FFX-2 FFX-2 Favourites & Worsts List

my current list.......will update occasionally as i'm currently replaying X-2

Favourite Character: Rikku
Favourite Male Character: Wakka
Favourite Female Character: Lulu (love her boobs :)
Favourite Weapon: Again Rikku (Dual Blades)
Favourite Oversoul: Jumbo Cactuar
Favourite Area: Zanarkand
Favourite Place: Lulu's house
Favourite Boss: Gippal
Favourite Enemy: Shuyin
Favourite Cutscene: 1000 Words
Favourite FMV: Opening Credits
Favourite Blitzer: Biggs & Wedge
Favourite Music: Real Emotion(opening credits)
Favourite Dark Aeon: Dark Yojimbo
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Heavenly Strike(Dark Shiva)
Favourite Magic/Abilty: Holy
Favourite Dressphere:Gunner Yuna
Favourite Special Dressphere: Full Throttle
Favourite Mode of Transport:
airship Celciushttp://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Celsius

Worst Character: Paine
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Oversoul:
Worst Area:
Worst Place:
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
Worst Blitzer:
Worst Music:
Worst Dark Aeon:
Worst Dark Aeon Attack:
Worst Magic/Ability:
Worst Dressphere:
Worst Special Dressphere:
Worst Mode of Transport:Walking
Favourite Character: Rikku
Favourite Male Character: Anyone but Baralai, probably Gippal.
Favourite Female Character: Rikku
Favourite Weapon: Brotherhood with Warrior.
Favourite Oversoul: Tonberry in Chapter 1, took me 20 minutes,
Favourite Area: Cabin
Favourite Place: Airship
Favourite Boss: Vegnagun
Favourite Enemy: Behemoth
Favourite Cutscene: Bath scene
Favourite FMV: 100% Ending (I never got it myself.)
Favourite Blitzer: Brother
Favourite Music: Airship I guess.
Favourite Dark Aeon: Magus Sisters
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Delta Attack
Favourite Magic/Abilty: Four Dice
Favourite Dressphere: Lady Luck
Favourite Special Dressphere: Never used them, but Floral Fallal
Favourite Mode of Transport: Airship

Worst Character: Paine
Worst Male Character: Paine
Worst Female Character: Paine
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Oversoul: Fire Elemental
Worst Area: Gagazet
Worst Place: Chocobo Ranch
Worst Boss: Dragon thingy before Vegnagun, was harder than Vegnagun itself. Abu Dahaka or something like that.
Worst Enemy: Elementals
Worst Cutscene: Sphere 8
Worst FMV:
Worst Blitzer: Yuna
Worst Music: Thunder Plains
Worst Dark Aeon: Shiva
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: Diamond Dust
Worst Magic/Ability: Any songs/dances.
Worst Dressphere: Songstress
Worst Special Dressphere: Whatever Paine's is.
Worst Mode of Transport: Walking?
Favourite Character: Rikku
Favourite Male Character: Gippal
Favourite Female Character: Lulu
Favourite Weapon: well...umm..the thief's daggers?
Favourite Oversoul: ....
Favourite Area: Besaid
Favourite Place: Besaid
Favourite Boss: Leblanc& co.
Favourite Enemy: Goons
Favourite Cutscene: anything that has Lulu in itxD
Favourite FMV: opening xD
Favourite Blitzer: Rikku
Favourite Music: real Emotion [Japanese]
Favourite Dark Aeon: Shiva
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Diamond Dust
Favourite Magic/Abilty: All of the black magics
Favourite Dressphere: Lady Luck
Favourite Special Dressphere: Machina Maw
Favourite Mode of Transport: Airship

Worst Character: Clasko
Worst Male Character: Barthello
Worst Female Character: Elma
Worst Weapon: I dunno
Worst Oversoul: I dunno
Worst Area: Kilika, I got lost in the new KilikaxD
Worst Place: Bevelle Via Purifico or what is that
Worst Boss: hmm...the first onexD
Worst Enemy: that annoying one that don't let you go through the Farplane near at the end of the game
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst FMV: -
Worst Blitzer: Brother
Worst Music: -
Worst Dark Aeon: Bahamut, too weakxD
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: Pain by Anima
Worst Magic/Ability: Blue Bullet
Worst Dressphere: -
Worst Special Dressphere: Paine's
Worst Mode of Transport:walkingxD
Favourite Character: Rikku
Favourite Male Character: Cid
Favourite Female Character: Rikku
Favourite Weapon: Spider's Kiss
Favourite Oversoul: Boris
Favourite Area: Kilika Port
Favourite Place: Kilika
Favourite Boss: Shuyin
Favourite Enemy: -
Favourite Cutscene: Rikku cleaning Mi'ihen Highroad
Favourite FMV: Yuna's dream about her and Tidus
Favourite Blitzer: Keepa
Favourite Music: Yuna's Ballad
Favourite Dark Aeon: Bahamut for the win
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Diamond dust
Favourite Magic/Abilty: Black sky
Favourite Dressphere: Mascot
Favourite Special Dressphere: Machina Maw
Favourite Mode of Transport: Airship

Worst Character: Still hate Lucil
Worst Male Character: Beclem
Worst Female Character: Lucil
Worst Weapon: -
Worst Oversoul: -
Worst Area: Bevelle
Worst Place: Via Infinito
Worst Boss: Black Element
Worst Enemy: -
Worst Cutscene: Shelinda at Luca
Worst FMV: -
Worst Blitzer: Botta
Worst Music: normal Battle music
Worst Dark Aeon: Ixion
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: Aerospark
Worst Magic/Ability: -
Worst Dressphere: Songstress
Worst Special Dressphere: Full Throttle
Worst Mode of Transport: Walking
Favourite Character: Yuna... I can't say I'm entirely fond of the transformation from X, but I can see that she's trying to adopt certain Tidus-like qualities, i.e. an upbeat approach to EVERYTHING, and there's something beautiful about that.

Favourite Male Character: Wakka. He's great! :)

Favourite Female Character: Yuna...

Favourite Weapon: Yuna's guns. Snazzy.

Favourite Area:
I've always found Kilikka rather beautiful. I wouldn't mind living in Besaid either.

Favourite Place:
Uhm... same as above?

Favourite Boss: I can't really remember any of them. :(

Favourite Cutscene: The perfect ending?

Favourite FMV: Probably the Good Ending FMV or 1000 Words.

Favourite Music: The opening (Eternity~Memory of Lightwaves), 1000 Words, Battle Theme 3, Besaid, Calm Lands, Yuna's Ballad, and the Epilogue theme (which uses the theme of Besaid).

Favourite Dark Aeon: Bahamaut.

Favourite Dressphere: I don't have a universal favourite. I tend to prefer the default ones for each character, since they suit them best!

Favourite Special Dressphere: Yuna's?

Favourite Mode of Transport: Airship!

Worst Character: Leblanc. I saw little point to her. -_-

Worst Male Character: Leblanc's two cronies.

Worst Female Character: Leblanc...

Worst Place: Leblanc's hideout...

Worst Boss: The gun in Bevelle! The final boss?

Worst Cutscene: None spring to mind...

Worst FMV: The pointless ones, like the FMV of a few soliders moving about... The normal ending isn't that exciting either.

