FFX Sphere Grid Weapon Wallpapers


aka LukeLC
May 31, 2012
Edgar's Tent
L'ulech Tia
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Ever had one of those mornings where you wake up and some design idea just pops into your head? That happened to me today, and the wallpapers below are the result. There's a FFX logo version, a FFX/X-2 HD logo version, and a logo/weaponless version for those who might want something more generic. All are high-quality 1200p PNGs formatted for both 16:9 1080p and 16:10 1050p monitors. I'd like to make more so that I've got the weapons of all the main characters from FFX covered, but considering everything but the sphere grid was made by hand I've taken quite enough time out for this today :P

Click the thumbnails for full resolution:

Tidus' Sword:

Yuna's Staff:

Wakka's Blitzball:

Enjoy, and let me know what character's weapon you'd like to see next!
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Niiice. I'd love to see one involving one of Lulu's dolls. Tidus' weapon looks pretty amazing there though.
I'd love to see one involving one of Lulu's dolls.

I was actually kind of thinking of doing that next, too. I'll have to figure something clever out though, because the first thing that came to mind was a drowning stuffed Moogle :lew:
lmao that'd certainly be interesting. Maybe a cactuar? I dunno. I'll leave the creativity to someone who has some :wacky:.
I think I just found my new wallpaper!! Great job on that, I would like to see a version of all the weapons honestly.
I think I just found my new wallpaper!! Great job on that, I would like to see a version of all the weapons honestly.

Yay, someone's actually using my work :D

I could definitely do one with all the weapons. First I'll have to make the others individually, though. Earlier I had a neat idea for Yuna's staff, so perhaps I'll get cracking on that here in a few minutes!

EDIT: Yuna's Staff wallpapers added to the OP! I also tweaked the sword wallpapers a bit so the logo reflects in the water.
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Got a new one for everyone! Check the OP for Wakka's Blitzball! It was kind of tricky to come up with and execute something interesting with that one, and I'm not entirely satisfied with the result, but I'm 90% happy with how it turned out.