FFX or FFX-2

Is this a serious question?

Final Fantasy X is infinitely better than Final Fantasy X-2...in pretty much every possible way. Story, characters, upgrade system, soundtrack, sidequests...I can't place X-2 over X in any category. Unless there's a category for which game made you want sweet death to strike you the most.
The only thing in X-2 I prefer over X is that you can skip cutscenes. XD
I felt quite awkward playing X-2 at the start, but as it progressed I kind of ignored the fact it was based heavily on girl power, haha! So yes, I did perfect the game and got and unlocked everything, and also enjoyed it. But the story was very plain and worthless to think about compared to FFX's.

I will vote for FFX.
No doubt about it: Final Fantasy X. The story, battle system and characters were just so interesting. I didn't want the game to end frankly because I thought it was brilliant.

Final Fantasy X-2 was cheesy, pointless, revealing (yeah, you know what I mean), and the story was mainly mini missions rather than looking for Tidus. I thought Yuna was way out of character too, she was great in X.
Final Fantasy X to be sure, you can never beat the original and spin-offs are always so much more terrible than them. The battle system is so much more funner and the way you stronger is such a inventive way.
Final Fantasy X was the better one, hands down, imo. The fact that it took me less than an hour to put down X-2 says it all really. X-2 is a bit of a joke if you ask me.
FFX-2 was actually okay, but storylinewise? FFX was wayyy better. eh, the music was better in FFX, too. and not to mention, i hated the fact that you had to get 100% to get tidus back. that just made me mad, so i watched the 'perfect' ending on youtube. =D
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X-2 is an amazingly fun game...but in terms of depth, it just doesn't cut it. X is by far superior to X-2. The quality of it just can't compare! X-2 isn't a bad game...it's really good. But they were just trying different things and didn't put a lot of time into it, so I think that's where it really fell apart.
I must say that FFX is far better than FFX-2 in certain terms. FFX had, should we say, better characters? FFX-2 was really disturbing with Yuna and Rikku jumping around going "Ooh! Dress Sphere! We can has new cluthes!!!111OneHundred!!". Paine wasn't much better either.

FFX-2 had a pretty good battle system and I actually liked the dress spheres since it you could easily switch between specific jobs. Unfortunately the music was just awful, I don't think the game was meant for regular Final Fantasy players since the background music sounded liked it was ripped off from a Barbie Paradise game.

And I really wonder, where was the leaders in FFX-2 hiding during FFX? They just mysteriously popped up, leading an organization each.

Yunas rivalry with Le Blanc? Couldn't they just had added a scene where Yuna and Le Blanc had a catfight and just get over with it? What I did like, though, was the performance in Thunder Plains, the song was actually quite good and I was able to enjoy it.

And obviously, like someone probably already mentioned, FFX-2s story was weak. Making a new game just because the fans wants Tidus to come back to Yuna? I prefered that Tidus ditched Yuna and joined Jecht, Braska and Auron. Sad ending, but much prefered over "You are come back to meh, Tiduz, I has wants you!".

Anyway, this is just my own opinion.
You can't have an FFX-2 without the original. X-2 lives and breathes off of X, so I'm going with the original.

FFX is everything I wanted in a video game except for a horse that you become attached to that dies. But Shadow of the Colossus gave me that, so I won't bitch.

FFX-2 shoulda stayed in the closet and buried in someone's ideas instead of being patented into a game. The ending made me want to go drink a posoined Capri Sun and watch ALF re-runs on acid.
Tidus is a dream. He didn't come back.
FFX-2 lies to you.
I'm actually angry that X-2 even has any votes at all. I wanna kill both people that voted for it, I want to kill everybody responsible for it's production and I want to kill the friendly staff at square for funding and putting it out.
I enjoy X-2 a bit, but it completely pales in comparison to X. The storyline, music, characters, etc are all a million times better in FFX. X-2 ruined Yuna so much. D:
i can't believe that people actually choose ffx-2 over ffx.Ffx is 99999999999999999999999999999 times better then ffx-2, im not saying that ffx-2 is a bad game im saying ffx is an awesome one
FFX is way better on any aspect than FFX-2. Just like most of you mentioned, Characters/Music/Storyline etc...are much better than X-2. Yuna's looks and personality was totally changed from a innocent lady to a naughty girl >_<.
Not to menton that the Blitzball was weak in every aspect..the only thing i liked about FFX-2 was the Job System/Abilities and Accesories, nothing else.
i liked FFX-2 than FFX.
instead of number of playable characters, aeons and other things, i enjoyed more playing FFX-2. it doesn't matter to me if they are only three or whatever.
i get carried away when i'm playing the game and for me there are a lot of things that i enjoyed more playing FFX-2 than FFX.
its just that i really liked the game and too bad square enix finish the story.
I enjoy X-2 a bit, but it completely pales in comparison to X. The storyline, music, characters, etc are all a million times better in FFX. X-2 ruined Yuna so much. D:

how come did you say that X-2 ruined Yuna?
there's nothing wrong in yuna's personality and characteristics in X-2.
I'm actually angry that X-2 even has any votes at all. I wanna kill both people that voted for it, I want to kill everybody responsible for it's production and I want to kill the friendly staff at square for funding and putting it out.
Kinda harsh, but ok...

I don't seriously think the production of a game would impact anyone's life that much, but hey, even a crying baby needs attention every now and then...

I only played it to find out the story-line; which wasn't good. The update on characters and what they were doing years afterward was neat, but ya didn't need a whole new game for it that really didn't expand much. I will say though that the battle system and how the characters actually moved from one side of the screen to the next during battle in FFX-2 was kinda cool. One Pro for discussion.
i liked FFX-2 than FFX.
instead of number of playable characters, aeons and other things, i enjoyed more playing FFX-2. it doesn't matter to me if they are only three or whatever.
i get carried away when i'm playing the game and for me there are a lot of things that i enjoyed more playing FFX-2 than FFX.
its just that i really liked the game and too bad square enix finish the story.

Then how is X-2 better in your opinion.
Storywise, X, no matter what, kinda triumphs regardless of what nay sayers think. You might not like it, but it's got more to it. X-2 is a lot lot shorter.