FFX or FFX-2

And escaping from a mental asylum has nothing to do with the topic at hand
Please keep this on topic agony, and also please cut out the whole men/women and asylum comments. Thank you.

I don't think that X-2 was a 'bad' game, it might not even have been seen as a bad game at all if was just released as a spin-off or something like that. However, because it was a sequel to FFX, naturally the expectations were extremely high and in my opinion I don't think that it met those standards when it came down to the likes of the storyline and sphere grid/dress spheres etc.

When i said: "...are gay or you think that woman can't hurt someone" i wasn't speaking about you...

It's pointless posting another comment otherwise it'll go off topic, so about the post below. I realized you weren't talking to me and it doesn't matter WHO you say it to, cut it out!
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When i said: "...are gay or you think that woman can't hurt someone" i wasn't speaking about you...
I think final fantasy x-2 is more excelent than final fantasy x.
Say whatever you want but the sphere grid is a game's limitation (no more than that)
When i said: "escaped from a mental asylum" i meant "you are far crazy"

(sorry but i can't say more because i don't speak english that well)

I don't see how that makes it better. The dress-spheres were fun, and I'm never opposed to new characters, but there was also
1. no story
2. no uematsu
and 3. it's fine that they make a game where the whole point is to get Tidus back, a kind of nod to the fans- but if people want Tidus so badly, he doesn't even really show up till the end- so it's about a billion hours of playing to watch the 2 minute scene that we've all been waiting for. (well, some people have been waiting for, anyway)

On a less objective note (although I guess that was not very objective in the first place), I just like the characters in ffx better- Auron is SO cool!! And Lulu and Wakka are more fun when they're making fun of each other- I don't like their baby! I also think Rikku has more of a point in ffx than in x-2- in x-2, it's kind of like she has nothing better to do than hang out with Yuna- in ffx, she has more of a goal, I think, if that makes sense.
Leblanc is better than Lulu, Wakka, Auron all together.
The story isn't bad, it's just weird....
FFX-2 music is just incredible, just listen Leblanc themes (Anything goes to Leblanc, Let me blow you a kiss, I'm Leblanc: don't forget it)

By the way: why you dont like Vidinu?
When i said: "...are gay or you think that woman can't hurt someone" i wasn't speaking about you...
I think final fantasy x-2 is more excelent than final fantasy x.
Say whatever you want but the sphere grid is a game's limitation (no more than that)
When i said: "escaped from a mental asylum" i meant "you are far crazy"

(sorry but i can't say more because i don't speak english that well)

The sphere grid is not "a game's limitation". It makes do do your character whatever you want. Yuna can cause 9999 damage if she takes Auron sphere grid "place". Or Tidus can become the best black magician with Lulu "place". That cannot be called limitation, since it leaves you with unlimited choices!!!! In my opinion the sphere grid is the best lv up system in any FF. Much better than "LV UP: Strength +1, Defense +3"!!!

Leblanc is better than Lulu, Wakka, Auron all together.
The story isn't bad, it's just weird....
FFX-2 music is just incredible, just listen Leblanc themes (Anything goes to Leblanc, Let me blow you a kiss, I'm Leblanc: don't forget it)

By the way: why you dont like Vidinu?

Auron is the most powerful character Square ever created, after Sephiroth of course. He is nothing less than Legend!
And as for the music listen to FFX soundtrack better. You will change your mind ;)

You are in my blacklist, hehe
Let's see.... Why do you want male characters?

If you dont like Final fantasy x-2 you...

...are gay or if you think that woman can't hurt someone
...dont like the dresspheres
...escaped from a mental asylum

That's all for today, hehe

A woman can't hurt someone, as you say. But no FF can have only women. And the "magic" of all FF games was not the ability to create your character, like in many other RPGs, but the ability to create MANY characters who will be equal to your first playable character. And 3 aren't MANY...
And yes, I don't like dresspheres, but no, I haven't escaped from a mental asylum, nor I am gay, as you say... I don't like FFX-2, however...

Mod Edit: Please refrain from double/triple posting. Use the 'Edit' button found at the bottom of your posts. Thank you. =]
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Like what u said, Auron, FFX-2 completely ruined my Yuna completely... Seems like that mature-thinking gal from FFX became some Britney Spears-wannabe and doing those J-pop concerts... My goodness!>_<

That really isn't the Yuna that i've grown to love all this while... And i don't even want to mention about Rikku... :D
FFX, without a doubt. FFX-2 was a horrible game.

Mod Edit: Please try to put more effort into your post (say why you thought FFX was better or FFX-2 wasn't as good.) Thank you.
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When i said: "...are gay or you think that woman can't hurt someone" i wasn't speaking about you...
I think final fantasy x-2 is more excelent than final fantasy x.
Say whatever you want but the sphere grid is a game's limitation (no more than that)
When i said: "escaped from a mental asylum" i meant "you are far crazy"

(sorry but i can't say more because i don't speak english that well)
Firstly the story is bad, "HEY GUISE THERE IS A BIG WEAPON. LETS BEAT IT"
The crimson squad was a little more interesting, but it was more of a side show.
The dress spheres were boring, I never changed in a battle. It was nice not having any pre determined class, but I don't think they worked well. The sphere grid is much better imho.

