[FFXII] I need some ideas to make tons of gil


ShinRa Guard
Nov 9, 2006
Does anyone have good ideas on how to make some serious gil in a decent amount of time? Killing monsters and picking up random loot isnt enough, unless someone can tell me if theres a good spot to kill monsters or some other alternate way of getting the cash.
saving up for the grimoire in the bazaar (the one that's 18000) really helped me, it makes mobs drop twice as much as normal. already paid for itself twice over and im not even lvl 20 yet.
Depends on where your at in the game. Once you get to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, you can keep running back and forth through the first two areas to kill the Alraune over and over and make a big chain. I steal from them as well, but once you chain them to about 15 or so they start dropping 3 of the fruit item they drop. Each one is worth nearly 400 gil. After a few passes the mobs stop respawning, so exit the area and return. I made about 16,000 gil of the fruits in about 20 minutes.
I farmed Iron Carapaces outside Jahara for about an hour and made nearly 100,000. Just make sure you steal from every monster you fight; even if you have to do it manually. I did that around levels 16-20. When you get into higher levels, you can farm Prime Pelts and other various loot in the Fenwood. If you really put an effort into it for a straight hour, you could easily make 300,000 in an hour.

For the most part, it seems like Final Fantasy XII wasn't made to really require all that much gil to get through the game successfully. You can beat the game and not even spend 500,000 gil. I think I spent about 1,500,000 though by the time I beat it.
Well I have all the grimoires they help alittle but not much. What monster drops prime pelts? I have been playing this game for 130+ hours and still havent gotten down a good system yet to get everything. Just tryin to find an easy way of getting stuff, guess I ought to buy the strat guide...
I bgean getting prime pelts after Cid's Lab, I forget the area name. It's the highland place connected to the sky pirate port city. ( sorry I'm bad with names )
I think farming monsters that you can make bigs Chains with are the most effective for making gil. At the point of the game that I'm at right now, I'm farming the Undead monsters in the Stilshrine of Mariam in the Walk of Reason area, zoning out to the Walk of Prescience area and coming back to the Walk of Reason area so they respawn. After about an 80 chain or so, they stop respawning, and I exit the temple and return.

They drop Festering Flesh alot, which is worth 500+ gil a piece, as well as Icebrands that sell for around 5,000 gil and Enchanter's Habits that sell for around 2,000 gil... among the other things they drop. If you purchase the 20,000 Forgetton Grimoire from the Bazaar (Warmage's Monograph), the Undead monsters drop way more stuff.

I'd say that you can make an easy 400,000 gil in a few hours of doing this, along with a ton of exp and License Points. If you have all of your character's equipped with Golden Amulet's, which can be purchased at the Mt Bur-Omisace vendor, you double all License Points you receive from monsters, so you can completely fill out (or close to) your License Board in the process.

Good luck and happy gaming.
I've been farming in Jahara for the Iron Caparises. Just keep chaining and stealing as said earlier in the post. Make sure you go sell it when close to 99 items. FF12 doesn't go beyond that. So you're farming for no reason after you reach 99.
i found that some of the treasure chests restock themselves after you have left. and some actually maintain the rare item % so you can rob the stash time and again.
there are good places to chain malboro's for fruits/flowers/vines and good places to chain bombs to get a load of valuable bomb fragments.
is it me or does the value of some loot depreciate over time?
Get the Grimoire for Undead first

The best place I know to farm for Gil would have to be...

Nabreus Deadlands

If you have killed Roblon you will know what place I'm talking about it, it is a hidden path off to the Northwest of Slumbermead.

This place has multiple spawns of Skeletons - Kill them and chain them - because trust me they are abundant and never stop coming until you zone out.

They drop bones that are worth 900+ - and trust me AWESOME exp if you have the Tippet Amulet (Double EXP on) - I think normal exp off them are 1,400 or so. I might be wrong (I'm at work sorry).
Wow that sounds awsome, i dont think im that far yet. But Ill work on it. Ill let yah know how it goes, thanks.
Farming: Basically you travel to an area and kill mobs for items. In the case of FFXII you'll probably be killing the same mob type to chain for items. That's kinda it. lol