...not quite everything...What about Squalls ring? It's name is griever, and anyone who's beaten the game should know that Griever was one of the Final Bosses...how did that come about?

Who is Squalls Father?

How in the heck did they all suddenly forget about eachother in the past?

Where did the GFs come from?

Where in the world are they hiding before being summoned?

I for one wouldn't mind a prequel/sequel movie that might explain some of this...

I think some of this may not be answered accurately but strong evidence to support but by what you have just listed it would seem that you would be in support for a prequel rather than a sequel as a prequel would more than likely be able to answer most of this.

Anyway, isn't it best to leave the game as it is and let us think for ourselves and come up with our own conclusions about what happened? Where they related? How did that work? etc. This is the main reason why I don't like sequels/prequels in Final Fantasy as I like the games left with some unanswered questions and so I can come up with my own conclusion or read other peoples conclusions. It gives us a lot more to talk about rather than just about playing the game but also the story behind it all.
I'm not against it...
If they want to, I don't oppose...
I wanna see how it turns out to be. ^^
But I'd buy it If there will be one.

sure, they should make a movie for every final fantasy.
OMG I completely agree with this!!!! Granted that a movie for certian ones would not do them justice but that would depend on if it was a prequal movie or a sequal movie...... They would have some serious work either way for comming up with a story line!

I have always thought that if they were to make a FFVIII movie though..... they should try a different approach and not make the characters CG... If they actually did make this movie I think they should do searches for people that look like the charachers as well as sound like the ought to sound when they speak.... Yes I know that they would probably be looking for a long while before they found the perfect person but I think that that would make it all the better..... anyways thats just my put in on that
I would kill myself after watching it. :(

This is a horrible idea... But I wouldn't mind if it was a movie of the story and nothing else, but I doubt they'd leave it as is if they made a new FF movie. But any new stuff would make me cry. For me, FFVIII was almost at the peak of perfection, and anything that would be done to it could set it's perfection way out of perspective. Besides, it felt like the story ended when the game was over.^_^
As long as they make a good story, I'm fine with it. Uh, I don't really see Squall jumping here and there like Cloud did though, so I'm thinking that if they do make a movie, there would be less action and more love story. That's just the way FFVIII strikes me as.

A prequel would be pointless, since we basically already know what went on. The only reason I can think of why they'd bother with a prequel is for the sake of Laguna's story, as well as Squall's childhood. So sequel would appeal more to me. Or simply just make a movie based on the FFVIII game storyline.

A love story?

If they did, it would probably be that and just eye candy like AC was.
The game already struck me as being a very enjoyable movie, so I really don't expect or hope for a movie.

But if they come up with an original story and plot, like introducing some new evil or whatnot, then that would be different.

EDIT: Or they can just make the whole game a full-length movie.
Without all the random battles.
I'd love one but i'm not sure if one could be made unless its a prequel with the real stars of the game Laguna, Kiros and Ward. ;) But everything to me was tied up at the end of the game I guess they could always make up some dumb uberpowerful Guardian Force gone Haywire plot to continue were VIII left off.

A prequel would be pointless, since we basically already know what went on. The only reason I can think of why they'd bother with a prequel is for the sake of Laguna's story, as well as Squall's childhood.

This pretty much says it all, you couldn't go anywhere with a prequel it's like the equivalent of making a third shrek movie, there's no drive to the story line. But anyway I would be down for almost any final fantasy movie, there is a real shortage, as long as they stay away from ffx 2:blink: haha.
I would really enjoy seeing a Final Fantasy VIII movie. It would be a nice contrast to Advent Children and I can never get enough of VIII ^_^. It would be awesome to see all the characters fully functioning with voices, realistic graphics, etc... but I wouldn't mind seeing this same idea with other Final Fantasies. As long as there is a Final Fantasy movie, I will be watching it :p.
Everything was explained at the end of FF VII too. But some of the fanboys were too stupid to realise that. Yet they still made a movie? Please, get going with all the hypocrisy.

There is a perfectly good theory that could be exploited for FF 8
They could...it would be good if they focused more on the story though this time instead of romance, or at least didn't make it so mainstream...I mean there are so many characters, it's not good to just focus on two or three, you have to go all out and try to show a bit of all of them, even if it is just a glimmer.
actually what if the story was about how the seeds thing became corrupt, and some of them turned making a new faction , that they had to fight against...
Seems pointless. In all honesty, if you're going to do a movie on FFVIII, it's going to be some piss poor attempt at wooing fans with graphics and death defying moves. Look at AC - lacking a somewhat brilliant storyline, but it sure made up for the poor story with pretty graphics/fight scenes.

No sequels - there's nothing to go on. There really isn't, unless you want to zoom into the future and have them take on Rinoa as a sorceress..
i dont see why not. especially considering how well AC has done and how big of fan base final fantasy is.
would be interesting what they could do with VIII i reckon. they should do it :)
i dont see why not. especially considering how well AC has done and how big of fan base final fantasy is.
would be interesting what they could do with VIII i reckon. they should do it :)

Several things to note

- VII was more popular - VIII doesn't seem to be a general favourite amongst fans. VII appeared to have better characters, apparently.
- VII had something to go on - the original ending, was very ambiguous - 500 years into the future? Why 500 years, what had happened after that?
- If people REALLY wanted it, then it could be thought about. But there has yet to be a general petition/need for it.
Well, obviously like Rulia said, VIII has no fan basis compared to VII, I mean come on, Sephiroth has a continent sized army of fans ready to nuke anyone who says different =/

Personally, if they had made a movie about VIII it could perhaps be...dare I say..LIVE ACTION???? Kekeke....well, what I'm saying is is that they would make it not as over the top as VII AC was and a bit more "Zell grabs <insert emo here> 's gunblade and pimpslaps him several times" without having Zell and whatshisface run around buildings etc etc...

And My Final Heaven would have to look a bit..er...better. We can't the The Flash showing up randomly out of nowhere. Besides, "My Final Heaven" sounds like some kind of holy-ish move, Zell could go...idk perhaps angelic martial artist? Imma draw that..
honestly if they made a FFVIII movie it would proply be about how well their doing after the incident or about Squall and riona's child growin up most likely it would a very sentemental movie with great battle scenes