FFX-2 FFX-2 General Discussion

I have a little question

You know the Crimson Reports? Well, I was always certain that the two who were talking about a job done were Ormi and Logos. But I'm beginning to doubt it- I mean Paine never mentions them, and neither does Nooj, even though they would have seen them if they were there. Am I getting confused here? Does anyone know who those two were?

No it wasn't them, I don't think they have any actual names, although I do admit it does look like them a little, and sound like them, but it really isn't them.
I don't actually remember seeing them, just hearing them on those Crimson spheres, and it really does sound like them...but like I said, why would it be, if nobody ever refers to it?

Thanks for your reply!
That percentage bollocks bugged me. You needed to open evrey chest and talk to every one, yet the Via Infinito wasnt included -__- I never did that and still got 100%. Why bother having a percentage effort if its not all included -__-

Liekd the dress spheres loved the battle system, hated the garment Grids

Hated the singing as well ¬¬

Fun game though, i enjoyed it

Wait a minute... are you fucking with me? Via isn't included? That's the hardest and best part of the fucking game. Which says a lot about it hahahah shiet
Got another copy of the HD remaster. And noticed one thing that's really adorable and made me smile.
The body language of Yuna when given gifts from grateful tourists in the Calm Lands. That's all really. You probably noticed it before.
But yeah, really should have developed the White Mage over Warrior!
I think FFX-2 was a bad sequal to FFX. They did drastic changes to the mechanisms that did not transfer well with me. Maybe if I would have waited a while after playing FFX then the changes would have not made a huge impact.

They story line did not grab my attention like FFX did, so I was not emotionally drawn into the game. I did not complete the game so maybe with the re-release I will be able to get into the game.

Please, share your opinions with me, maybe I will be able to view this in another way.

Just my opinion.
Just wanted to say this game is severely underappreciated by the fandom as a whole. Sure, it was a cashgrab. And of course, it had a lackluster story compared to the original game, but it had its moments. Plus, the gameplay mechanics were freaking awesome (still are!) and the more traditional level-based system is, in my opinion, a lot more appealing than the sphere grid.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but that's my two cents. Take it or leave it~ :ryan:
To me, X-2 appears to be comparable to what Crisis Core is to FFVII; sort of a spinoff. I don't consider it a full-fledged sequel, simply because it seems to lack the depth and complexity that FFX offered:there's beauty in FFX's bittersweet ending that should not have been tampered with in its sequel.