern day emo kid.
The whole Ultimecia thing was bullshit too. She just suddenly shows up, dicks off for a disc or two and then you go and kill her.
The only challenge to this game was playing the stupid card game to get Laguna's card, which you then convert into 99 hero drinks, or whatever they're called (the Hero thing that makes you invisible) which is then used in the final fight with Ultimecia. Wow!
Music = no good. Characters = lame. Story = where is it? Gameplay = boring
Im in the middle
I dont lik the gameplay that much mainly becuz of the drawing system and how u can only use limit breaks when yur health is low
but i do lik the story and characters.
I'd have to say Final Fantasy 8 is a masterpiece. For the first half of the game, it isn't a love story. It is epic, the music is masterful and the graphics were "Halo" for the time. The characters have a lot of background to them if you play close attention and it's even better because it's based in the 2100's. I love the "Flashback" parts, but I am disappointed that it's only 70% as long as FF7.. Disk 3 to 4, there is a HUGE hole in the story. I guess they were just rushing it near the end.. Btw, this is my first post.
I love it!

It's the game that really got me into FF and RPG's in the first place. It's always the FF game I want to go back to and play.

I think a lot of people compare it with 7. The fans of 7 have just completed one of the best games they've ever played and hunger for more, when they hear a new FF is coming out they rush to play it and what happens? It's nothing like 7. That's not to say it's a bad game, but it's not what the fans were expecting. So I think that's why 8 gets a bad reputation. To me, it's a fantastic game.

For it's time, it had the best graphics, gameplay and music you could have got with a game. I think a lot of people were blown away by it and enjoyed it more so because of the graphics. The realism allowed for better gameplay. So there would be a lot of nostalgia towards it and a huge fanbase. I think the people that got 9 after were also expecting it to be similar or look even better than 8. And they probably felt it went a step backwards because the style was less realistic. Anyway onto 8...

After hearing what so many people thought of the storyline and how silly a lot of it was, I started to see where they were coming from. Compared to 7's storyline, it's not really that good at all. Some of the things were ridiculous. Everyone (except for Rinoa) all happened to have lived in the same orphanage, yet they all didn't remember? It's as if the makers were being lazy with the back stories so just gave them all the same one. The story could have been worked on better, but I still think it's very good! SeeD, Garden, the Sorceresses, the love story between Squall and Rinoa, time compression, Ellone and Laguna. It was interesting and kept you playing. The gameplay is also very good, along with the music. I didn't like how Ultimecia was introduced too late into the game. The characters were also quite simple and seemed like stereotypical teenagers. There wasn't a whole lot to them. After playing it again recently though, I didn't think those reasons made the game bad. I even started to see they were some of the reasons I liked it so much. You can relate to the characters better and everything seemed more realistic. They don't all have to be completely different. Even though Squall was annoying a lot of the time, I think his character is great. He has the most character development towards the end as he opens up more and falls in love with Rinoa. It's understandable why he's the way that he is and doesn't want to get too close to anyone. I prefer the reserved/quiet/cool leading characters, plus he's hot. :P

I must admit I didn't like the Junctioning system when I first played it and found it to be quite confusing and annoying, but now I really like it. I think it's unique. I like how the GF's were made to be a big part. It does get annoying having to constantly watch the sequences though and not being able to use physical strength as much. Having to draw so many magic spells off of your enemies can be very time consuming also. So there a lot of annoying aspects to the battle system. I still like it though. Leveling up and battles are always going to be time consuming. That's what FF is all about. We'd get bored if it was always the same style.

It also has the amazing Triple Triad card game!

I understand why people don't like it, but they should understand why people DO like it too.

It's still a masterpiece, and is one of the most popular games made along with 7. So it has to be good! :)
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It's my first Final Fantasy game ever, of course I'm in love with it... It's what got me into the series.

Let's see... Unlike FF7, 9 or 10 I could actually relate to the characters. Hell, maybe they're more complex in FFVII but to be honest, I just couldn't take them seriously, somehow. Must be the fact that I played FFVII after FFX and the graphics made me want to gouge my eyes out.

The storyline (albeit not as rich as FFIX's imho) is great, despite the sudden plot twists like the orphanage, or suddenly finding out about Ultimecia with no heed... Guess it was the profound loveline that got me most.

Flexible stat system (although that too is arguable, I mean ffs you can complete the game anywhere between level 7 and 100). I wouldn't say that it makes the game any easier or harder, just allows you more ways to go through it.

Much better card game than FFIX's (though nowhere near as addicting as blitzball from FFX).

And finally, Squall's the main character! Haha. That's a huge bonus.
Well I always enjoyed the junction system in FFVIII but it still isn't my favourite final fantasy game I enjoyed was final fantasy7 because of the materia system.

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Love it.

It is not only the best Final Fantasy ever, but it is the best RPG of all time for numerous varied reasons. I have beaten this game at least four times and have played through it to certain points more times than I can count since the year it came out. FF VIII is a landmark in beautiful graphics, startlingg locales, breathtaking music, and an absolutely spectacular narrative centered around the theme of love.
I'm one of the haters (never thought I'd say that lol), it's just getting too mundane and it's almost like they're running out of original ideas.
Remember to say WHY you hate it though. Just saying you hate it is not enough... 'tis spam ;3
I'm not sure yet, i haven't finished it. So far i like it but that may change, I left off at the assassination attempt. My party members are Squall, Rinoa, and Selphie. I don't really use the others unless i have to, and thats when i run out of phoenix downs.
ff8 will always have a special place in my heart, like your first love that never dies... only thing that can keep me from playing it is re3 mercs :)
Can't stand FFVIII. I couldn't relate to any of the characters even a little bit. There was just something about them that I found...insufferable. Selphie made me want to rip my hair out, Quistis was so boring I forgot she existed most of the time, I always associate Irvine with the word 'pussy'(I actually try not to...but it's like it's automatic now...whoops), Squall wasn't emo, he was just an anti-social little bitch and Rinoa was a spoiled little brat with daddy issues.

Zell...he didn't really irritate me...so he can live I suppose.

One thing that also made me insane was the bastardization of Seifer. Seifer was an asshole and obviously had some superiority issues, there is no question about that, but because he went against the grain and didn't want to be another boring little piss-ant, he was made out to be just plain 'evil'. I honestly could relate to Seifer more than anyone. I don't fucking blame him for wanting to be Edea's Knight or wanting to piss Squall off. I'd take Seifer any day of the week over Squall. At least he had actual dreams and not a pre-programmed personality.

Yes, I am a Seifer fangirl, and it pisses me off that one of my fave FF characters ever is from one of my least liked games :/

Which leads me to what may be one of the stupidest plot twists I've ever been a witness to. I totally 100% agree that there are plot holes and plot twists in most FF's and general RPG's, but for each one of the main characters to conveniently forget that they all grew up in the same orphanage together? Bullshit. I don't care if it's the GF's fault or not, the likelihood of each and everyone of them to forget that entire stretch of time is absolutely ridiculous. I couldn't take anything that happened seriously after that.
I love it so much :D
It was the first Final Fantasy game I ever played and it is the reson I played the rest of them.

I love the love story the most, I'm a sucker for love stories.:garnet: