FFX or FFX-2

Then how is X-2 better in your opinion.
Storywise, X, no matter what, kinda triumphs regardless of what nay sayers think. You might not like it, but it's got more to it. X-2 is a lot lot shorter.

okay X triumphs, but i don't compare FFX and FFX-2. why many people keep comparing these 2? X-2 is just a continuation. just think that X and X-2 were played in one game.
and what if SQUARE put X-2 story in FFX? many FF fans were going to hate yuna because of her changes and any other fucking things haters hate? zzzz...

in my opinion Judge Magister Ghis, X-2 is better because of the battle system, the job changes were fine and i just really enjoyed the whole game. I don't get disappointed in the way Yuna and Rikku act like kids.
I just play the game, enjoy the story and that's it.
I hope this clears you. :)
Ah, it does. :gasp:

I totally agree with you on the gameplay aspect - Dresspheres for me were great compared to the sphere grid. So much more fun, but I didn't think much to Garment Grids.
FFX is WAY better than FFX -2... I have both, played both... and the first one is totally better than the 2nd one...
FFX is the obvious answer. FFX2 was boring and way too easy and I like games too be challenging like FFX was I could beat X2 in less than a week
FF X without a doubt was the better game, it had more to do the storyline was better set out and i actually enjoyed playing it where as FF X-2 on the otherhand seemed dull and at times mildy boring.
FF X was way better. I mean FF X-2, all you did was run around spira and talk about how great Yuna is or when ya get into a battle you have to change your clothes just to do black magic then change again just to use white magic. It was like a fashion show. I understand they wanted to show yuna's side and finish the story but i think they could have done it alot better. FF X had an amazing story, fantastic characters that all had there own little story, and bad guys (Seymour) who you loved to hate.
Final Fantasy X was better. It had a brilliant storyline unlike Final Fantasy X-2. X-2 just seemed a little to 'happy' (for lack of a better word) for me. Even when things started to get serious nearer the end I couldn't take the characters seriously. Yuna was always happy which was unlike her thoughtful self from X. And Rikku got even more annoying despite the fact that she was already incredibly annoying in X. Though X-2 wasn't all bad. I actually liked the whole dressphere thing in the battle system.
Without a doubt, X is the better of the two games. It had a fascinating storyline, innovative battlesystem, intriguing characters, and an overall better feel to it than it's sequel. X-2, while fun, didn't really contribute much to the already established plot at all. Seeing as how there weren't really any loose strings to tie up, the storyline was messy and flawed, and was quite boring in my opinion. The characters from X who had such great development seemed to act out of character and were more annoying than anything else. The dress sphere system was pretty cool, but that alone can't make it outshine it's predecessor.