FFX remake for the 360 and PS3?


Blue Mage
Feb 23, 2011
From what I have gathered, Sqaure Enix have annouced 13-2...

BUT --

From other sources I have read, that they are thinking of releasing a Remastered version of Final Fantasy X to the PS3 and XBOX360.
Now these are just rumours, but at the moment, I'm SUPER EXCITED.

If this turns out to be true then this will most likely be the best move for Square Enix ever..simply put.
I think it's a great idea.
I hope they don't, I think any remake for any of the games is a mistake. What would the reason behind the remake be? I think FFX is fine just as it, the only thing that ruined that was FFX-2. Sure better graphics and maybe a toned up storyline would be great to see I'll admit, for all of the games, but i think its unnecessary.
this rmour could have come from the same place the rumour of a re-made final fantasy 7 for ps3. i was excited when i saw the technical demo of it. but it wouldnt be right to re-make those games. making new games yes but making games over again.... it just ruins the history odf the games i think
In a way I agree. FFX is ok as it is, but I think it would be a good idea in some ways.
Grpahics wise, no need for change, I think they should just port is an an Arcade Exclusive on the 360 and Platform on Ps3.
The thing is, I'm re-playing FFX now and I can't see anything wrong with it. All they'd do would change the graphics, which would be a major waste of time and money because the story would be exactly the same- it's absolutely fine as it is!
As much as I would love for FFX to be remade, I don't think it's necessary, IMO. I would rather for them to focus on making a brand new FF game, rather than try and fix what's not broken. That's just my opinion though.
I'd love to see FFX remade in order to fit the PS3. Adding some additional content would act as an even greater incentive for fans to buy it. To be blunt, I'd much prefer something like this to be made instead of the awful side games Square enix are pumping out.
That's my opinion exactly...

At the moment the games they have made haven't been as good, 12 and 13 being a good example, as much as I liked them both they lacked a little something that was special like there was in the others.

I would like it to be remade, but no change it whatsoever, no graphical updates, just plug it to the 360 and PS3 as it is..
I think if there is a rumour for an FFX remake......its too early (yes even for a rumour).

I know FFX was released in 2001 and VII in 1997,but even though that is only a 4 year gap....Playing FFX nowadays wouldn't seem bad at all. People don't play as much PS1 games nowadays,even though the classics are on PSN I don't think they are familier with them blocky graphics,whereas FFX even though it was released in 2001 can be compared to PS2 games released in 2007/8....Furthermore I still have all my PS2 games,all my PS1 games have been lost somehow over time. :sad3:

I would prefer an FFX (or FFVI mainly) remake over an FFVII,but FFVII is the only FF game with a realistic chance of being remade. If in 10 years an X remake was being discussed in the same hype as FFVII remake, I wouldn't be suprised to see it being considered by SE. I'm no game developing expert,but I don't think it would take like 10 years to remake as they said FFVII would.
I can understand a desire for remakes for the pre FFX games, but from X onwards just seems remarkably unnecessary. The graphics really aren't that much different from the visually stunning FFXIII, and we'd just be paying around 50 pounds/dollars for a game with slightly touched up graphics. Seems kinda silly. :lew:
Well let see unless you hear straight from Square enix, I will call it a false Rumour.
Why would we want a remake anyways? you can still buy this game at best buys as far as I can see still, sure not many anymore, but still can buy it new... till they completely stop with the ps2 selling games I wouldn't rely on a remake of it...
But you never know with SE sometimes, they just tend to make remakes or rumours are always around...
I thought X was already amazing enough. You have a masterpiece already, just leave it as it is, you know? A remake isn't really necessary, the story and gameplay were perfectly fine, and the graphics were already really good. And the FMV graphics were just--wow.
If I had to vote, I'd say leave the game as it is. But if Square DOES make a remake, I won't exactly be complaining.
But you never know with SE sometimes, they just tend to make remakes or rumours are always around...

I guess thats true but comon, there have been FFVII remakes since PS2 era...well ok I guess that one was kinda true... but off topic
I'm just saying inless you get it from a reliable source don't really pay too much attention to anything from a remake...

They were saying FFVI was going be a DS remake...see how well thats turning out.
I guess thats true but comon, there have been FFVII remakes since PS2 era...well ok I guess that one was kinda true... but off topic
I'm just saying inless you get it from a reliable source don't really pay too much attention to anything from a remake...

They were saying FFVI was going be a DS remake...see how well thats turning out.

Yeah that's true enough, it's just a rumour so I'm not taking anything about it to seriously. Because now that 13-2 has been announced we need to see what improvements they are gonna do to change everyone's view on that, because 13 wasn't perticularly great...

So maybe everyone is hoping 13-2 will be a lot better than the one before.
So in a way, thinking about it like that, maybe remaking 10 would be a bad idea.
Rumours are rumours......

An FFX remake is way off the cards right now....And even if it was going to be remade it wouldnt be until around the late 2020's at the LEAST.

Like DarkPaladin said an FFVII remake has been going ever since the PS2 era even an FFVIII remake (if you remeber the tech demo for that).

But if there is any future chance of an FFX remake, realistically an FFVII remake would come before it.....And I'm 100% sure thats not in development and even if it was it would take like SE said 10 years.

But......if an FFVII remake happens which I do think it will at some point, I would predict an outcry for an X remake too (I do like X but it should be VI though on next gen). And if they do consider to start making a VII remake, then there's NO way it'll be out on the PS3 or 360 it'll probably be out on PS4.......And if VII was a succesful remake and believe X can follow there's more of a chance it'll be out on something like PS873287365.
I, for one, really hope they don't. I hated FFX, and to this day it's on my top 3 list of worst FF games ever made. Besides, the game isn't all that old, why the fuck would they want to remaster it?
There's absolutely no need to remake the game. It's brilliant right now.

To be honest, it's a rumour. FFX won't ever be remade in our lifetime. I'd rather they start leaving the old games alone and focus on the new ones. They'd be milking the series dry if they remade this. I, for one, wouldn't buy it no matter how much I love the game.
It looks like I'm one of the only people who would be open to a remake :monster:

My reason for wanting a remake is because I've never played the original. I never had a ps2...and I'm not going to downgrade and buy one now just to play it either. I have a ps3/360 and my ps3 is the 120gb slim and it isn't backwards compatible...so I have no hope of ever being able to play it unless they release a remake. I think releasing it on the PSN would suffice. They wouldn't need to do much with it because I think the graphics are pretty good as they are. I'd love to be able to play X...so someday (after they release Versus :rage:) it would be nice if they would consider it.
I would have liked the idea, but now I'm not sure, because looking back at the game I agree with people that it looks fine as it is, yeah, like someone mentioned before, FFX did push the PS2 to it's limits. And I don't think that any other game of it's type came close to the graphic imagination they had during that time.
It still even compares to some of the games on Xbox and PS3 if you play FFX in HD...So...Keep it as it is!