
Chocobo Breeder
Apr 19, 2007
They made one for VII, I think they should do one for VIII. What do ya'll think?
No way!

The movie would suck because they would probably make that little pathetic super sweet 16 girl Rinoa look angelic and such which she simply is not!

And there was nothing left unsaid so there really ins´t a point in making one!
I really couldnt care if they made an ffviii movie, but if it was to come out i would buy it. They could probadly make a decent storyline from it something involving the seeds and military type stuff.
Mixed feelings really. I love the game, but it would be a risky move to make a movie of it; just because it worked with FFVII doesn't mean this one will.
Like Laguna_Dream said, I'd still buy it though :lol:
Possible prequel yes, but no sequel. Good grief no. Pointless, as VIII's storyline was well tied up.
an FFVIII movie would suck every thing was explained at the end so there isn't anything to base the movie on
My 2 cents

I agree, a prequel only. Maybe include the storyline itself, kinda like an overview, you know. Start off when Edea and Cid start the orphanage and take in the kids. Like they did with the first Resident Evil movie. A prequel that we never saw in the game. Maybe the kids as they first become cadets in the Gardens.

But the only way a movie would be worthwhile is if they made it with really good voice actors. No need for 'sweet and sappy' female voices. They might be the 'in' thing for anime, but for 'live action' CG, they just don't fit.

And yes, I'd buy it even if it weren't that great. Just because it's FF.
Yeah well I think it would work if it showed what happened before but not after.
is there anyone that have recorded when they played the game. so the game itself became a movie? im looking for it. and if no one have done that i think i will try..
why not make a movie..... well it might attract more people if they made a re-make not a whole new storyline
that's exactly what i think they shoulld do... not a Prequel or Sequel, but a direct port of the game into a movie. I think it would be kickass to see Squall and the gang in fully rendered CG. ooooh... Edea would look totally awesome, as would Ultimecia ^-^
As much as I loved VIII, I'd rather see it remade as a game and not a just a port, but a complete overhaul of the graphics. A movie would be alright since I'd wind up buying anyway, but I think I'd get a whole lot more satisfaction out of a remake by being able to interact and immerse myself through game play.
i dont care if they made a film for it either because i would still go out and buy it and love it anyway so there is my opinion on this thread lol i love anything to do with FF so i dont care what Square do ill love it hee hee
maybe instead of one film on its own, release it as a set of films cuz id hate to see another FF film crammed into 80 mins of film. i dont see there bein a point in making it a prequel cuz we know thers nothing excitin that happened to squall b4 he became a seed. it would have to be a sequel
A'yo, I rather see a prequal with Laguna, Kiros and Ward in the from of a video game. That would be great! And, just to let you guys know, there is space to create a sequal to this game and it would be great...:cool:

hey thats a good idea laguna was a friggin brilliant character it would be far more interestin watching or playing as him than it would be squall
an FFVIII movie would suck every thing was explained at the end so there isn't anything to base the movie on

...not quite everything...What about Squalls ring? It's name is griever, and anyone who's beaten the game should know that Griever was one of the Final Bosses...how did that come about?

Who is Squalls Father?

How in the heck did they all suddenly forget about eachother in the past?

Where did the GFs come from?

Where in the world are they hiding before being summoned?

I for one wouldn't mind a prequel/sequel movie that might explain some of this...