I don't really see FFX-2 as a proper FF game, it was purely fan service.
Having characters dress in very few clothes is blatant fan service, it leads to people accusing people of being gay if they don't like it. That's a pathetic reason for defending a game, and said accuser needs to get laid.

A woman can't hurt someone, as you say. But no FF can have only women.
lulz sexism.
It's about Yuna and Tidus, therefore we cannot have any males. Brother who likes Yuna is shown to be stupid, dumb, pathetic etc.
SE are saying only Tidus is good enough for Yuna, which makes sense as it is fanservice.
As for women not being able to hurt people, lul tedius.

FFX-2 isn't a bad game, but it's not FFX and doesn't come close to equalling it.
lolz @ thread.

Final Fantasy X is far more superior than the bastard lovechild of Charlie's Angels and lame US Comedy with a FF-X sticker on it. However that's not exactly to say I dislike it totally.

X-2 did have the Dress-sphere system which was great for us who missed the classic Job System from III and V, and produced some nice visuals during Battle.

Keeping it to 3 characters was probably a good move because that way there are less characters to explore, giving more time on focusing on the main plot which was going to be weak inevitably.

Brought back the ATB system which I personaly like better than the one used in X.

The mini-game, Sphere Break, is marginly better than bloody Blitzball! at least it gets you to actually think!

However from there my defence for FF X-2 runs thin and the reasons why it should take Judas' place in Lucifers shite infested mouth are needed.

For me the character of Yuna was ruined. I quite liked the sweet innocent Yuna as opposed to the utter obomination in X-2. Yuna was supposed to be searching for her lost love, not attempting to bed as many as she can before then (She blatenly wanted Baralai and Gippal).

The music was abit too 'Poppy' for me in places, something that just didn't work well, infact the game itself was far too upbeat. It needed more seirous moments to take anything seirously after the dancing scene on the Luca Stadium pier or seeing Yuna bobbal about in a Moogle suit dealing out Balloons!

The side-quests and minigames that pissed me off were far far FAR more than ones enjoyed. Not that ones in X were any better mind, but somehow Final Fantasy X-2 managed to completly ruin its predocessors own utterly fucking aweful sport Blitzball!

The not much of the newly introduced characters were that great or intresting. And overall I though Vegnagun was really fucking lame.

The Mission system to have the story move along was not good. But then again probably the best way to go about a sequal from a game set out like X. Let's face it X didn't exactly have the free-roam feeling of any previous FF.

It completly destroyed the ending of X for me. X isn't exactly one of my favorites overall but I hold its story as one of the best. Spending so long with Tidus and watching him go about so much emoticon, only to have him dissapear at the end and effectivly 'die' in Spira was a really strong way of ending an already strong plot involving religion, corruption, love, neglect, undead bad boys and a gigantic homocidal Whale that goes about the world leaving it's 'spawn' to eat people.

Alot more that I could mention but won't because I hungry for Jacket Potaotoe. So to sum up, Final Fantasy X is better than Final Fantasy X-2.
wow x-2 only has 1 vote well i think ffx is alot better mainly because their is a variaty of people, as in girls n guys.
Also the aeons thier sweet :p

FFX-2 was a pretty mad game but i still think ffx is better ^_^
Okay guys, please can we stick why we thought either FFX was better than X-2 and vice versa. One liners are considered noncontributory and will be deleted. Thank you.
LOL sure, someone pointed out that Via Infinito was a challenge. And yes, it was. But the ONLY real challenge. There was that massive thing in Djose Temple, but you could topple it pretty easily if you didn't go super digging in the Bikanel Desert.

Games are meant have to several tiring challenges.

As for the story apparently being not bad, but weird - well, that's sort of a bad thing you know? If it's weird, it's not going to make much sense is it now?

To say that Leblanc is better then at least three characters put together..well, I pity you really. The only story she ever had was - I like Nooj.

End of really.
Final Fantasy X i liked much better
just because i felt like X-2 wasn't trying to be serious.
But Final Fanstasy X was strictly about the story line
and nothing else (like sidequests)
and Final Fantasy X-2 had a wide variety of things to do
so you never get bored with the game.
How was it? Did you obviously miss the Blitzball, the Celestial Weapon Huntage, Taking on Dark Aeons, obtaining the secret Aeons, and Monster Arena? Yes, I guess so.
I'd really go with both.

Like i love FFX the most because most of my friends play it and it was my first FF. But X-2 is fun because of all the side missions and i loved the battle system.

But i'd have to for X.
I follow the general consensus of X is way better. I thought X was a fantastic Final Fantasy (good story, blitz ball was fun and Auron is my favourite FF character) and as for FF X-2 (I think I just have to quote myself from the “worst Final Fantasy game” tread:

I don’t think it is just the worst FF game but it is the worst game I own (though to be fair I only have a couple awful games (I’m very picky when I buy games)). I feel It ruined Yuna and Rikku’s characters (for me anyway) and has damaged my fond memories of FFX………… I can never for give Square Enix for it………… unless they make a good sequel to VIII, then all will be forgiven.
FFX but honestly guys, FFX-2 wasnt that bad! lol @ the results of the poll though.

Admin edit: Please try and put more effort into your posts. One liners are spam and against the rules

Trxd edit: Woops sorry, didnt know. Will make sure to add more to my posts from now on.
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