FFX or FFX-2

Despite me loving FFX-2, there really isn't any competition here. FFX is amazing. Beautiful graphics, great story, fun features, etc.
Boya to X. I found X was heaps better than X-2 along with most of the FF fans. X was a proper final fantasy game with a great storyline and great game play while X-2 is well........ well its X-2.
Final Fantasy X. Easily. Every aspect of it was far better than X-2. Music, gameplay, story etc. X-2 just didnt give you the feeling that youre actually playing a final fantasy game. Nothing against X-2. Its just that X was a true final fantasy game.
LOL! I expected X-2 to lose this poll miserably, but I did NOT expect it to fail so bad, lol.

For me: X. End of. There's no contest at all. The storyline in X - wow! you've gotta admit, the story in X surpasses the wafer thin stories of a lot of movies out there. In fact, I'm really surprised and disappointed that they haven't milked the storyline in X as much as they did with VII in terms of movies. Storyline in X-2? What storyline?

Characters - They were all really memorable and diverse! In X-2 the only really individual character was Paine, and they failed at making her as together as Lulu. Yuna turned into a Rikku wannabe and Rikku turned into a hyperactive irritating.. thing! Two fantastic characters utterly destroyed.

Gameplay - It's clear that Square actually put an EFFORT into crafting Spira in FFX. In X-2 most of it was already there. Look at the areas in X-2 that didn't feature in X. They're all really... samey. Most of them are corridors with the same exact textures over and over with a few things to jump on/over every now and then. DULL!

Enemies - Sin > Vegnagun. A Machina enemy main "big bad"? O-M-G!

Need I go on?
Hahahaha, looks like X-2 was thrashed miserably against the dominant FFX... 93% of u guys prefer Game 10, thats for sure! :D

And what can i say, FFX is a genuine "game" as compared with the pop-flavored X-2... X gives gamers the emotional attachment to the characters (Yuna, Auron, Tidus, Lulu, et al) as they embark on the journey to destroy Sin and bring back peace to Spira... Something like a Final Fantasy version of Journey To The West!

However, that very emotional aspect is sorely lacking in X-2... The storyline was just too shallow and what made things worse was the degrading of my lovely Yuna into some airhead... And as for Rikku, i don't even want to mention about her!
It's funny that you have to ask.

FFX for the win, FFX-2 kind of reminded me of playing with barbies, so it was semi-fun in that aspect. Short game, stupid plot.
FFX is the greatest, the sphere system is so awesome, the Summons looks cool and the end is perfect.

FFX-2 SUCKS!! sure the end is cool *the full game ending I mean*, but the dress crap is just stupid and the monsters are too easy to beat , the map are just thesame and I know that Vegnagun *I think that's the name* isn't strong enogh to become the super evil monster! you just need a scope driver to destroy it!!
X is much better, better story, better music and better character development but X-2 is definitely a good game.
X-2 imo was a pretty bad game. I mean, I had semi-fun playing it, but it was pretty boring for the most part actually. I believe theres a part where you have to fight the Megasus Sisters or w/e .. that's gotta be one of the toughest fights I've been in any FFX game. Not quite sure if I was terribly underleveled(probably terribly underleveled, I had the same problem with the thing you fight on the airship, that ffs i cant remember the name of either, the red carpet has teeth thing, my first playthough i was on the bring of death, and got painfully lucky on my 3rd try beating it, but then all my later playthroughs I freakin destroyed him), or whatever its called in X-2, haven't played it since the first month it came out, or if I was using the wrong strategy for that fight, all i know is i had a helluva hard time beating them, and then Vegnagun was painfully easy.
It was a beautiful story. We were introduced to a shy and secluded young woman, someone who had barely lived, someone who had never truly loved; and yet within this young woman, she held a deep and unwavering passion to bring about a sense of peace to the world of Spira. Even if this peace was only temporary ... and even if this peace would result in her own death. This was her story, a recounting of remarkable journey to give her own life for others, to sacrifice her own future to extend, even slightly, the future of others. We followed her journey, saw how she attempted to impart a sense of meaning and content happiness to her allies, and how, in the end, she lost everything - the Aeons that meant everything to her ... as well as the man she loved.