Worst Dressphere: I was never a fan of the White Mage dressphere...
Favourite Character: Paine
Favourite Male Character: -
Favourite Female Character: Paine
Favourite Weapon: Swords when using Dark knight
Favourite Oversoul: dunno
Favourite Area: the ending area
Favourite Place: Bevelle
Favourite Boss: fighting the aeons again
Favourite Enemy: the Aeons
Favourite Cutscene: dunno
Favourite FMV: opening
Favourite Blitzer: none
Favourite Music: Zanarkand
Favourite Dark Aeon: Bahamut
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Whatever Bahamut does
Favourite Magic/Abilty: Cure
Favourite Dressphere: Berserker
Favourite Special Dressphere: Full Trottle
Favourite Mode of Transport: By airship >.>

Worst Character: Lenne
Worst Male Character: Shuyin, Brother, practically every male in the game except Kimahri and Nooj he's kinda cute <3 lol
Worst Female Character: Lenne
Worst Weapon: Black Magician thing
Worst Oversoul: dunno
Worst Area: they're all good
Worst Place: -
Worst Boss: Shuyin, Venagun
Worst Enemy: Shuyin
Worst Cutscene: Can't remember any though I'm sure there are plenty.
Worst FMV:
When Shuyin is all creepy and molester with Yuna in the Farplane.
Worst Blitzer: I hate that thing in the first place.
Worst Music: music's all good
Worst Dark Aeon: they're all good
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: -
Worst Magic/Ability: It all kinda sucks except cure.
Worst Dressphere: Songstress
Worst Special Dressphere: Yuna's
Worst Mode of Transport: -
Favourite Character: Yuna, Yuna, Yuna. Especially during certain dresspheres, like Dark Knight. I enjoy her a lot more when she ditches the forced immaturity.
Favourite Male Character: I guess maybe Nooj. He looks like a complete fucking moron but there's still something about him that's not so bad. Or maybe he's just not so bad compared to most of the other male characters. Oh wait!! Yaibal. I liked him! So cute :3 Benzo is a good one too. I'm just going to list them all, I don't care.
Favourite Female Character: I'd say Rikku if the minds of Jap men who cream themselves over women infantilizing their sexuality didn't completely rape her character. But since that's not the case, I'll go with Nhadala. I've always liked her.
Favourite Weapon: Masamune. Rikku rocks the shit out of it.
Favourite Oversoul: Any that adds challenge for me and doesn't cheap out on the exp at the end. I'm in it for the fun.
Favourite Area: Besaid beach
Favourite Place: I can't choose. A lot of them are pretty special and beautiful.
Favourite Boss: Any of the dinos, even if they were easy peezy 8(
Favourite Enemy: Tonberry heh
Favourite Cutscene: After Yuna's 1000 Words performance, Maechen tells the party the tale of Lenne and Shuyin. That's not my favourite part; my favourite is Rikku after all of that. When she tells Yuna how she can understand the lengths Shuyin went to save Lenne, since she was the same two years ago. Fighting back tears the whole way. It was nice to see a glimpse of the real Rikku — the strong young woman I admired so much in X.
Favourite FMV: Perfect Ending
Favourite Blitzer: I heard if you start a New Game Plus after already getting 100%, there's an Easter egg where you can have Tidus on your team. I haven't experienced that since I never got passed 99% lol but if it's true, then Tidus.
Favourite Music: Guadosalam in Chapter 5, when Donga and the musical gang play their cover of Eternity ~Memory of Lightwaves~
Favourite Dark Aeon: Anima
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Oblivion
Favourite Magic/Abilty:
Favourite Dressphere: Berserker for Yuna, Dark Knight for Rikku and Paine.
Favourite Special Dressphere: Floral Fallal
Favourite Mode of Transport: Chocobo!

Worst Character: Brother annoys the shit out of me.
Worst Male Character: Prophet is pretty embarrassing.
Worst Female Character: Shelinda. Always.
Worst Weapon: Paine's Warrior sword. Emo bitch.
Worst Oversoul: Any that took forever in a way that was not fucking fun. I'm looking at you, Tonberry.
Worst Area: Any of the caves.
Worst Place: Djose, I guess. It was pretty dull.
Worst Boss: Dark Bahamut...I can't believe that game made me kill him. I actually let him give me a game over before, just to justify my eliminating him afterwards.
Worst Enemy: Spores. I just hate the ugly shits.
Worst Cutscene: Any where Yuna and Rikku are being annoying fucking cunts.
Worst FMV: Yuna dancing, I guess. Stupid.
Worst Blitzer: All of them that aren't mine.
Worst Music: Friendly Neighbourhood Gullwings. There were so many I didn't like.
Worst Dark Aeon: Yojimbo, just because he's always been a piece of shit.
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: Delta Attack took for fucking ever.
Worst Magic/Ability: Jitterbug. It lasts fuckin 2 seconds.
Worst Dressphere: Thief, no matter how good Yuna looks.
Worst Special Dressphere: I never use Machina Maw or Full Throttle.
Worst Mode of Transport: Hovers, I hated knowing that they could've been a Chocobo.
Favourite Character: Paine (she don't put up with garbage)
Favourite Male Character: (there ain't many) Gippal, for his cool hair
Favourite Female Character: Lenne
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Oversoul: I...don't think I have a fave.
Favourite Area: that Kilika jungle
Favourite Place: above ^
Favourite Boss: LeBlanc (I enjoyed beating her up)
Favourite Enemy: The Machina, I guess?
Favourite Cutscene: The monkeys of Zanarkand
Favourite FMV: The concert where Yuna turns into Lenne
Favourite Blitzer: I could never get the hang of Blitzball
Favourite Music: 1,000 words
Favourite Dark Aeon: Shiva
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: ...unsure...
Favourite Magic/Abilty: Firaga
Favourite Dressphere: White Mage/Rikku
Favourite Special Dressphere: that Floral Fallal thingy
Favourite Mode of Transport: Ship, duh.

Worst Character: Definitely Brother

Worst Male Character: Brother
Worst Female Character: Brother [just kidding] LeBlanc
Worst Weapon:
Worst Oversoul: Those big giant tortoise thingies were tough...
Worst Area: the underground levels of Bevelle (kept dying)
Worst Place: the above^
Worst Boss: The entity at the bottom of the underground Bevelle
Worst Enemy: The Giant Tonberrys
Worst Cutscene: LeBlanc Intro
Worst FMV: Proly Yuna meeting Nooj or that bit where LeBlanc is depressed cuz Nooj is gone.
Worst Blitzer: Me :P
Worst Music: A lot of the music got repetitive for me. I don't even wanna go there.
Worst Dark Aeon: I didn't find them entirely annoying.
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: ?
Worst Magic/Ability: Berserk.
Worst Dressphere: Berserker. (I must control all things @.@)
Worst Special Dressphere: Machina Maw (I always died in that)
Worst Mode of Transport: Walking
Favourite Character: My heart will always belong to Yuna.
Favourite Male Character: I really liked Benzo lol, he was such a great asset. Gippal was fun though, I can see him being a good drinking buddy.
Favourite Female Character: I have a soft spot for Nhadala. No-nonsense and gets shit done immediately. She's completely underrated, if you ask me.
Favourite Weapon: Auron's Masamune went so well with Rikku's Dark Knight!
Favourite Oversoul: All of them, I guess. Extra EXP and whatnot.
Favourite Area: Besaid Beach; the white sands and clear waters are really charming, and the bridge that stretches out from the shore is a nice, nostalgic piece.
Favourite Place: The Moonflow! I would have said Macalania Forest, but it's too depressing in this game lol but it is so beautiful. Imagine reading a book there? Yesyes
Favourite Boss: I had fun with Leblanc lol I used to go into every battle with each girls' default dressphere, and then have them change into, what I considered, the 'ultimate' versions (Yuna: Gunner → Gun Mage or Songstress, Rikku: Thief → Alchemist or Lady Luck, Paine: Warrior → Dark Knight or Samurai), just to make her shit her pants. It's like I was playing with toys or something.
Favourite Enemy: I loved fighting Stalwart and variations of. He was such a cheapskate with his drop-down-to-1HP punch, and it was a fun challenge.
Favourite Cutscene: The hot springs and the last scene with Maechen at Zanarkand.
Favourite FMV: Perfect Ending
Favourite Blitzer: SCREW BLITZBALL IN THIS GAME omg I just don't care ok
Favourite Music: Wind Crest ~The Three Trials~
Favourite Dark Aeon: Anima
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Oblivion
Favourite Magic/Abilty: Anything that activates my favourite quotes from the girls. I love Yuna's Dark Knight Darkness quotes, and Rikku's FLY MY PRETTY from her Festival Goer abilities is a good one too.
Favourite Dressphere: Different for each girl; I love Berserker on Yuna, Dark Knight on Rikku, and I adooore Lady Luck on Paine. But I do think Dark Knight has the coolest concept, and Mascot probably saves my ass the most, so~
Favourite Special Dressphere: Floral Fallal
Favourite Mode of Transport: Chocobo!

