Help [FFX] Chocobo training...

You just have to practice Im afraid xD

There's no advice I can give other than try to get a head start, dont hit the birds and get as many baloons as you can :wacky:

It's all about perseverance, nothing else to it imo :monster:
Well, this has always been a pretty difficult challenge, and I've found that you're basically just going to get lucky and have a great run once, and that will be that. A lot of it depends on random factors such as balloon placement and how the birds come at you. :gasp:

Thing to remember, though, it that it's more important to dodge birds than get balloons. Sure, balloons take seconds off your final time, but birds add seconds to your time AND stun you, so they really add more to your time than is accounted for at the end.

All things considered, in order to get a perfect score and the Sun Sigil, you really need to get at least 12 balloons and not hit any birds at all. If you hit any more than two birds, you might as well forget it. :gasp:

Good luck to you, and be persistent, you'll get it eventually. :monster:
Tell me about it, you think you're annoyed now, wait til you get to the end and you have a time like 0.03, you will do your nut, I threw my control pad in a rage on more than one occasion ¬.¬
Its all about getting a good run at the start. If you can nail the first 5 ballons before you get on to the calm land main, you're in business. then its just a bit of like, skill and timing.

Despite knowing that you can only move the chocobo left and right, I always pressed up on the analog stick, to try and make him move quicker ^_^
Its all about getting a good run at the start. If you can nail the first 5 ballons before you get on to the calm land main, you're in business. then its just a bit of like, skill and timing.

Despite knowing that you can only move the chocobo left and right, I always pressed up on the analog stick, to try and make him move quicker ^_^

haha I do that all the time too ^_^
I may be of some assitance here. I've found that once you descended the hill and you're on the flat part of the plain, that you stay to the far left. The birds don't seem to go after you nearly as much when you're out there. As crazy as it sounds too, the trainer being ahead of you going into that part will help as well, as the birds will automatically go for her. Like what's been said, it takes some time and a little bit of luck, but I've had a lot of success and gotten 0:0.0 many times with this method, so I think you should give it a shot. Best of luck!
You'll notice that 2 birds come for you, then 2 for the trainer, repeat. When they're coming for you, try to hide behind the trainer if you can, so that she'll get hit without you having to swerve too far out of your way.