Ffviii Movie

Sony has the "rights" to the main Final Fantasy series the other consoles get the off shoots, so PS3 will get any remakes if there are any.
movei MOVIE movei!!!! plsssss SQUARE, listen to US!! make a sequel!! a sequel plssss.. ffx has x2, ff7 has advent ff8 can have "seeds"
You didn't feel that way about FF7?
Yes, I did. They need to stop making sh*t come out of the blue. They keep dredging up old games with all this new bullsh*t that's not completely explained, we only have a piece of the puzzle. That's why they're making Crisis Core, and hopefully that explains everything.... Hopefully is an overused term.:)
Yeah, that battle between the Gardens was really sweet. Too bad the CG would freeze my screen all the time because my 2nd Disc is scratched. x_x I agree with Tielknight, though: the CG all played out like a movie, all right.

There's no way you'd be able to squash all of FFVIII into just one movie without compromising something. What about a sequel, though? What do you guys think would happen?