FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

I hate it. To me the gameplay was annoying, and the storyline was forgetable. I tried to force myself to like this game, or let it grow on me (cause that happens a lot with games I initially hate), but it didn't work. I just couldn't stand it. But it's all my personal opinion.
There are people who would try to beat up the last poster for what he said.There are some people who believed FFXII was the best FF ever made..and woe on anyone who says otherwise.I know...I experienced their wrath...

Easily the most disappointing FF of the modern era..poor plot and character developement, poorly planned magic, weak espers and excessive chest randomization and a weak main villain.
plus other inadequacies.

Weak main villain, less than stellar boss battles, terrible last quarter of the game, stupid requirements for the best weapons, and Vaan aside...

This game is amazing. I love all of the characters (besides Vaan) and really got into the story. Now, granted, this story is much different than the "OMG World ENDING LETS SAVE IT" and focuses on a small country trying to liberate itself from a larger country. If you don't like politics then this game probably isn't for you. I, however, love the politics and definitely enjoy talking to every NPC to learn about the world, as it has a truly engaging and deep backstory if you are interested enough to seek it out.

Graphically, this game excels in pretty much all areas. Not only that, but the entire presentation is phenomenal. The cities feel like cities, the deserts feel like deserts, and the people feel like people. I was truly immersed in the world from beginning to end.

Now, many people have a big problem with the combat system. It seems to be a "love it or hate it" kind of thing. I suppose I'd be in the "love it" category, but I don't love everything about it. The combat system is fluid, and surprisingly deep. You transition from battle to battle quite seamlessly and the only hold up is when you have to choose commands. Speaking of that, there's a very well thought out Gambit system that's worth talking about. You can choose from a great number of commands to give your teammates in a specific order. As an example, I'll list a couple gambits: "If hp<30% cast curaga" "If Vaan status=poison use antidote" and so on and so forth. What this does is essentially lets you decide how the entire battle will play out before it even begins, without picking commands on the fly. Of course, you can still do that if you'd like to, but this offers up so much more options. The characters are still controlled by you, and you still get a say in everything they do either way. Final Fantasy XIII employs a similar combat system, though I would call that one almost...broken. This combat system is, to me, the superior version. I believe this is so because you can customize your characters to do whatever you want them to do. Literally. Want to control all 3 characters yourself? You can do that. Want to control just 2 or 1? You can do that too. Want to just spam attack? You can do that. Want to delve into the deeper magic and technicks, which were seemingly insignificant until you got to the optional bosses? You can do that too. Yes, this combat system is very intuitive and it is the combat system I wish they'd kept for XIII. But, for some reason, they chose to break up the action into smaller battles, which makes no sense with the "run and gun" feel they were going for. Plus, you can only control one character while the others do whatever they want, regardless of the situation (besides automatically learning the best magic/attack for each enemy after a couple battles, which is really intuitive) and I say control one character lightly, because "auto battle" is usually the best option :/ but I digress. My only complaint with the battle system in XII is boss fights. They felt way too easy. The combat system seems like it is designed specifically for your run of the mill fights. I would have liked it if the game switched to a different combat system specifically for boss fights, but maybe that's being too picky. Bottom like on the combat system: Well worth getting into.

As far as minigames and sidequests go, you'd be hard-pressed to find a Final Fantasy game that rivals XII in this category. While VII with the Golden Saucer, VIII with the Triple Triad, IX with the Chocobo minigames, and X with Blitzball were all engaging and very enjoyable, the sidequests in those games can't quite add up to XII. If you're looking for a game you can easily put 150 hours or more into, XII is the game for you.

Alas, I must now discuss some of the negatives of XII. First, Espers. Wtf? You don't even need them. Seriously. They are a waste of space. The best they can be described as is a "novelty" and nothing more. Second, terrible last quarter of the game. This is strictly my opinion, so don't read too much into it, but the tower near the end of the game is just about the most boring thing in the world. Why it was so bad compared to the rest of the game I have no idea. Anyway, next is the stupid requirements for weapons. Most notably, the Zodiac Spear. In order to get this weapon, you either need a guide or must be extremely lucky to get. Why? Because the only (well, waaaaaaaay easier) way to get this weapon is to skip out on 4 specific chests throughout the game. How are you supposed to know that?! That, coupled with the fact that rare drops are just that EXTREMELY RARE, and those drops are what are needed to get the best weapons. So expect to spend countless hours doing needless, tedious grinding for stupid lucky drops. This is, by far, the worst part of the game. Well, besides Vaan. He is the worst male lead in the Final Fantasy franchise, period. Even Bartz had more personality and heroism than Vaan. Balthier or Basch for leading man all the way.

