FFX Funniest fight

The funniest fight for me is when i finished the game and then i decided to go back to besaid to fight the monsters there and i one hit KOed them lmao. O geez too easy.
Since the thread is Funniest fight (rather than funnest, which would be bad English anyway), I'd probably go with one of the random fights early on in the game, after Wakka had called Tidus a newbie in a cutscene. Tidus shows up in battle and groans "Newbie here..." and Wakka gives this sheepish "Sorry." Cracks me up every time I play through it.

I love that fight, its hilarious.

The most fun fight, was with the final battle with Sin, before you enter him, he was one turn away from his overdrive, but I managed to save up and finish him off with Bahamuts overdrive, very tense and dramtic, because my OD might not've killed him, it only did by 19hp or so.

Awsome fight!
The most fun and funniest fight for me was the last form of Seymour, inside Sin. You see those circles spinning around him, wait to see which element they give, and just summon the Aeon of that element. I was there for ages watching Seymour constantly curing that Aeon. I also made sure my Aeons learned the elemental spell opposed to their element, so I could keep being healed and still inflict a lot of damage. That was pretty hilarious!
My favorite fight was Seymour Omnis (Sin) because I simply equipped my weakest three characters with armor that was fire-proof, and didn't hit the disks around his edge, so he could do nothing! Hah.

Either that or the Sanctuary Keeper: to prevent it from healing itself, i cast reflect on it with Bahamut. When it cast Haste (directly after Mega Flare), it gave it to me, and charged my overdrive full!

- enjoys flattening bosses -

Seymour Omnis as at that stage he could do like sod all damage :P
and i could beat it in one hit XD

Yeah, right.
Firstly, if you were hard enough to do over 80,000 damage in one hit, why weren't you fast enough to go first? Because if you went first, you couldn't know that Omnis did chicken piss damage.

- enjoys flattening braggers, also -
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Earth Eater.

It's just fun to hit him with Zanmato when he's on his back. Yojimbo just cuts his feet off. :rolleyes:

It's also fun to just go on an all-out-attack on him. Leaving him on his back the whole fight. Hit that groin! >_<
Mine isn't nessecarily a fight. It's more like the sayings. Tidus is especially good. If I had to pick a fight though, I'd have to say, the battle with Geosango(first time). I know it isn't funny per say, but being able to escape a huge bony fish is pretty funny.
My funniest FFX fight.......hmm would have to be the Seymour Omnis? the one in Sin anyway.... See my first time playin through the game I always had trouble against Seymour and I can remember I summoned Shiva at the very start of the battle 'cause of the wheel behind him and I used Diamond Dust and unintentionally overkilled him in one fell swoop ^_^
my favorite fight was with yunalesca. it was a little hard becose of mega death
There's a few, I like the fight with the Sand Worm on Bikanel Island, when you bring Wakka into the fight he says, "Ah, where's the early bird when you need it?" I laugh every time I hear it. I also like the fights in Besaid, after you learn all the basics every few fights you'll get into a random encounter and Tidus'll yell out, "Yuna, Aeon!!" and Lulu would respond, "Just who do you think you are?". And last but not least, I like the fight on the S.S. Winno(Liki?) where you fight Sin's fin. In that fight I bring everybody in to get exp. and end up with Kimahri, Wakka, and Tidus fighting for the whole battle. As you know, there's a whole lot of Sin Spawn that just keep reproducing infinitely, so I use Haste and Cheer on everyone to buff them up, and press the turbo button with X and then put on a DVD or watch TV or something taping down the X button. After about an hour or so I get back to the game and finally finsh the fight and I usually have loads of exp. (5000 or so which at that point in the game is alot)
Fun or funny? I'll just go with fun. >>

Probably my most fun fight was The Wedding. I just thought it was so cool how everyone entered, and then was running up the path and fighting all of these soldiers and machines and the scenes following them just made everything awesome. :]

Similarly, I liked the aeon battle between Yuna and Issac at the end of Via Purifico. In fact, I liked all aeon battles in the game. The end. :P
The funniest fight had to be with the chocobo eater. Knocking it on its back hacking mercilessly away at its rectum. Thankfully I was able to kill it and end its misery :D
Another fun fight must be the first fight against Zu.

Tidus meets this big "bird" when he's out walking in the desert all alone. And the future seem dark. (Great shot upwards when Zu appears)

But Auron comes to the rescue to Tidus' great relief.

Suddenly Thundara tears through the sky and Lulu joins in. (Even if she hasn't learnt Thundara, she will start with that one)

Battles with story. Wonderful.
that' would be when I fought Kimahri I thought I was gonna have a game over so I used all the potions and then suddenly they stopped fighting and I was like WTF?
The greatest battles were against Defender Z I know it's such a normal monster but god he's strong!
the funniest fight for me was against Yu Yevon, I actually started laughing when I realized the little black thing between the two pillars was the 'all powerful bad guy'
The funniest fight for me was on my most recent playthrough, against Yunalesca. My Yuna had already learned Holy, and Lulu Flare, after all the trouble the bitch has given me on previous files, it was hilarious to be able to destroy her with such ease.
The funniest fight for me was against Dark Shiva. My friend was watching, and I just summoned Yojimbo to show him what he did. I paid him like 1, and he used Zanmato! My friend started complaining because his Yojimbo did Daiguro and the lower stuff when he paid him most of his money. That kept me laughing for a while.
Yu Yevon, because as videogamerecaps said, "the all-powerful ruler of zanarkand.....is a tick"