And then, after establishing such beauty, it was all unneedingly taken away.

Once a deep, powerful, awe inspiring, and positive female role-model within the FF universe, Yuna fell from grace; descending into a hormonal-charged, Charlie's Angel's rip-off, whose sole goal was to attain information about her 'missing boyfriend'. Everything she was, everything that was painstakingly set-up within the first installment was spat on and thrown aside. She was now a gun-totting, Lara Croft impersonating hussy, trampsing around Spira with her female flunkies.

The story of X-2 was empty, soul-less and a shambles. It made a mockery of the previous installment, destroyed a powerful character, and redesigned her into something beyond useless. I felt that Tidus' inclusion within X was misguided in any case, as it should have been fully Yuna's story, but here was a chance for S-E to readdress the issue as they pursued a full-female cast.

And how I wish they never had attempted such a feat. Everything descended into an innane display of mindless boyfriend hunting, skimpy-outfit changing, pop-totting, rehashed locations traversing (which we've had no time to feel detatched from - and so, have no feelings of missing them) disaster. What they did to the character of Yuna was bad enough, but what they did to the feel and atmosphere of Spira, everything that had been through, and the horrendous inclusion of Vegnagun, Shuyin, Lenne and the rest ... I am simply at a loss for words.

It was THAT bad.

If you really feel like you need to (in your pursuit of completing every FF game) then rent this train-wreck, otherwise, it is completely clear which game is the superior, and which remains a horrible memory as a main installment within the series...
Geee unphased...your comments about X-2 are scary...

I guess it is better if I just skip the game since I really liked X.
Lol! Yeah, I kinda went all sorts of mental there, didn't I? ^__^ But it just shows how deep I thought that the X story (and Yuna) was, but to then have it completely destroyed in a sequel was simply unforgivable.

HA! that question is like, "What's better doodo[or Shit] or godly cookies?


"What's better dookie[or shit] or Final Fantasy X-2?

whatver is more humiliating. :ohshit:

THAT "game" drove me to mental fucking insanity with its horrible make-belive story, cheesy dialogue, lack of depth, characters, hot male action dudes[or ANY male for that matter] ,bitchy and obsessed version of Yunie, AND SHATTERING MY FUCKING SOUL!?!? :randompoke:
......my rant ends here.

Final Fantasy X however, put me to mental bliss with its wonderful depth,story,tear-worthy ending[i NEVER cry],battles,dialouge,males,a lot of characters,the sphere grid,voices,songs,pure coolness and nice, sweet, no booty-showing yuna. :ohshit:

but y'know, may be a bit harsh but it's just my oppion.

EDIT: unphased i agree with you, and you are friggin awsome.
and Yuna's transformation sounds too much like Brittany Spears. >.>
SE's secrate inspiration? i feel sick.
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I'm not a big fan of either. I mean... IMO FFX was a little weak on the story side. Don't get me wrong, the whole world and characters were nice... But the story didn't have any OMG moments for me.

And FFX-2... wel... GAAAAAAAAAH! xD This is NOT how the first FF Sequel should've been. Hello slutty girls with "Girl Powah!!!"...

In comparison, I'd say FFX was 100000x times better XD
Final Fantasy X is definately better than X-2, the garment grid sucks in comparison to the sphere grid, i prefered that there was more than three characters in FFX and the characters and storyline were better in X
Is this a serious question?

Final Fantasy X is infinitely better than Final Fantasy X-2...in pretty much every possible way. Story, characters, upgrade system, soundtrack, sidequests...I can't place X-2 over X in any category. Unless there's a category for which game made you want sweet death to strike you the most.