Aside from the mishaps, the overall experience is extremely polished and well worth diving into.

For all of you people saying you didn't like the game or combat system, I have only two questions. How much of the game did you play? and were you comparing the combat system to other Final Fantasies? Because, frankly, I think a lot of you only played about 3 or 4 hours and stopped. You had no time to truly get into the combat system and experience it at its peak. If you played the whole game, or at least 3/4 of it, and still didn't like it, then I can live with that. But come on, give the game a chance.

Overall, I give the game a 9.5 out of 10 (20 point scale) which means it isn't perfect, but really close.

I love it.
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It just amazes me that people assume if you don't like a game you must not have have played it..or at least didn't play it very long.I put probably 700 or so hours into that game.

and yes I still don't like it.

I still believe Matsuno leaving before the game was completed/polished has a lot to do with it's problems/issues.
It must have..and it still amazes me that people who like the game or love it avoid admitting that was a problem for the game.It had to have been a problem with the game as it would be for any game.

Hours played have nothing to do with whether you like a game or don't.
I refuse to believe you played it for 700 hours. 70, maybe, but 700? That would be evidence that you liked the game. Heck, 70 would be evidence that you liked the game. I would never keep playing a game I didn't like for more than 25 hours unless I had a really good reason to.
I admit, I didn't like FFXII much... None of the characters I could form attachments too, the story was rather 'ho-hum' and the whole experience left me feeling... 'meh'. Granted I've only played (and yes, finished) this game once, that was a few years ago. As I'm now stuck with my trusty PS2 (due to my Xbox 360 Elite, which is only 8 months old RROD) I've decided to play this again, to see if it appeals to me now, or if my first opinion is still accurate.
I think I know why so many people didn't like the game.

It brought back OLD Final Fantasy, when there wasn't always a villain trying to look exactly like its previous successor (You know of what I speak). It brought back a "crystal" plot, saving the world with the crystals, great characters (despite what haters say) and a really original magic, skill and gambit system.

The game is still technically a RPG, since you can play it that way, technically. But no, once a game offers something other than a button smasher (sitting there for a battling pressing one button) the game calls for you to interact with your surroundings and enemies, to either avoid a deadly mistake, or challenge that one monster that bested you before, people hate it because it caused you to actually think about the outcome of your battle. Like, what if that enemy ended your chain? Or, what if that enemy only appeared once and you killed it without stealing the special item to make Ultima Weapon or something?

A lot of people like to complain about the battle system, but I believe that's only because they
couldn't play it, let alone playing it semi well.

Easy Game + rip off characters of previous games = superb, mcawesome, original, koolest game ever.

Hard game + original characters + unique battle system that calls for you to think harder = lame, mclame because it wasn't like the one everyone loves, yesh?

Easily the most disappointing FF of the modern era..poor plot and character developement, poorly planned magic, weak espers and excessive chest randomization and a weak main villain.
Please, explain to me how the characters were poorly written? The best haters can come up with, is just saying it. They have no evidence that actually supports their conclusion of the game other than the fact that they don't appreciate the classical FF games, but the ones where it is the same basic shell with different graphics and a different leading male name. All the characters were completely original and not poorly developed. The only other character like Balthier, was Edgar, or maybe Edge from FF4.

Ash? She was a really good character, never seen one like her before -- most princess are weak and can't help themselves and can only use a staff and take away 5 hit damage. Penelo? I thought she was the most original in the entire game, not my favorite, but is rightly so. Larsa? Do I have to get started on how awesome of a character he was? I've never seen his kind of character or his wonderful development, ever. Or maybe Vaan? Wait...okay, he wasn't entirely original, but eh, still good character development.

The Espers were actually quite strong, did you know if you increased your magical strengths, they would too, increase their stats? You can't see their stats in a window HUD, but you can SEE it going up with leveling and magical strengthening. If you had taken the time to fully understand the License System, you would have known this....

Actually....the only chests that reappeared during the course of the game were ones with potions or healing items, or Motes of different kind -- but mostly a small amount of Gil. Its not really random either, as the I said, the only "random" ones contains the same thing over and over again, except for the special chests you could only open once or twice -- at all.

The only chests you could open over and over again, but then again not a limitless number, contain the same basic element of items: potions, healing status items, Motes and finally, gil, sometimes about 300 Gil.

