FFX-2 FFX-2: Love It or Hate It?

Love it or hate it?

  • Love It

    Votes: 39 65.0%
  • Hate It

    Votes: 21 35.0%

  • Total voters


I am colorblind ; coffee black and egg white.
May 26, 2009
If you had to pick, would you say you love the game, or hate the game? Explain the reasons why you feel this strongly about the game in this thread and share your opinions.

Please try and elaborate on your posts, as short spammy posts may be deleted without warning.
Hmm. Actually, I quite like it. It was the second FF game I played, after FFVIII (before X) and because I played this one before I played X, I think that's one of the reasons why I like it. However, had I played it after playing X, I don't know if my opinion would have been different, because I think I like the game for itself, not for being a sequel. I admit, after playing VIII, X-2 wasn't anything like what I expected.
I actually loved it. Having Yuna as the protagonist was great and the general storyline kept me hooked all the way throughout the game.
I liked X-2, it was fun claiming all the spheres, (especially LadyLuck). And I luved the secret endings!
I expect to see more hatred in the coming months if people keep voting. But I voted loved it because I did. :D
I quite liked the game.

I really enjoyed the dresspheres and the FMV's where all so gorgoues. >.<

Not a fan of Yuna's skank outfit, but we can overlook that.

The story of Lenne and Shuyin was just so emotional as well and that got me even more into the game. <3

The main part of this that got me enthused to play, was that if I got 100% I could see Tidus again. XD

Still waiting to see him as I'm at 88% but I'm nearing the end of the game and so far it's been enjoyable. =)
Love it.

I got this game when it came out and played for weeks. The battle system, was kinda a let down but the dress speres were amazing! The story was really cool too.
Plus the music was awesome.

Once you get over the cornyness and stuff, it really is a good game xD
The game receives excess criticism that isn't warranted.
It was a good game but not great.I agree about the music and the dresspheres.

I don't understand why Square hasn't done more along those lines for its more recent games.

The plot could have been more cohesive and I feel it could have gone in a slightly different direction and been better received.
Although some people don't like an all female party.I feel that is what is behind alot of the dislike for the game.
I actually loved it but sometimes I feel it was the most "girly" of the ff games because of the dresspheres. I played it when I was 11 or 12 and I felt like I was playing with video game barbies.
It's a guilty pleasure of mine...

If I don't take it seriously in the least bit it's something I can enjoy. But once I dare to take it seriously, get pass how hot Yuna looks and can look at it more objectively I can see why this wasn't the best game or a very good sequel to X IMO. I would have preferred a very different direction to the sequel, like focusing more on the rebuilding of Spira and seeing Yuna in a position of leadership or something and seeing her trying to move on from Tidus on the side. But meh what's done is done.
Haha i don't love it or hate it... Maybe leaning closer to hate though. (I still prefer it to XIII)

It's alot of fun though, i actually think the battle system is one of the best in the series, with a bit of refinement and an actual proper good ff game behind it, it would be superb!

Once you get past the PAINFUL opening film, it's not all that bad to play.
Anyone who hasn't bothered, espcecially FFX fans, i urge you to play it just for a bit of fun, it's still worth it.
Love it

After playing FFX and then hearing that there would be an FFX-2 i really wasn't sure it was such a good idea but the game was a great sequal and i loved the way they stayed true to the traditions of FFX, the locations, the Characters, the Music, Blitzball, as well as adding some great additions to the game like the dress spheres and garment grids. the battle system is refreshing and was so much faster then some of the previous Final fantasy games, The whole storyline involving Shuyin and Lenne was great and a very good twist after thinking it was Tidus in the sphere. If you don't do all the side missions you can finish the game in no time at all but it takes a while to 100% the game and it's well worth it in the end
I like the game especially the dress sphere concept.FFXIII would have better if they had used a derivation of it in that game.
I realize a lot of people don't like it but I don't take it seriously and if the game's detractors didn't take it seriously I think it would be more popular than it is.
I actually likes the gamplay and side quests. I thought it was a lot of fun. I know my opinion may not be so popular, but I'd rather play X-2 over X any day. I didn't care much for X's plot and I certainly don't care about X-2's either. If anything, I find them hilarious and the fact they bastardized Yuna's entire persona/image is even more hysterical... I just made like, 90 enemies haven't I?
I think that this game has the best ATB gauge I like the fast pace and this game is quite fun but its not one I would say is on par with the others. Its a fun game but not the best.
Saying that I hated it it would be kinda jumping ahead seeing as how I didn't beat it. But I did get bored about three or four hours in. It just didn't really appeal to me. It's been stated before that it was too much like Charlie's Angels and I didn't really find that show interesting either. Probably because I wasn't a horny teenager back in the 70's. But, I did think the concept for the gameplay was nice. And the overdrives and dress spheres abilities were pretty useful and easy to understand. I just found the overall feel of the plot was just... Meh.
I have to say I did not care too much for this game. The characters are far from fleshed out. While most everyone who has played this game knows the background story, it doesn't mean everyone has. The characters are pretty static. While I did enjoy the job change system, I felt there was a lot lacking in the story.

Also, the whole turning a serious final fantasy game into a punk/pop spin-off added to the irritation factor. And trying to get 100% was like splitting hairs. And the game got boring. There was really nothing to hook my attention.

While it isn't the worst FF to be made, it isn't the best. In all honesty, I felt this game was just a fan-service. Not to mention how they tried to link it to FF7.