Worst Character: Brother, hands down.
Worst Male Character: Probably Maroda. He's such an ass. I didn't like Shuyin either, though.
Worst Female Character: Rikku, probably. I blame the writers though, because I know Rikku is fantastic and I love her to bits. I just think she's better than the ditz they morphed her into for this game.
Worst Weapon: Microphone...
Worst Oversoul: Any of the bosses in the last cloistures of Via Infinito, holy chocolate starfish
Worst Area: The repetitive Via Infinito gets a gold medal for this one lol
Worst Place: Djose is small and nothing ever happens there.
Worst Boss: Paragon can suck my ass, especially in the international version.
Worst Enemy: Amorphous Gel, probably. Idk
Worst Cutscene: Anything with Brother
Worst FMV: Vegnagun, for sure
Worst Blitzer: all of that shit
Worst Music: Mt. Gagazet because the FFX track Servants of the Mountain is one of the most amazing pieces of music I've ever heard and this one did NADA FOR ME.
Worst Dark Aeon: Probably Valefor, just because she was the weakest and it's boring, but I really loved them all.
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: Delta Attack if I forgot to shorten the battle scenes
Worst Magic/Ability: I can only think of Steal from the top of my head, just because Mug exists.
Worst Dressphere: I appreciate what Songstress can do, but it's really so useless with the kind of battle system this game has.
Worst Special Dressphere: I have the least amount of fun with Full Throttle
Worst Mode of Transport: Idk, I like them all. Even the little boat that gets you through to the other side of Kilika port.
Favorite Character: Kimahri
Favourite Male Character: Kimahri
Favourite Female Character: Rikku
Favourite Weapon: Pupu Doll
Favourite Oversoul: Mega Tonberry
Favourite Area: Calm Lands
Favourite Place: Bevelle
Favourite Boss: Angra Mainyu
Favourite Enemy: Mega Tonberry
Favourite Cutscene: Payne’s Past
Favourite FMV: True Ending
Favourite Blitzer: Wakka
Favourite Music: Zanarkand Ruins
Favourite Dark Aeon: Anima
Favourite Dark Aeon Attack: Oblivion
Favourite Magic/Abilty: Cactling Gun
Favourite Dressphere: Mascot
Favourite Special Dressphere: Full Throttle
Favourite Mode of Transport: Walking

Worst Character: Brother
Worst Male Character: Brother
Worst Female Character: Yuna
Worst Weapon: Microphone
Worst Oversoul: Omega Weapon
Worst Area: Kilika
Worst Place: Kilika
Worst Boss: Nooj
Worst Enemy: Nooj
Worst Cutscene: Opening
Worst FMV: Opening
Worst Blitzer: Star Player
Worst Music: Most of it
Worst Dark Aeon: Penance
Worst Dark Aeon Attack: Tetra-Graviton
Worst Magic/Ability: Dance and Sing
Worst Dressphere: Songstress
Worst Special Dressphere: Floral Fallal
Worst Mode of Transport: Celcius