Poorly planned magic? How so? Mind explaining it a bit...? The magic was very up front and very needed, the Elementals would have been a **** without the magic. It was equipped to the game perfectly. It was just like the classics -- you buy the magic and learn it, and then you can use it. There wasn't and isn't, a way they could have "poorly" planned the magic out in the system. Again though, how so? Elaborate please. :)

I think haters just tried to see something in it and failed to see how great of a game it was. They were too busy on something (hinthint: love triangle in it possibly?) or always comparing it to their ultimate favorite FF game -- FF7, FF6, FF5, FF5, FF3, FF2, FF1 or what ever is your favorite.

You spent too much time hoping to see recreations of your beloved FF game, to see the uniqueness and fun, engaging game that is FFXII. You just need to not concentrate on comparing it, and see it for its individual perks -- a game that brought BACK the old FF classics.

*Whoo, long post is long post. Sorry for any grammar mistakes, its late and I haven't had sleep in weeks :(

Also, I didn't mean to offend anyone. If I did, I'm terribly sorry. I'm just trying to get my point across, to understand why people can hate the game. Again, I apologize if I was rude sounding. I tried not to be....*

Anyway, have a great day/night! :P
Couldn't care less whether you or anyone else

I refuse to believe you played it for 700 hours. 70, maybe, but 700? That would be evidence that you liked the game. Heck, 70 would be evidence that you liked the game. I would never keep playing a game I didn't like for more than 25 hours unless I had a really good reason to.

on this forum or any other forum believe me about anything.
I don't come to forums to convince people.It's simply a waste of time trying to convince silly fans of anything..
So I don't bother trying.
I played 700 hours regardless of whether you believe it or not.

As far as the poor plot and character development..compare the game to FF Tactics and you will easily see how unpolished and incomplete the characters are.

Like I said I don't try to convince the fans of anything..People like me who see the flaws see them..people who love the game and refuse to see the flaws cannot be convinced by anything...evidence or not evidence..The believe what they choose to about the game..and that is their right.

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First playthrough I really wasn't a fan, the story is quite boring and not too exhilarating and I disliked all characters and their voices bar Balthier who rocked my socks. The gameplay system wasn't really my thing and I didn't enjoy the real-time element not to mention the difficulty attaining the super awesome weapons.

However I was playing on a friend's save file a few weeks ago (The bahamut had just been released) and I really found myself enjoying it much more. The story and characters were still awful but I appreciated the graphics much more not to mention battle system. When you really get into it requires a lot of strategy and thinking to make it work, as well as tuning it to specific environments and creatures. So actually a pretty good game, just pretty different in my opinion.
on this forum or any other forum believe me about anything.
I don't come to forums to convince people.It's simply a waste of time trying to convince silly fans of anything..
So I don't bother trying.
I played 700 hours regardless of whether you believe it or not.

As far as the poor plot and character development..compare the game to FF Tactics and you will easily see how unpolished and incomplete the characters are.

Like I said I don't try to convince the fans of anything..People like me who see the flaws see them..people who love the game and refuse to see the flaws cannot be convinced by anything...evidence or not evidence..The believe what they choose to about the game..and that is their right.


Are you mentaly challanged, ok can i say on my second playthrough of this game i spent 160hrs and did EVERYTHING, what the hell dd you do for 500hrs stare at the screen, saying you play the play that long is a lie and you know it. Also if you didn't like it why'd you spend that long on it and i know your going to say "well i still wanted to beat it" ok granted but the amount of time you reckoned you spent on a game you didn't like is bull shit i'm sorry but it really is
Are you mentaly challanged, ok can i say on my second playthrough of this game i spent 160hrs and did EVERYTHING, what the hell dd you do for 500hrs stare at the screen, saying you play the play that long is a lie and you know it. Also if you didn't like it why'd you spend that long on it and i know your going to say "well i still wanted to beat it" ok granted but the amount of time you reckoned you spent on a game you didn't like is bull shit i'm sorry but it really is

That's enough. Name calling is not necessary so please do not insult other members. Fair enough if you don't believe what he's saying but keep the insults to yourself and let's move along please. There's no need to continue derailing this thread with arguments about how long someone played the game.

I didn't like it at first, everything seemed to active. But then I started to go slower and work out my training and I loved it so much. Of course, my first play was on my sisters file just out of Bhujerba and I was really confused and had no idea how everything worked....

