FFXII Characters


Feb 19, 2007
I hope I'm not beating an old horse here, but... does anyone agree that they found it hard to get into the characters of FFXII?

Now I'm not saying the game/story/characters are bad or underdeveloped or any of that. I just think it was.. kind of hard to care about.

Like- remember FFVII? (stupid question, eh) When I first played that, I couldn't stand Aeris (gotta be honest) but when tragedy struck at the end of the 1st disk, my heart went out to her! Same with the whole TidusxYuna thing, man I had sooo many pictures of them hanging above my bed it was getting kind of freaky. And Wakka... for some reason I couldn't stand him at first either- but atleast I felt something towards him. Those FF characters were real to me. I really can't say the same for any of the characters of FFXII, although.. I'll admit I haven't beat the game (probably because I'm having a hard time getting into the story)- but I am 30+ hours into it.

Any opinions?
I'm about 11 hours so far
and I don't feel the same FF X characteristic
what does Vaan want ?
ah,, don't tell me he wants to be a pirate
becasue he look smoth to fly an airship !
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There's more to it then that, so I suggest paying attention to the storyline more. I actually care more for these characters then in FF's like 8 and 7, I just seemed to find more to like about them. They're realistic to me - something I couldn't quite see as such in other games.
Yeah i'm only bout 40 hours in, taking my time. I do feel like these are more realistic characters i think what is lacking is the is the super coolness of say Cloud and the total emotions like Tifa. But i'm still early in the game (i think) and still waiting for Vaan to grow up.. lol
i admit that the story was bad but the characters were fine i found them to be realistic i dont think there were any flaws in the character devolopment
Hmm, I find the characters alright, except for Vaan. I'm almost finished with the game, yet he still irks me, and I can't seem to get into his character all that well. I really got into Ashe, Fran, and Balthier's characters though. I thought their background was interesting. Granted, the characters in FFXII do seem more realistic than any other FF characters and I find that likeable. Especially Basch and Ashe's characters, as well as the judges. Other times though, it kinda bores me. I guess it really depends on my mood and if I really understood what they're saying. >.< If I'm really into the game, which I usually am, then everything goes smooth for me.
vaans character designs had flaws and even his character devolopment had some but his character devolopment fine not good but fine wonder why did they make the main charater with flaws isnt he supposed to be perfect another mistake by SE

and it doesnt much depend on your when i played ff12 it always some how improved my game it just made me happy to play it
vaans character designs had flaws and even his character devolopment had some but his character devolopment fine not good but fine wonder why did they make the main charater with flaws isnt he supposed to be perfect another mistake by SE

and it doesnt much depend on your when i played ff12 it always some how improved my game it just made me happy to play it

why do you say that vaan was supposed to be perfect? and how was his character flawed? granted, i didn't really care to much for him, but he had his reasons to stick around.
for vaan situation, and about " what he wants " , it's very clear that the persons in charge to make his history and personality were very aware that he was like that, that there was some sense on that situation, and because in the end, in a little cutscene:

*SPOILERS* before de destruction of the leviathan, balthier asks vaan " and you Vaan, what do you want? " *SPOILERS*

So it's obvious that there was hard work making each character's history. Now if you don't like it, that can be just your personal opinion.
O..k... Now as you ppl can my fav character was Fran and the one that i got most into, but the other characters Im able to admire (exsept for Penelo) AnywaysVaan's character to me, it takes some understandting to his background, he lost hid brother and he wants revenge for it, thats what it looks like to me, theres nothing he can do to bring his brother back bt seems to me that he wants something for it, he also wants to be come a sky pirate, thats just a dream to me, like he wanted to become something other than a comon thief. He seemes pretty angry when ever he fouund Basch, he wanted to kill him for what happened to his brother, thats understantable...seems that after a bit his mind changes, but to me..he still would like revenge on the empire for his borther. Come to think about it, he just got a lucky break to be a sky pirate when he went out looking for treasure stolen from them inside the palace, but nontheless I like him..lots when ever I play i dont feel right using another character other than him and Ashe (even tho Fran is my fav >_>)
The Characters seemed real to em as well...as if anything like that could happen, thei situations I mean, it even pains me when ever I let one of them die ><;; I feel guilty
I have no idea how many hours I got into the game but I know their planelt..uhm...Im almost done with the storyline, it didnt really take me that long to come to love the characters so much...They do mean a lot to me
(I apologize for the long post)