I think people think the story line is forgettable or bad, because the quests distract you from the plot for so long and so many times, you forget the story before you achieve the end of it.
Besides the fact that Vaan, Penelo (well okay, she gets kidnapped), and I THINK Fran (I haven't beaten so I'm not sure) have literally NOTHING to do with the game besides they are just... there, this game was really cool to me.

When I was younger and I got it, I thought this game sucked because it was too confusing to understand. Now that I'm playing it and understand every other word that gets said, I can really appreciate this story. Definitely the darker more real-ish themes.

I'm not really sure why people hate the battle system. It's basically turn-based... exect the characters can actually move around. Maybe too action-based for them?

In short, if you can handle a more mature, less cliched story (I saw less cliches than usual but I guess not everyone will agree,) and one awkward character (Vaan) then yes this game is likeable.
well thank you moderator...
I won't comment on what that other person said....

Some people..rotfl..may not understand if you love a series such as FF you play it even though you may not like the game.
You're a nostaglia type of person..a retro type of guy who loves the series for what it once was...and yes that included Matsuno, Sakaguchi and the other original starting directors of the various aspects of FF.
So you play the game.
Even if you aren't successful with it.

I'm finished with discussing FFXII.
Moderator? :rubs chin:

I'm not really sure why people hate the battle system. It's basically turn-based... exect the characters can actually move around. Maybe too action-based for them?

Exactly! It was turn-based but with the ability to move around to continue your turn-based attack system
Essentially it worked just as FFVII's battle system did, but, as you've said, with the ability to tactically position yourself, instead of the usual singular positionings. I understand that some people dislike the change from their beloved positioned turn-based system, but there really isn't enough within FFXII's battle system to "hate" it as much as they do. It's blowing something that was so innovative completely out of preportion, and ruining the experience for others, in reality.
Essentially it worked just as FFVII's battle system did, but, as you've said, with the ability to tactically position yourself, instead of the usual singular positionings. I understand that some people dislike the change from their beloved positioned turn-based system, but there really isn't enough within FFXII's battle system to "hate" it as much as they do. It's blowing something that was so innovative completely out of preportion, and ruining the experience for others, in reality.

It was still turn-based, so using that as an excuse to hate the game (for no good reason lol) is just silly. I can understand the music, although I think it is very beautiful and matches, a lot of haters seem to think the music didn't "match" FF games. Or maybe they could argue the fact that the Espers had nothing to help you with..... :<
dare i say this battle system is a hell of alot like dragon age the reason i bring this up is because alot of the haters probably liked the battle system in dragon age but then hated it in this

everyone is all poopie pants because final fantasy has changed well guess what even tho the older FF's were awesome people just don't want jrpg's like they used to it's either change final fantasy up abit or just leave it now

no i was abit disapointed when i started playing but as a game in it's self it was ok it was still well made had a hell of alot of work put into it

but a bunch of spoiled brats still spit in the developers face
well thank you moderator...
I won't comment on what that other person said....

Some people..rotfl..may not understand if you love a series such as FF you play it even though you may not like the game.
You're a nostaglia type of person..a retro type of guy who loves the series for what it once was...and yes that included Matsuno, Sakaguchi and the other original starting directors of the various aspects of FF.
So you play the game.
Even if you aren't successful with it.

I'm finished with discussing FFXII.

I really don't care how much you like a series. If a game is shit, it's shit. You're not going to force yourself to sit down and play a game for 500+ hours unless you're some kind of masochist. For example, I hated FFX and FFXIII with a passion. I've never dedicated more than 24 hours for either one of them.

Sure, I love the series, but I'm not going to force myself to sit down and play a shit game just because of the name.

Back on topic: I can't say I loved this game, but I can't say I hated it. I find the story somewhat average, and as far as characters go, I really only liked Fran and Baltheier. (Or however you spell it)

It gets a meh out of 5 on a Ringo scale. :mokken:
Back on topic: I can't say I loved this game, but I can't say I hated it. I find the story somewhat average, and as far as characters go, I really only liked Fran and Baltheier. (Or however you spell it)

It gets a meh out of 5 on a Ringo scale. :mokken:

The story, as you said, was about average (although I thought it was a little above that) and the characters were good, if that's what you meant.

I found the characters to be the best of the game, because I've never seen characters like them before, especially Larsa, Penelo (?), Balthier and Fran. They were completely new, it was refreshing.

@Dark Knight:
12 actually brought back the olden game's story elements. People are use to comparing new FF games nowadays, to FF7, 8 and 9 to get to know the good story and characters.

Part of the reason I loved 12, was because it was like the better of the FF games. :x3: